Leinzlove's Bump Friends (14 Blue, 12 Pink, 8 Angels) 25 BORN!!

Yeah Wiggler, but either way... you'll have 2 boys or 2 girls or maybe even more if you're having twins. :)

People always make it up with whatever you are having. They always told me girls were harder. But, had DD been DS they wouldv'e told me boys were harder. LOL! I found parenting so much easier than people made it out to be.
SnowAngel: No ideas here, but that would be fun to research. :) How exciting? Do you have any presumptions on which gender it is that you carry?

AFM: Thanks Ladies for asking. I woke up today with swollen gums on the bottom right of my gumline. Theres also a mouth sore there. I have been using salt water, hoping that helps as it hurts. I've also bought a soft toothbrush and scheduled a dentist visit for July 11. I just hope the pain stops before then.

On a good note. Its a great sign that pregnancy is progressing. As its common in pregnancy because of increased progesterone and bloodflow.

Hun are your gums pink by the teeth and dark red below that? Mine are so sore and ulcers everywhere,I have steroids to use as I suffer from ulcers but can't use them :-( xxx
I too am planning on breastfeeding! With my step mom his mother couldn't produce enough milk so we used formula with him and I DESPISE it! It's expensive and we had a lot of issues with him digesting it! So fxed that I can breastfeed with no complications. I'll admit I am absolutely TERRIFIED of breastfeeding tho!! lol. I don't know what it is about it but it scares the living bajeebies outta me! I have dreams of breastfeeding the weirdest people and...ahhh...hopefully I get over it like my mom says I will lol. If not I have you ladies to help me out thankfully!
It's so odd for me to have soo much experience with my stepson but to have missed out on sooo much! Not to mention, although I think of him 100 percent as my son, I am not his mama so things are much different. I'm just happy to have a loving daddy of a dp to help:)
Oh my goodness leinz!! It's like my bump showed up overnight!! Before it was soft and obviously bloat and today I woke up with this hard lil pooch! I just LOVE it!! lol. Finally I'm feeling like baby's in there growing!!
Aww tezzy! I'm sorry you have to wait so long! That's a shame:( Maybe you can get a private scan like leinz was suggesting! Otherwise at least you know your lil one will be nice and BIG on that screen when you see him/her:) Easy for me to say tho...I lucked out getting very early scans.
Looks like you're four weeks today cath! Yayyy!!! And 5 weeks already for ich28??? These babies are cookin along nicely:)
Forgot to add this girl has another midwife appointment July 2nd! Woot woot! :happydance:
I think I'm going to keep the gender a secret (apart from on BnB of course ;)) I don't want all the comments like "Oooh you'll have two boys/girls! That'll be hard work" x x x

I really want to stay team yellow but dh won't allow it! :( so if i have to find out we are doing it my way. :haha: with dd I found out Christmas eve so I was able to announce at Christmas, I wrapped a frame that had the word "it's" on green paper and gave to my sil, then wrapped an "a" on yellow and ga e it to mil, then "girl" on pink paper and gave to dh. I had them open all at once and nobody expected it. My bil figured it out my mil was trying to act happy with the frame (she collects frames) but it was quite industrial. :rofl: then they started yelling for dh to show his. I wish I had my camera on. But now I have to try to top that.
SnowAngel: No ideas here, but that would be fun to research. :) How exciting? Do you have any presumptions on which gender it is that you carry?

AFM: Thanks Ladies for asking. I woke up today with swollen gums on the bottom right of my gumline. Theres also a mouth sore there. I have been using salt water, hoping that helps as it hurts. I've also bought a soft toothbrush and scheduled a dentist visit for July 11. I just hope the pain stops before then.

On a good note. Its a great sign that pregnancy is progressing. As its common in pregnancy because of increased progesterone and bloodflow.

Leinz I've been feeling boy since the beginning, but all the dreams I have are about finding out its a girl.... So I really don't know and honestly I don't have a preference. :flower:
Hi girls!!!

What a day it's been!!!

Ffion turned four :shock: today and she had an absolute blast!! Thank goodness my pg tiredness seems to have eased off because today was full off:



And presents:


And a party:


And cake!



Tonight I have cleaned the house and mopped all the floors too... And now I'm going to relax!!!

Hope you girls have had a fab day :flower:
Cath: I didn't notice any red gums, they are all pink! And I have a cluster of about 5 sores on my bottom right gumline. It is painful. But, I've read that you can use Corsodyl mouthwash... So, I might try that. The salt water isn't helping. Good news is I've read they are supposed to go away in 3-4 days. I sure hope so.

