Hello ladies

It's taken ages to have a catch up on here today, but I did it and am back up to speed, but can't remember who said what now

Congrats on all the gender scans, wow that's a lot of

babies coming our way

how exciting to be finding out
Congrats Erinsmummy on your wedding, glad you felt ok on the day, our day also went well, everyone had a good time and the weather stayed good, pictures to follow when I get round to looking through them!
I had my first appt with my Barnmorska (midwife) yesterday, it went well, she said I was nice and healthy and she wasn't worried about anything

But does anyone find it weird she hasn't actually checked i'm pregnant, she just accepts that I told her I am? My next appt is the 1st Nov when we will be 12 weeks and we found out that we will have our scan a week or 2 before christmas, what a perfect christmas present that will be