Lets Lose Weight Together By XMAS!!

My name is Ashley, I'm a 25 year old SAHM. My heaviest was right before Tyler was born and I Got to 200lbs while pregnant (AHHH) I am 5'4 and right now I weigh 155. I want to get down to 125 ultimately, but Im shooting for 143ish by Xmas.

Prepregnancy I weighed 160.. so I'm at least under that already and he is only six mos old.

Hi Ashley!! Wtg on losing so much and being lower then prepregnancy...prepregnancy I was 165...Are you breastfeeding??? That has helped me a lot!

What are you doing as far as diet/nutrition??

I am actually not BFing.. which is another shocker >< I tried really hard but there was no keeping up with Tyler, he was 10lbs 6oz at birth and finally since he wouldnt latch pumping got to the point of insanity and I decided to FF.

As far as nutrition: Im broke so Im still eating some processed foods like hot dogs, but I have switched to Turkey dogs! I eat a sandwich for lunch and some vegies, dinner time is normally chicken or pork of some sort with vegies too, mostly I've just lowered my calories... I end my day between 1200-1500 cals, if I exercise that day (Which I do most days) I end up closer to 1500. :)

I'm doing this by not cutting ANYTHING out completely, but just learning moderation. This is really my first weight battle, I was bitty in high school and just gained all this weight within the last 4 years..

Congrats to you on a big loss also!! I hope to have lost 75 total from the day i went to the hospital to give birth at some point, but Im not putting a time limit to reach my goal, Spark people thinks it'll be in Feb, I'm betting March or April.. lol I'm SURE I'll hit a bad plateau at around 135lbs.

I have ALWAYS struggled with my weight...its yo yoed so much!! I got down to 136...but have gained back 2 lbs...it was during a recovery week between workout programs and it was my daughters birthday and I had WAY too much cake...:blush: It was so good....so trying to burn that off...I can never seem to just maintain!!

And Ashley...you can TOTALLY lose it!! I was 225 when I gave birth to my daughter and don't think I have weighed in the 130s since high school!!

what are you doing for exercise???

I think turkey dogs can be pretty lean, but they definitely have alot of additives...we got to do what we can though right???

I'm Gen, full time engineer by day and full time mom to my 1 year old at night while DH works. I hit my heaviest weight while TTC my DD, at around 245lb. I was diagnosed with PCOS and prediabetes, so that was real motivation to lose weight. I got down to 220 lb before getting pregnant. I am now at 212 lb. My ultimate goal is to be around 150-160, but before the holidays, I just want to be under 210.

I gained weight when I was TTC too...so STRESSFUL!! Thats amazing that you are taking control of your weight and health!! Its also so important to set a good example for our LO's!!! You have very good realistic goals...what are you doing for nutrition/exercise???
I usually just watch my portions. I weigh and measure things until I can eyeball an appropriate amount. Everyday I eat at least 2-3 cups of veggies, 1-2 servings of fruit, some protein, and I avoid white starches (flour, pasta, rice, potatoes) most of the time. For exercise...I jog and zumba when I can, but making it to the gym is hard somedays with a LO to take care of at night. I will do things like squats, push-ups, sit-ups, etc. here and there while I'm at home.
oh and maybe a brief intro to ourselves...

Raspberry I think I recognize you from the pregnancy boards...

I am Andrea...I am a PhD student in neuroscience living in NYC...but from Cali...a mom to a beautiful 1 year old Josephine and I am 5'6" and 138 lbs....my goal (albeit a bit ambitious is to be 130)...I started this journey at my heaviest at 225 lbs!! AH!!

You look awesome! Congrats on all that weight loss!
I usually just watch my portions. I weigh and measure things until I can eyeball an appropriate amount. Everyday I eat at least 2-3 cups of veggies, 1-2 servings of fruit, some protein, and I avoid white starches (flour, pasta, rice, potatoes) most of the time. For exercise...I jog and zumba when I can, but making it to the gym is hard somedays with a LO to take care of at night. I will do things like squats, push-ups, sit-ups, etc. here and there while I'm at home.

Sounds like your eating is pretty clean. I hear you on the gym...thats why I workout at my home gym...:haha: I REALLy love these beachbody programs...I have always struggled with my weight and hated exercise...but I AM addicted now...never thought I would be!!

I need to start tracking again...I was doing weight watchers...I quit when I got to 140...which is the weight I was at for my wedding...I am now under that but I seem to be gaining and my body is still more jiggly then it used to be...I am a work in progress...

I see you are TTC as well??? I want to when I get AF back...who KNOWS when that will be...still have a very hungry baby who doesn't want to wean. AH!!
i'm now on myfitnesspal if anyone wants to add me my username is sarahgovan x
Sounds like your eating is pretty clean. I hear you on the gym...thats why I workout at my home gym...:haha: I REALLy love these beachbody programs...I have always struggled with my weight and hated exercise...but I AM addicted now...never thought I would be!!

