Ich: That is awful! No friend at all. How can she even think that way? And say that? I would've punched her also. Rainbow babies aren't ever replacements!
Sevilla: Loving the bump! You are so adorable!
Krippy: You're MIA, hope you are getting excited! Next week you'll be seeing your baby!
Bump: Glad your MS came back and held you over until tomorrow.

Can't wait to hear how perfect baby is...
Madrid: I hope you get a scan date soon. It's nice having them to look forward to.
Mrskg: When will you have another? 12 weeks? This is so exciting!
S: Less than 2 months! OMG!!!
AFM: Thanks Ladies for your support and kindness... I just have a hard time right before the Dr. Appt. I think I've been feeling movement when I lay down at night. But, I'm afraid I'm losing it. I get afraid... and sometimes I feel like theres no way this could be going so great that something this incredible and wonderful is happening to me.
My main symptoms right now are trips to the loo, fatigue and heartburn (Extreme)