Krippy, I'm glad everything is normal! How funny that the doctor described your baby as "dense."

How would he know? I guess that is a good thing for delivery though, if he is relatively small for his weight, no?
Wiggler, I'm so sorry you are in so much pain hon

glad to hear about the crutches though. I hope you find some relief soon!
Snow congrats on passing your first NST!

I had them from 33 or 34 weeks with Munchkin. He passed all of them, but it was easier when he was awake and moving around a lot. Once I had to change positions and drink some juice to get him moving. After that I always had something sugary before my appointment. (It is so weird remembering those appointments with Munchkin the actual baby sitting in his bouncer right next to me!)
Lch, let us know how your appointment goes.

Will be thinking of you. Glad you are getting checked out. There is a lot they can do for high BP.
Sevilla, too bad cervix is unchanged, but as you know things could change at any moment! And yay for GBS negative
Leinz, I loved reading your post

I am so glad you feel you have grown through this journey. It has been really amazing to share it with you.

I bet you are in heaven with Zoela's movements. That is such an amazing time with the constant movement...until you can see them moving on the outside! Not long at all now!!
So if your glucose was low does that mean it was also ok after you drank the stuff? Do you know yet about doing the 3 hr?