Wow, alot has happened on my day away. My little sister and her friend decided to surprise me with a visit so I went MIA. We went shopping and out to dinner with our grandparents. Then last night we watched a movie "High School". Wasn't something DH and I would normally watch. But, its about all the video store had left on Friday night. It was a good time.
My sister left this morning. I'm now cuddling with DD... But, I have much to do. Tomorrow our friends are coming over for football games. The season has started and I'm now hostess.

How exciting though... It goes fast and is 16 weeks. At the end this season we will be 37 weeks! Eek!
Happyface: Everything worries us about our lil babies. But, I'm sure its nothing. I had spotting a bit with DD, tinged in with CM.
Ich: How are you holding up at your Mom's house? How have you been feeling?
S: Still pregnant today? But, not for long!
Sevilla: You'll find a name... I'm sure.

Happy Birthday to DD!

Also Happy 30 weeks! And... I hope you find time to get some rest this weekend.
Snow: I'm so happy to hear you are off bed rest! I just know everything is ok or the Dr. wouldn't have put you on a picnic. Can't wait for scan day!

Love the website those blooms are so cute.
Srrhc: I hope you can find some time to rest this weekend also. Have a good time with DH, watching the game. Have a drink!
NeeSAH: You can stay strong for team green! However, I know I couldn't. I'm actually pretty sure I'm

, but dang how much I get scared buying things with conformation. I was told at 14 weeks and unable to confirm at 19 weeks. Were you team green for DD?