Sorry I haven't been on here a while - I've been too ashamed... I put on 1lb last weekend and was disappointed . Silly really 'cos it's only 1lb!! AND it is my fault, I just couldn't resist the blinkin' Tesco Finest Belgium choc cookies!!!
Anyway back now and it's good to see all this ovulation. I didn't think I was gonna ovulate this month 'cos of my HSG but looks very much like I did . So we're all waiting.... FX
im bordering on 4kg lost its all gonna come bak on on sat night at my dads bday party not looking forward to having to work it all off again, but its his bday, i cant not enjoy myself
That is an amazing loss! You definitely deserve to enjoy your dad's bday - it would be rude not to! My problem is that I'm using any excuse to ATM , I've just come back from lunch with one of my girlfriends but at least I'm that full that I doubt I'll be having anything later on. Mmmmmmm was lovely though. Can I use the excuse that winter is on it's way so I need to be thinking of my winter warmth? Na, didn't think so but worth a try x
Hehe!! Winter warmth! Think I might use that one myself!!!
Well done Dandy! That's brilliant! Don't worry about having a few naughty things, if you didn't have a few treats you'd probably explode one day and eat everything in sight!!
AFM, I've been pretty good this last week. Eating much better and less of it I think. I'm 10st 2lbs (which I think is 142.8lbs), so I think I probably need to lose at least 20lbs. Not impossible, but it probably won't happen by itself! I've been pretty good with exercising though. Walked to work and back (takes about 40mins each way) mon and tues, then just walked in yesterday and today (but my legs are killing!). Plus back to work means being on my feet non-stop for 5hrs each day. (think I need another holiday!!)
Anyway, feeling positive and I hope you guys all are too.
brit tsk tsk about you just cut down you meal sizes? i dont know how much you eat, but if you are going to keep eating the naughty foods lol maybe just eat half the size you normally would :thumpup: just an idea...winter warmth
good job danniii you have the right idea, those lbs should start falling off you
i am feeling good i think i am eating right and right sizes and doing good exercise i think i could push myself more in the exercise department....but im not thaaaattt energized
well i've lost about 3kg atm, working to lose my 4th
also the has arrived so im mega happy that i think the exercise and healthy diet brought on a shorter cycle for me...just hope i can catch that eggie next time
I hope you girls will still have me here 'cos I'm still trying to get my body fit . I weighed myself yesterday and I'd lost 1/2lb. Now, I realize that's not much but it still felt good 'cos afterall any loss must be good right?
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