Snow - I am INCREDIBLY jealous of your deals you found!!! I am just too much of a baby to brave the crowds in stores after Thanksgiving. So, today I am looking around online for some cyber monday deals. I would LOVE to just be DONE with the shopping.
I am trying to get into the holiday spirit like the rest of you... but with my toddler and a newborn, I just don't seem to have the energy. I can barely keep my house clean these days let alone decorate for Christmas

I figure it'll just be more "clutter" in the house!!!

So we might just stick with putting lights on the outside of the house and putting up the tree and stockings. Next year when the girls are older we will get into it more

For now I just need to get a list together of who I need to buy for and try my best to get as much done online as possible!!!!
Seaweed - doesn't time fly by??? Honestly sometimes I have a hard time believing my Molly is two years old.
Some advice on shots.... when they give them shots in the leg, put pressure on their other leg. With DD I squeeze and rub her opposite thigh and she doesn't even flinch when she gets her shots. I forget where I read it, but IT WORKS!!! Then I breastfed right after... it was like she never even got the shot
Who has appointments this week? I look forward to reading about them!!! Can you believe next week is