Hey Ladies!!! Just wanted to
update you on my appointment today
My cervix is over 4 cm long, so I am just thrilled

I don't know how far along I was with DD when it started shortening/funneling, but it was certainly further along than 17 weeks. So, they will still have me in for weekly ultrasounds for awhile just in case. For now, it couldn't have been better news!!!

(add to my super good mood that this is our last week of school - I teach 5th grade - and this is a GREAT day!!!)
The tech said she knew the gender... so I had her write it down and seal it in an envelope!!! I am pretty sure it was a GIRL - because I didn't see any little boy parts during the ultrasound, and I was watching the WHOLE TIME. But, then again, I don't really know what I am looking for/at with these ultrasounds.
Let's just say, if I open that envelope and it says BOY I am going to drop to the floor in shock!!! Let's see how long I can hold out opening it up
ICH try not to get too worried. I won't repeat what all the girls have already said, but I agree with them all. I know it's going to be tough waiting for the next appointment, but it sounds like you have a GREAT doctor and if he said everything looks fine, then you should trust him.
All the other new ladies to the thread WELCOME!!!!!!!!!

Congrats on your BFPs!!!!