Hi Ladies... I don't even know how to begin with all these threads posted today.
Snow: I don't mind changing it at all... And If I have to change it back, I'll do so. I don't think your Dr. will change it now. As maternal factors come in play after 10 weeks. Yeah, sometimes its nice to live further away from said family members. It'll be nice for you to get rest tonight. And maybe they'll have a gender guess for you... I've heard if its a boy its easier to tell early on. My Dr. would never make a guess that early though... but the ladies on BNB will!
Where's S??? She found out early! How did you do that S???
Cath: I'm glad you are getting an early scan... I personally think we all should get a scan between 7-10 weeks. Waiting till 12w or later, even is terrible. And especially if you've had a MC before. I've not had an easy time of dealing with PAL, myself. Nightmares plague me... And I look for every reason I can to hope that this pg is different.
I do agree though, scans to early can be our worst nightmare. It can be a worrisome limbo for nothing.
lxb: Yay, for mucus plugs. Do you know when you ovulated? Your symptoms are sounding just like mine... And I know for sure I am 7 weeks.
Madrid: I'll put you up a ticker. I agree it should be atleast the end of 6 weeks. But, if you don't know when you ovulated... you could be very scared after thinking you're 6 weeks, seeing no HB... And really you are just 5 weeks. Everythings going to go so perfectly!
Ich28: Now, hun... I don't think 10 is bad for 11dpo. Thats only 11 days past ovulation and maybe 10 days passed conception. Regardless, though I'd let your Dr. know and he'll make you feel even better about your progesterone. And the Dr. may want to retest it or give you a shot or pills. There is help. You are being monitored very well.

Plus why are they just calling you now? Those results usually come back the same day. You haven't had any signs of it being low like spotting... Your good!