They are caused by hormones and your immune system being down so it doesn't reject your pregnancy.

I hope yours go away also. It is so painful. :hugs: I took two tylenol yesterday and all it did was knock me out for two hours. So, no pain relief for me.

Tlustica: Yay! I'm so excited to hear a bump is showing! Also July 2 isn't to far off for your midwife appt. :) I'll have appointments every 4 weeks until the third trimester where it'll be every 2 weeks, then every week... barring no complications.

I've heard of women having all sorts of breastfeeding dreams. I think its an amazing beautiful act. I'm excited about it... You'll get better with your thoughts about it the more you learn. :) Will you take a class?

SnowAngel: I love the frame idea. That is so cute! I didn't do anything, I just told everyone it was a girl! For myself I'm going boy until I feel or hear otherwise. :) The gender doesn't matter to me either. However, I'd love to give DH the son his heart desires. But, I plan on more children... Sooo it doesn't have to be this time. :)

Tezzy: Love the beautiful pictures! I'm glad FFion had a wonderful 4th birthday. She is absolutley beautiful! :) I also love the cake! :)
Yay! Krippy For the second trimester! :happydance: :happydance:

Also wanted to mention this should be a fun week in here.... Lots of Appts.

Monday June 11
Sevilla24- Cervical Length Check Appt.
Ich28- First Appt./Scan

Thursday June 14
Seaweed Eater- Gluecose Test Appt.

Friday June 15
babyfeva- GENDER SCAN! :happydance:
Cathgibbs- First Appt.

Ladies I can't wait to be updated! :)
WOW that's a busy week for our little pregnancy thread :happydance: I hope everyone has great appointments!!! I'm guessing that at my cervical length ultrasound tomorrow they will be able to tell the gender (I mean, I am 17+ weeks, afterall!) I am going to ask them to write it down and put it in an envelope, I hope the oblige!! Then DH (who won't be at the appointment) and I can open it when we are ready.

I breastfed with DD... I pumped for when I wasn't home and when I returned to work at 5 months. BUT she also took formula. She was a really easy baby. Formula was VERY expensive, so I used breastmilk when I could. At around 7 months I couldn't keep up pumping at work and just switched to formula alone for a little bit ('til she weaned off the bottle). I would suggest introducing both (IF YOU SO CHOOSE) relatively early on... if you don't want them to just take one and not the other. No matter what, I find women just find what's best for them and make it work :thumbup: In no time, you first time mamas will be on here giving suggestions like old pros!!!!

Hope you all had a fabulous weekend!!! I am still waiting for a proper bump to show up..... :wacko:
I feel your pain hun their so sore,corsodyl is really good but I'm a sufferer of ulcers and used it so many times I'm more or less immune to it now tests why I'm on the steroid tablets but can't use them grrrr I hope yours clear up soon hun xxx
P.s my drs appointment has been changed to Wednesday the 13th :-) xxx
Leinz: yes I def plan on taking a class! My midwife actually leads a lot of birthing and breastfeeding classes...I hope it settles my fears lol
Tezzy: ur lil one is BEAUTIFUL!!! LOVE her bright blonde hair!! And that cake is amazing!
Thanks girls :) the cake was made by fellow bnb'er and my bump buddy xxxjacxxx

The photo doesn't do it justice it was a work of art!!!
Aww your daughter is beautiful and I saw a piccy on Jacs FB a few days ago, its gorgeous! She is very talented!

How is eveyone this morning? x x x
Very Tired, VERY VERY Hungry, and sore! How are you hun xx
I'm feeling good, got a bit of lurgy, but other than that feeling OK. No symptoms though :( x x x
ahhh get some vitamins down your neck hun, i was feeling like that last week it was horrible!

Hun some people dont get symptoms until their 8 weeks gone! dont worry honestly hun. I was a bit [anicky earlier as my nausea went away but all of a sudden im starving and i can feel it coming back, ar you urinating more, sore boobs, tired, hungry? xxx
All I have is the stretchy/crampy feeling which I know is a good sign :D

I forget I'm pregnant most of the time I have so little symptoms :dohh: x x x
Tezzy your DD is beautiful! and what a cake!

cathgibbs i am starving too! that is basically my only symptom lol. sometimes after dinner i get some nausea..

first scan today and meeting my new doctor :happydance:

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