Hey ladies! Hope all is well. Just came back from my obgyn appt, so I thought I'd give you all an update.
My bp is good, weight is good, baby is measuring perfectly, no GD, iron a bit low so I have to take supplements, and the achiness/tenderness I've been feeling in my uterus is just stretching.
Now for the blah part....
Dr is concerned with my preterm contractions. Last time he was hoping it was a one time thing, progesterone would relax my uterus and all would be well. That's not really how it's going. I'm still having episodes of frequent, consistent preterm contractions with some shooting pain into my vag/bum area. He is sending me for an ultrasound on my cervix. If it is under 2.5 I will be hospitalized. I asked him if I could just do bed rest at home instead - he said no.
I am praying that my cervix will be long. I cannot be hospitalized. I cannot be away from my daughter and hubby that much. It will depress me and make my anxiety worse. My ultrasound isn't until next tuesday, which I think is wayyyy too long to wait, but it is what it is. Having the possibility of being stuck in a hospital for weeks is going to loom over me like the plague for the next 6 days.
I mainly feel confident that my cervix will be fine, but I'm also scared poopless at the same time that it won't be....