Hi, Ladies... I can't believe its hard for me to keep up with my own friend thread. HAHA!
Mrskg: Welcome! Congratulations on your BFP! I'm so happy to see you here!

I know the BFP isn't exciting for you, yet... But, I can't wait for when it is.
S: I've missed you! I do understand the less time online. It takes me hours everyday to keep up with my threads. HAPPY THIRD TRIMESTER!

I really can't believe it... seems like yesterday when you were in your 2ww and I was in AF limbo.
Babyfeva: OMG! FRIDAY IS IN TWO DAYS! Please don't forget to come here and update me! I really really can't wait!
Sevilla: Have you opened the envelope? I don't know how you aren't! I just can't wait.
Lxb: Ahhhh... Yes, my LMP was April 15, but O CD21. I was saying so because your symptoms sound so simular to mine!
Snowangel: I had a wisdom tooth removed in my second trimester with DD. They also did Xrays but well shielded my belly. I go to the dentist on July 11... Looks like I'm having pregnancy gengivitis... ALREADY! I don't know about fillings, but I'll be having two cleanings during this pregnancy. So, its safe, and ofcourse I'd talk with the dentist.
Cath: I quit smoking first trimester with DD... And I was shocked at how easy it was after a week. I had smoked for 15 years! The biggest thing for me is knowing I JUST CAN'T DO IT! So, smoke free for going on 3 years... And I still have days where I get an urge... I'll smell it or see someone else smoking... And get a crave. After I had DD, I didn't go back because... kids of smokers are more likely to smoke themselves and I don't want DD smoking. Plus, DH doesn't smoke and if he did, it'd be harder. I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!
ICH28: Yay, that the Dr. caught it and you will be getting treatment right away!! 2000, thats a great beta number for 18dpo!
Madrid98: I'm so glad you are getting progesterone. Have you asked to be tested? I would think that they would easily oblige. When will you be going to the Dr.?
Wiggler: Hope LO gets to feeling better! Have you been feeling better, yourself? I hope they'll do the bloodwork... you definitley need reassurance!