I'm sorry you had GD, Ich. I wasn't diagnosed much before you were. 28+2, and Zoela has been measuring on the small side. I haven't changed much with my diet at all. I check my sugar 4 times a day and it has been good. I still have chocolate cake or a soda every once in awhile. It hasn't been nearly as bad as I had thought it would be.
They will watch you, hun! Thats what the Dr. is for.
They won't be able to do anything about baby's size right now, anyways. And you can't eliminate all carbs, you need some to keep your brain running. As for a meter, your health insurance can cover it. Mine does. Good thing to because the test strips are about $100 a box.
GD doesn't mean everything bad. It means your placenta is working so well its using more of your insulin.