Leinzlove's Bump Friends (14 Blue, 12 Pink, 8 Angels) 25 BORN!!

deverstated some one thinks i could be that cruel! sat sobbing now!! im really having a s**t day!!
Wiggler congrats on your scan!! That's great news and I'm sure it'll continue from now on being all well!!

bump I know how you feel hun. It's the uncertainty of PAL that's taking over you. I had a very low moment yesterday afternoon. Crying and feeling sorry for myself and as others say I have nothing to be worried so far. We are doing all that is in our hands to make the pregnancy be successful but there's only so much we can do.
Have you had any tests done due to your losses? I had the tests and I have a condition and I put injections every morning to thin my blood. I hope this + the other 200 capsules will make the baby survive and continue growing. Let's try to focus on the next day instead of the 2nd tri which seems so far away now and hopefully we'll make it .:hugs:
madrid ive had every test going litrally!! im on progesterone capsules twice a day and had a biopsy in may which is meant to help it stick some how but im just terrified every day that ill get to my next svan and there will be no hb as its happened to me 6 times in 3 years! and this is prob our last shot as nothing else can be done to help!
This is the exact reason I hate early scans as I was saying yesterday to mrskg. With the first 2 losses I didn't know until I started bleeding but with the last one I had only sac, then baby and hb and then no hb at all. It's a horrible feeling!!!
Are you taking baby aspirin too? Many women find it helpful even without clotting issues. Have you had the nk cells test too?
Oh, bumpblues, I didn't know what you were referring to -- only just realized there had been drama over in the other thread.

It's so hard...I feel like when you are TTC it can feel like there is a huge chasm separating you from the girls with BFPs. But once you are in first trimester and feeling worried it can feel like there is almost nothing between you and being back where you started. At least, that's how it felt to me. So hard. :hugs: :hugs:
Wiggler well done on the scan Hun, I got pics of mines yesterday I thot u wud hav got a pic. X
yep had nk cell test was normal and i dont need asprain as ive tried it before and it didnt help... with my 1st and second mc i didnt know till i bled but third was at 14 weeks and found out at 17 almost when mw couldnt find a hb so sent me for a scan.. 4th was a blighted ovum 5th ihad a scan at 6 7 and 8 weeks and it happened the day after 8 week one! 6th found out at 12 week scan that it died at 10 and a half weeks.. so either way scans dont reassure me that much i just worry between them! this is my last hope tho as theres nothing more docs can suggest! all this and then the drama of other thread on top! x
I think mine don't give pics to deter people from faking symptoms for a free scan. I was VERY lucky to get one last time before the MC because I had been in and out of hospital for over a week with cramps and VERY low rising HCG, and the scan I had 2 days before had shown an empty sac, they all expected the same at that scan but there was a tiny baby and HB.

I keep that pic next to the plant I got for my first angel. I will always be thankful to the nurse and sonographer for breaking the rules and letting me have that picture. x x x
bump I don't know what other thread you're referring too but if you don't feel comfortable somewhere it's sometimes better to take a step back.
Unexplained losses are very difficult. I'm holding onto the hope this treatment will help me but I may give up completely if it doesn't. Too much pain :cry:
madrid seems like we are in same boat hun xx thanks for the kind words xx
wiggler great news congrats hun!!

aww bump im sorry you are feeling so down.. i have not suffered as many losses as you hun but i also am worried a lot that my cervix will fail again and i will go into pre term labor.. i donT want anyone to know im pregnant because im scared to lose this baby. i won't even think of the nursery until 36 weeks =[
Tlustica: I also don't know anything about the acne. I'm super happy your heard a strong HB at your MW appt. When is your next appt.? :happydance:

Wiggler: I'm so happy your scan was perfect! Happy 8 weeks! What a very nice way to start it! :happydance: My Dr. also doesn't print scan pictures in the first trimester. This time I asked him if we could take a video... The video didn't turn out so I made still from it for pictures.

Bump: I don't know which thread either. But, I had some confusion in a thread before with this pregnancy. I didn't realize what the thread was for. And I posted my BFP announcement in there. I then posted again because when I went in there it had been deleted and I hadn't know it. It is really hard for worried Pg ladies and TTC to understand. As TTC they just want to get thier BFP, and the PG lady wants all to be ok. We both want the same thing though, a beautiful healthy forever baby.

I'm sorry you are having a negative day. And that loss is so cruel to take away so much joy. I worried so much, I'd cry, waiting for that first scan. But, after that... I said I've passed my MC point. I've seen a HB and baby measuring on. I no longer have any reason to be worried. (Thanks to Madrid, whom told me in my first trimester with Little Dragon. "You have no reason to be worried.") She was right, but sadly I ended up with a MMC. Many :hugs: bump, I'm sorry for all of your losses... And I truly hope and pray this is your forever sticky bean.

Any plans for your 30th birthday? BTW: I thought you had a very, very lovely bump! :)

ICH: Everythings going to be ok for you, hun! This time is different! A new chance with all the right monitoring and a clerage. :hugs:

Snow: Love your bump! I hope I get there soon, also! :happydance:

AFM: So, my trip to the zoo turned out great! Perfect weather and we all had fun. Before I left my house I threw up everywhere... felt nauseas all the way there riding in the backseat. I had to pee a lot, and I couldn't get the heartburn to leave. (Forgot Tums!) Eased up with lunch. However, MIL packed ham & turkey sandwiches... Shouldn't eat cold cuts in pregnancy... But I did anyways. I'm not worrying about it. I never knew anything about it while pregnant with DD. My SIL on the other hand packed peanut butter and Jelly and looked at me like was going to kneel over right there. (She is 8 weeks pregnant, herself.)

So, it was perfect! It was a beautiful day! I didn't get home until 5pm and we left at 830am. I crashed, I was so tired.

Here's a picture of DD! I'm very happy with this shot I took! :)

So glad you had a lovely day out hun, and awww! I love the piccy! Look how much hair she has :cloud9: My DD is sill pretty bald :rofl:

My pelvis is killing me :cry:
Aw wiggler Atleast u will get a pic at the next one..xx

Bump hope ur ok Hun... This is our rainbows we are having... Try not to get yourself upset Hun..x

Leinzlove glad u had a fun day Hun..xx
Wiggler: Thats with having a hair cut on April 29. Hope your pelvis starts feeling better. Its going to be along 7 more months.:hugs:

DD before haircut

DD after haircut
Awww!!! :cloud9: She is sooooo cute!

This is Madams attempt at hair :haha:

So precious! So lovely! Awwwwweee! I think she has plenty of hair! :) Can't wait to see what her little brother/sister looks like. Do you have a preference on gender?

Its 318am here and I should be in bed. DD and DH out like lights. But, when I got home I had a looong nap and now I can't sleep. I think I'm going to go shopping on eBay. Tee-hee! I'd like to find an ultrasound frame for my mantle... Just to look at and dream of when I'll be putting the picture in there. Tee-hee! I so love being pregnant! :)

I'm also in search for a wedding gift as my brother is getting married on August 18. I could also use a maternity dress... I really hope I've popped by then. I'll be a day shy of 18 weeks.
I don't mind what this baby is, I already have one of each and would be delighted with another boy or girl :cloud9: x x x
I'm feeling a bit better today joined a thread where there is a few women who have had a few losses and are on progesterone and 20 weeks plus x nothing planned for my birthday really it's my ds bday party tomoz and my birthday Sunday but my oh is at work on nights and then my ds actual birthday on Monday so might just go for a meal x

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