Cath: I didn't notice any red gums, they are all pink! And I have a cluster of about 5 sores on my bottom right gumline. It is painful. But, I've read that you can use Corsodyl mouthwash... So, I might try that. The salt water isn't helping. Good news is I've read they are supposed to go away in 3-4 days. I sure hope so.
They are caused by hormones and your immune system being down so it doesn't reject your pregnancy.
I hope yours go away also. It is so painful.

I took two tylenol yesterday and all it did was knock me out for two hours. So, no pain relief for me.
Tlustica: Yay! I'm so excited to hear a bump is showing! Also July 2 isn't to far off for your midwife appt.

I'll have appointments every 4 weeks until the third trimester where it'll be every 2 weeks, then every week... barring no complications.
I've heard of women having all sorts of breastfeeding dreams. I think its an amazing beautiful act. I'm excited about it... You'll get better with your thoughts about it the more you learn.

Will you take a class?
SnowAngel: I love the frame idea. That is so cute! I didn't do anything, I just told everyone it was a girl! For myself I'm going boy until I feel or hear otherwise.

The gender doesn't matter to me either. However, I'd love to give DH the son his heart desires. But, I plan on more children... Sooo it doesn't have to be this time.
Tezzy: Love the beautiful pictures! I'm glad FFion had a wonderful 4th birthday. She is absolutley beautiful!

I also love the cake!