Sevilla do you have a list of name ideas we can help with or anything?
This is the problem... we don't even have a list we have agreed upon!!! By this point with DD we had a list of 5 solid names we wanted to choose from, and I secretly had already chosen which one of the 5 I wanted. You'd think I could just go back to the original list, but we either aren't thrilled by them, or they clash with DD's name. I am being a bit psycho... DD's name is Molly... and so I don't want another "M" name (because what if we have a 3rd and I don't want another "M" name, will that child be left out??) and I don't want it to end in the "ee" sound because it's too rhyme-y with Molly. My mother thinks I am nuts for all of these name requirements


We have thrown a few around that we like, but nothing we LOVE. With DD, I was in LOVE with that name and still am. I just feel like I am going to have to settle

I don't know why I am putting so much pressure on it!!!! Ugggggh.
lch - I think Snow's idea was BRILLIANT that next year you will be able to participate WITH your little guy... let that thought keep you positive
Leinz - YAY for double digits!!! Do you think second pregnancies go by quicker than the first??? I am feeling this one just flew by in the blink of an eye. Now I am in panic mode... get the car seat in, settle on a name, pack the hospital bag (or at least make a list) etc etc etc AHHHHHHH