Snow, how scary! Insect allergies run in my family and I would be mad if the school weren't on top of that, as well. I'm glad she is ok!
I'm loving all of the scan and bump pics

such an exciting time! So happy that many of you are into second and third tri now. IMO pregnancy just kept getting better...well maybe until 38 weeks or so, then it got worse.

I hope you are all feeling well!
Oh and happy week milestone to the Thursday girls

it's funny that we are on Mondays now after being Thursdays for so long!
We are doing well here, just took Munchkin out for his first walk in the wrap. It was fun! I like baby wearing, although I was scared I would trip or something. I haven't been falling asleep right away despite being exhausted, so I figured it was time to get a little exercise. I actually found it energizing, but Munchkin is out like a light right now