Hi girls!
Welcome mysillygirls :wave:
Good job on the detox pinkbow!
dandy, good job walking in the rain!!
Good job with the healthy food today kittykat!
mummy3, lol @ the bran flakes. erm, enjoy? Also, what CD are you on? Is it possible you're preggers, all this falling asleep business?
I took my nannying charges on a two mile walk today. Well, I pushed the 11 month old in his stroller. We were all dripping with sweat afterwards.
Food...again, not the best day. I'm struggling to eat well at this job. It's only a summer job so it will be over in 4 weeks, but still. I had Corn Pops, mini muffins, pasta and sauce,corn, a juice box, a pop tart, and then for dinner, Texas Roadhouse for my dad's birthday. I don't even wanna know how calorific that meal was.
Oooh, I'm a wuss with eiplilating and waxing. I just shave everywhere, and hubby has to get used to stubbly bits lol because I'm too lazy to do it every 2nd day as would be needed to be smooth. I'm impressed with your dedication!