Wow they usually keep you in for 2 days for a vaginal birth and 3 days for a C-section. I was released within 21 hours with DD, because she was sent to Children's.
I also just try to figure out Zoela's movements. And anything cold does the trick. Or standing in the shower... gets her going.
And its always better to go in for any doubt.
awww sevilla thanks so much honey! when I Was with FOB i was still going to go back to work but not for a year or so.. things didnt work out, I am thankful to qualify for basically free daycare, because with my salary daycare would take a whole chunk out! What kind of pump do you have? This sounds stupid, but do you need to get bottles that like work with the pump? or any bottles?? lol
also i wanted to ask, i read on here that with an anterior placenta, a lot of babies come out back to back and its a really rough labor. Did Alexa come out back to back??
Wow they usually keep you in for 2 days for a vaginal birth and 3 days for a C-section. I was released within 21 hours with DD, because she was sent to Children's.
I also just try to figure out Zoela's movements. And anything cold does the trick. Or standing in the shower... gets her going.
And its always better to go in for any doubt.
Must be a USA thing. I think hospitals want baby in for a minimum of 24 hrs. Tho you can probably sign yourself out. the hospital told me plan on a two day stay if I have an uncomplicated vag delivery and 3 for a section. It's going to be a little hard with dd just because I don't know how happy dh will be to be in total control. I think my mom will probably stay in the hospital with me cause dh has no desire to sleep in the recliner (he has a broken back)
Congrats to her!! I thought she wasn't due until January.