Savasanna- I think its normal to worry about the timing. I stressed about it too. Do you use the smiley face OPK or the sticks with two lines? If you are not using the smiley face ones- makes sure you do for the IUI. And not the ones that flash when the peak is near, just the ones that will only give a smiley if it's a true positive. I liked them a lot, because when I would take the cartridge out I would notice that if I had only been using the ones with two lines, I would have interpreted it as positive well before the actual smiley. Maybe you are already using them and do get multiple days of positive, like your body keeps gearing up, but takes a couple of days?? If that is the case, clomid should take care of that. I don't know how your clinic will time the IUI, I have seen it done so many ways on here- another reason I used to stress, because even trying to get answers, it seemed every clinic did it slightly different. I was always told to test in the morning before noon. I would call the clinic when I got my smile face and the IUI would be the following morning. To be honest and to make you feel better, I arrived at the same day for the IUI (on clomid cycles) monitoring at home and then monitoring with labs work and ultrasounds at the clinic- so all that stress about timing turned out to be for nothing because they were right that the smile face OPKs were pretty accurate. If your biggest concern is the timing, I would ask for the trigger shot before asking for monitoring, that way you are sure to ovulate in a certain time frame and don't have to pay the additional money for the monitoring- I know it's expensive. The IUI can be timed exactly so many hours after the trigger shot and you are guaranteed to nail the timing- then you never have to stress and wonder if you were off by a day. Washing the sperm for the IUI drastically cuts down on how long the sperm is alive for, so if I were you, I would ask for the trigger shot so that you know for all this money you are spending, you know you are dead on for timing. Just a thought. Clomid gave me night sweats and I was a bit teary/emotional on it- but nothing unmanageable. Are you using frozen for the IUI or is your donor helping? The other thing you could do if your donor is proving the sperm for the IUI is still do AI at home to give yourself the best possible chances. We used frozen so only got one shot at it a month, but if you have a donor, definitely use it to your advantage!!!! I hope you never need the IUI though!