Leinzlove's Bump Friends (14 Blue, 12 Pink, 8 Angels) 25 BORN!!

WTG Chloe!!!!! Thats brilliant!! :happydance:

Urgh I feel gross this morning! Please me symptoms and not lurgy!!!!!! x x x
I wish you were feeling better hun! :hugs: Lurgy??

I'm feeling pretty good here! I'm a little crazy and I checked my CM, tonight. As I'm 7 weeks and I've read thats when you start forming your mucus plug. I look for hope everywhere. Well, good news its weird... Thick, White, EWCM.
Yea I've got a cold, but I feela little bit sicky too, so hopeing thats preggy symptoms and not the cold. x x x
Leinz i think even though i have a 7 week scan on the NHS they still HAVE to do a 12 week scan to make sure everything is ok, i know of a handful of people that had 8 week scans due to bleeding etc and were worried they wouldnt get a 12 week one but the hospital said its compulsary for them to do one as the 12 week and 20 week scans are the most important.

Wiggler im feeling awful too :-( i think i got a chest infection which is making me feel sick but i think thats the nausea, eurgh................. this weather doesnt help! one minute absolutely boiling, the next flash floods!! xxx
thanks leinz.. i guess your right lol.. i hope i get my beta back today so i feel a bit better
hey Leinz, go ahead and change my due date back to Jan 1st.. I was going to wait until dr said which he was keeping 1st or 8th, but since they have told me the 1st twice I figured I'd keep it.. Besides if he does decide the 8th I'm going to be induced before then anyways... Sooooooo long story short just change it to the 1st.. and I promise I won't make you change it again. :rofl:
thanks honey me too!!

so im cooking dinner and im making risotto and it takes forever.. and i have an electric stove and i totally forgot that my belly gets hot when i have something on the stove for a while. now im freaking out. ya know how a jacuzzi is bad for the baby? do you think the fact that my belly got hot is bad? jee i may never cook again..
Mmm.... risotto sounds good~~ Yeah, as Leinz mentioned, you're okay~ As long as you don't stay in the same position for long period of time. Jacuzzi tend to change your whole body temperature and you're immersing your whole belly into the water, so that's different.

I'm feeling pretty good here! I'm a little crazy and I checked my CM, tonight. As I'm 7 weeks and I've read thats when you start forming your mucus plug. I look for hope everywhere. Well, good news its weird... Thick, White, EWCM.
Oo... I think I have mucus plug... it kinda freaked me out a little yesterday when I wiped! :wacko:
Yes, Cath... But some places won't pay for both an early reassurance scan, and a 12 week scan... So, I was wondering if they do where you live.

Here in the US, I pay for all my scans. Like 20% after insurance. I get a early scan, 12 week scan, Gender scan between 18-20 weeks, then a third trimester scan. If complications arrise then I'll get more scans.

Im not paying for any of my scans - they are all performed at my local NHS EPU. Some EPU's will generally allow an early scan if they have the capacity. If they wouldnt allow it I would pay to have it done, If i wanted one inbetween the 7 and 12 week scan i would then have to go privately unless there was a medical reason.
My EPU doesn't take self referals, so I'm stuck waiting for my 12 week scan :( x x x
Oh never? oh thats rubbish hun :-( in a way im glad they done them but in a way im not, im dreading them saying 'ohhh we think its a few weeks earlier than we thought' arghhhhhhh!! its kinda bittersweet? sorry girls i didnt realise i posted the similar message twice, i thought my phone didnt send the first one xxx
I'm actually glad they don't in a way, I would LOVE to see my little bubs, but last time we had that scan, saw that gorgeous HB and then 2 days it was taken away from us, I can't go through that again. I will accept a scan if they offer it, but I'm not going to ask, and due to when my first appointment is if they did offer me a scan I would be further on than last time so it would feel "safer" if you get me?

