Happyface: Sounds awful that your insurance won't cover anything and you are in so much pain.

I hope you find some relief soon.
Ich: I have no idea but I've heard that its okay to measure 2-3 weeks ahead in the third trimester. I wouldn't think 4lbs 2oz is that big for 31 weeks. You would be working on a 7lbs 2oz baby at 37 weeks. As they gain about 1/2 pound a week. And today Zoela measured 7lbs 1oz, 50 percentile. I hope you can contact someone soon though 8 high readings is not good.
Ladies: I've been working on the first post of this thread. Will update more of it later.
AFM: I'm so tired but I thought I would come on here and update before seeing if DD wants to take a nap with me. I spend to much time awake being excited and also worrying the night before an ultrasound. But everything went great!
Zoela weighs 7lbs 1oz, which is 50 percentile, measuring right on with her due date. She is also head down and fully engaged. I'm 1cm dilated and 20% enfaced. Heart rate is 140bpm. (She is 12oz bigger than Chloe was at this point.) We will be meeting our little love one day soon.
I took DD and DH with me and got the same mean tech I had last time. She wouldn't allow them back until the end and when she had her ultrasound measurements. It didn't set to well with me as its done at my hospital and it should be family oriented.
All of her measurements were between Jan. 16 and Jan. 20. Not a single one behind her EDD. Hmmmm... as prior she had measured right on with ovulation Jan. 25. Didn't tell the family about measuring a bit ahead. As they already think I'm going early, and I really don't know. I do know that I won't be induced before 39 weeks and for sure I won't be allowed to go past my EDD.
I'm a bit surprised that she's taking up my whole belly. And she doesn't have much room left in there. My Dr. will really be looking at my placenta. With GD thats our worry that the placenta will stop doing its job earlier. So, I'm very curious to hear what he says on Monday. And I will go with whatever he suggests.
I'm very happy though that I've had less complications this time around.

And I'm very excited that sooon I'll be holding my rainbow. I cry just thinking about it. (Happy Tears!)