CHERYL, OMG CHERYL!!! I'm off my chair dancing! I'm just so happy! This is the best news ever! I can't believe what you've had to go through. But, I'm so happy for the happy outcome!

We are bump buddies, and I'll be changing my signature again!

I'm also pleased to be putting you up a ticker! I was waiting on this scan for you today, to add your angel... But instead theres a baby! Oh, I just can't stop going on and on. This has made my day!


Happy 6 weeks, SWEET PEA!
Madrid: How awful not being able to see the screen? Did they atleast point out the HB right away? The waiting to know all is ok, is awful! Anyways, 9 more sleeps for you and you'll being seeing your beautiful baby again! I truly pray for you everyday, hun! Your strength to get through each day and that this time you are carrying your forever baby.
Wiggler: This thread is just loaded with good news this week!

I'm so happy you are getting your scan tomorrow. I can't wait to hear all about it. It's gonna be great!

Oh yeah, its good that I've found you on FB!

I would recognize your beautiful daughter almost anywhere.
Mrskg: It is very good to see you! I'm sorry to hear that you are sick. I hope it passes soon and you find relief.

This is exciting... you are now a blueberry! Happy 7 weeks! And only 12 days till your scan! Seems like forever, but I hope it goes quick! I feel so good about this being your forever bean.

I pray for you everyday hun, and truly wish and hope that this time is different.
SEAWEED aka S: Hey hun... wanted to update you on LTOTH as I haven't seen her here on BNB but we happen to be friends on FB. As we both discovered we live like 30 minutes from each other. Anyways, she is now 27 weeks and having a baby girl, whom she plans on naming Sophia. Everything is going great with her.

I'm so excited that you are approaching 30 weeks!

Won't be long before you meet your son.

S, 3 days... 3 days until you'll see your baby!
NeeSAH: How are you feeling, hun? You'll be loaded down with all kinds of symptoms very soon.
Bump: 13 sleeps!

Hopefully, that goes fast.

Happy 6 weeks! Sweetpea!
AFM: I didn't find the baby on the doppler. What I found was the placenta. But, I won't be giving up and I know I'm looking in the right place. My next appt. is also July 17. However, I think I'm done with scans until the gender at about 18-20wks. I will hear the HB via doppler though. And I'm looking forward to starting the second trimester in two weeks.
Everyone says something different... 12wks, 13wks, 14wks. I'm going with 13+3.