Bump: ur scan is beautiful!! So happy for u!!
Madrid: that's great u saw the hb!!! That's a GREAT sign!!
Snowangel: that's so cute how excited she is!! Haha I love how she'll send it back

sry about ur poor arm
Cheryl- Omg!!!! What fabulous news!!!!!!! Congrats!!!
Wiggler-ur scans today!!!! Yay!!!
Leinz- hope the zoo was fun!!!
So ladies I had my second mw appt on Monday. It was short and simple...hb was 155 and apparently way stronger and easier to find than usual. Now I do have a question for u ladies...so according to the dating at my scan that dated me 8w1d according to that I was 12w4d on Monday but for some reason the mw said she had me at 12w6d. I didn't notice it or I would've asked but dp brought it up later. I know its only two days and I'm prolly being silly but is it possible I could move ahead without her doin a scan to check or did she prolly just miscount?