My sister had her baby girl this summer and I lent her all of my DD's baby clothes (and now she gives them back for my DD #2... haha) so we are getting a lot of use out of them. I mention this because someone brought up a going home from the hospital outfit... we started a mini-tradition that all three girls came home in the same outfit!!! We have a picture of each girl wearing it in the car seat for the ride home. It's really cute
Mighty - when are you going to end the suspense!?!?!?!?
Hi everyone, hope we are all well today just wanted to let you know, and so that you can update the front Leinz that I have my scan booked for Monday 17th December, my first and only scan at 18 weeks!! Can't wait
Yeah, Ladies... Sorry about my slacking. I'll be updating TooScared's . And also... your scan date Longing... Thats such a wait, one and only scan. I'm glad you have a doppler.
NeeSAH: Yes, your glucose test should be coming. Mine was to be sheduled between 26-27 weeks, but I waited until last minute.
AFM: Found a cute nursing cover. It was only $5 baby bucks at the boutique. If I get around to it, I'll post a pic.
Sorry ladies, had some errands to run. Didn't mean to leave the suspense THAT long...
It's a BOY!! Team !! I've been pretty sure it was a boy for a very long time and I am so relieved that I was right. So now it's official!!
It was really hard to get him to stop squirming and get the potty shot. We actually got a profile view, and then another shot where he had his hand over them. Little bugger was being coy!
And now I can officially say...we are awaiting the arrival of COLTON JACOB.
LOL! Thanks ladies! This is all new territory now. AND now I get to go SHOPPING!! MWAHAHAHA!! I have had a nursery set for a very long time, can't wait until we get to our new house and I can prepare a room for out lil man. Then I get to have fun making a room for my daughter and my son. Best of both world, yay!
AFM: Dr. Appt. today went great! I was soooo happy! Sigh! I'm always so afraid to be sent for more observation and testing. I didn't want to especially today because DD had to go with me. DH is working 6 days to have our anniversary off, which is Monday.
DD didn't take kindly to the DR. measuring my Zoela bump and using the doppler. She threw a fit and was unconsolable. My blood pressure was real good 128/64. That keeps me happy. It went bad with DD at 34 weeks.
Also I'd been concerned about my fasting glucose level increasing to the 80s these last 4 days. When it'd previously been late 60's, early 70s for the last two weeks. Dr. said was normal and if it went in the 90s he wanted to know.
So far... So good! Plus wanted to share... I have three sisters due with 2013 babies! My SIL Feb. 14, My sister July 2, and my brothers Wife July 15th... How bout that baby bug!
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