I'm sure your scan will go fine hun :hugs: :hugs: x x x
Thats exactly what im thinking will happen i know i shouldnt but i think after the scan i wont be getting excited until my 12 week one! going to buy a doppler aswell, are you or have you got one already? xxx
I'm deffo getting a doppler. I'm going to buy one next week I think. I know they can cause as much stress and worry as they can give reassurance, but when I am eventually able to find the HB I think it will really help if I am having a "OMG I'm freaking out" day x x x
Ugggggghhhhhhhhhhh I'm so irritated right now.. Let's just say I'm so glad I live 1800 miles away from certain family members and facebook has a block option. Geez.. Some peoples kids I tell ya!! :haha:

Anyways I had a pretty good day yesterday, dd was at school and I was able to focus on doing a bunch of cleaning because I didn't actually feel nauseaous.. I'm wondering tho if it's because I actually went to buy the sub I'd been craving.. Because I felt great all day after eating it.. :rofl:

Didn't last long tho, dd is home today and the nausea is here.. And I'm struggling to eat anything.. Dh is taking her to the movies tonight tho, so I'll get a little rest.. :)

I'm getting really excited too, for my next scan. I'm wondering if they'll have a gender "guess" and then wondering if it'll be right!! I'm also trying to plan my days events, while I'm visiting family this summer, I have less then two weeks and it'll be the last time I see most of them until after the baby is born. I few might travel for the baby's birth, but I'm expecting I won't see most of them til March, when I'll be able to travel next.. Anyways sorry for my rambling.. :haha:

How's everybody else? :flower:
I know what you mean about scans ladies. I intend to wait until at least 6wks5 to get one because last time I was send too early and the stress I got until the following one was horrendous. No wonder it all went wrong!!

Happy 11 wks snow!!
hi ladies, beta is not in yet, the nurse said she would leave a note on her desk and call me as soon as she got them, in other words means "stop calling" lol
the dr who did my beta at 11dpo called.. he said my progesterone was only 10 and that it is low.. i think he thought i was 17dpo and had a 28 day cycle but i ovulated on cd20.. anyway .. he said to contact my dr.. do you think progesterone level 10 is low for 11dpo?
I would get the progesterone from your dr, your's is a little low and it's better safe then sorry.. I don't think it matters how many dpo you were, it's suppose to be a certain level when pregnant.
Hi Ladies... I don't even know how to begin with all these threads posted today. :)

Snow: I don't mind changing it at all... And If I have to change it back, I'll do so. I don't think your Dr. will change it now. As maternal factors come in play after 10 weeks. Yeah, sometimes its nice to live further away from said family members. It'll be nice for you to get rest tonight. And maybe they'll have a gender guess for you... I've heard if its a boy its easier to tell early on. My Dr. would never make a guess that early though... but the ladies on BNB will! :)

Where's S??? She found out early! How did you do that S???

Cath: I'm glad you are getting an early scan... I personally think we all should get a scan between 7-10 weeks. Waiting till 12w or later, even is terrible. And especially if you've had a MC before. I've not had an easy time of dealing with PAL, myself. Nightmares plague me... And I look for every reason I can to hope that this pg is different.

I do agree though, scans to early can be our worst nightmare. It can be a worrisome limbo for nothing.

lxb: Yay, for mucus plugs. Do you know when you ovulated? Your symptoms are sounding just like mine... And I know for sure I am 7 weeks. :)

Madrid: I'll put you up a ticker. I agree it should be atleast the end of 6 weeks. But, if you don't know when you ovulated... you could be very scared after thinking you're 6 weeks, seeing no HB... And really you are just 5 weeks. Everythings going to go so perfectly! :)

Ich28: Now, hun... I don't think 10 is bad for 11dpo. Thats only 11 days past ovulation and maybe 10 days passed conception. Regardless, though I'd let your Dr. know and he'll make you feel even better about your progesterone. And the Dr. may want to retest it or give you a shot or pills. There is help. You are being monitored very well. :) Plus why are they just calling you now? Those results usually come back the same day. You haven't had any signs of it being low like spotting... Your good! :hugs:
Sevilla: Have you opened the envelope?? I so want to know!!

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