Sevilla- I'm starting to get nervous. It's all happening so fast now. I saw the doctor today and I'm 1cm dilated and 75% effaced. Does that even mean anything haha. How are you and your girls?
babyfeva soo excited for you hun!
leinz your 30 weeks! omg! lol.. everythings going by so fast!
sevilla i just love your avatar. they are both so beautiful. loving Molly's hair! she looks so happy to be a big sister!! i know your super busy but just wanted to ask you this if you get a chanceSo with the anterior placenta and all im wondering if this is normal. Sometimes i only feel a few kicks a day and they will be super light. And then sometimes he kicks like crazy all day. its always different and the days where he doesnt kick much im scared something is wrong =[
babyfeva soo excited for you hun!
leinz your 30 weeks! omg! lol.. everythings going by so fast!
sevilla i just love your avatar. they are both so beautiful. loving Molly's hair! she looks so happy to be a big sister!! i know your super busy but just wanted to ask you this if you get a chanceSo with the anterior placenta and all im wondering if this is normal. Sometimes i only feel a few kicks a day and they will be super light. And then sometimes he kicks like crazy all day. its always different and the days where he doesnt kick much im scared something is wrong =[
i go through the same thing! its like a battle with in. i dont wanna call my doc because im not 28 weeks.. but i dont wanna ignore it! anyway, right after i posted to sevilla he started kicking awayhe seems to be pretty quiet until night time. glad your baby girl passed her NST! ive never had one. actually maybe i did, after my car accident they hooked me up to that thing at L&D that monitors contrations and movements. is that a NST?