I need to start tracking again...I was doing weight watchers...I quit when I got to 140...which is the weight I was at for my wedding...I am now under that but I seem to be gaining and my body is still more jiggly then it used to be...I am a work in progress...

I see you are TTC as well??? I want to when I get AF back...who KNOWS when that will be...still have a very hungry baby who doesn't want to wean. AH!!

I've done P90X, but dang, I just can't find the time these days. I also did Jillian Michael's workouts because they are short, but effective, but I'm recovering from tendonitis in my knee, so jumping, lunges, and certain squats are out for me.

Jiggly body, yep! I've just fit into a size 14 (from a tight 18), which I haven't been able to wear in probably 7 years, but my body doesn't look anything like it did before pregnancy!

Yep, TTC #2. My body isn't cooperating unfortunately. 2 MC's in 5 months and no probable cause as of yet.
Ah. For exercise I am doing my bike (its a recumbent) I go 20 miles in an hour on the thing usually six days a week .. Im going to Vegas this weekend though so hoping I dont gain a ton.

In my turkey dogs, the worst thing that's in there is a ton of Sodium.. so i try to not eat those super often, but they're not too bad for me I don't think.

Im just not used to struggling with weight but Im sure I can get all this extra fluffy off :) You're all doing so great!
Sounds like your eating is pretty clean. I hear you on the gym...thats why I workout at my home gym...:haha: I REALLy love these beachbody programs...I have always struggled with my weight and hated exercise...but I AM addicted now...never thought I would be!!

I need to start tracking again...I was doing weight watchers...I quit when I got to 140...which is the weight I was at for my wedding...I am now under that but I seem to be gaining and my body is still more jiggly then it used to be...I am a work in progress...

I see you are TTC as well??? I want to when I get AF back...who KNOWS when that will be...still have a very hungry baby who doesn't want to wean. AH!!

I've done P90X, but dang, I just can't find the time these days. I also did Jillian Michael's workouts because they are short, but effective, but I'm recovering from tendonitis in my knee, so jumping, lunges, and certain squats are out for me.

Jiggly body, yep! I've just fit into a size 14 (from a tight 18), which I haven't been able to wear in probably 7 years, but my body doesn't look anything like it did before pregnancy!

Yep, TTC #2. My body isn't cooperating unfortunately. 2 MC's in 5 months and no probable cause as of yet.

What did you think of P90x??? I did that one...I really liked it...I would imagine some of the moves were tough on your knees but alot of the strength vidoes are a bit long. LOL. Sorry to hear about the tendonitis...I had a meniscal repair surgery on my right knee, its healed though, which is why I am able to do high impact moves...I try and take it a bit easy though and am mindful of it...don't want to re-injure it.

congrats on getting to a size 14!! Great job!!!

Sorry to hear about the mcs. :hugs: I know some places won't do any testing until you have had 3...UGH!! Have you tried taking baby aspirin??? Sometimes that can help if its a clotting issue...

Ah. For exercise I am doing my bike (its a recumbent) I go 20 miles in an hour on the thing usually six days a week .. Im going to Vegas this weekend though so hoping I dont gain a ton.

In my turkey dogs, the worst thing that's in there is a ton of Sodium.. so i try to not eat those super often, but they're not too bad for me I don't think.

Im just not used to struggling with weight but Im sure I can get all this extra fluffy off :) You're all doing so great!

Ooh...Vegas...how fun!! how do you like cycling??

Yeah...the sodium can cause you to retain water...

I have been eating pretty well this week...am super sore from my workout yesterday and hoping to press play on Insanity: The Asylum's power legs when I get home...

been eating tons of fruits and veggies and that has helped alot with my unhealthy cravings...I really stumbled with my daughters party....but I am drinking my shakeology meal replacement shake and eating clean...hopefully I can shed those lbs I gained and get closer to my goal!!
What did you think of P90x??? I did that one...I really liked it...I would imagine some of the moves were tough on your knees but alot of the strength vidoes are a bit long. LOL. Sorry to hear about the tendonitis...I had a meniscal repair surgery on my right knee, its healed though, which is why I am able to do high impact moves...I try and take it a bit easy though and am mindful of it...don't want to re-injure it.

congrats on getting to a size 14!! Great job!!!

Sorry to hear about the mcs. :hugs: I know some places won't do any testing until you have had 3...UGH!! Have you tried taking baby aspirin??? Sometimes that can help if its a clotting issue...

I loved it. I completed 8 or 9 weeks before I got pregnant. I never felt stronger or healthier in my life. Only lost about 5 lb but I lost an insane number of inches. But it is a huge time committment

My tendonitis is due to a weak hamstring, so whenever I do anything that works my quads much, I look like I have a baseball shoved under my knee from all the swelling.

I actually have an appointment with a fertility specialist in early December. Hopefully they can get to the bottom of it quickly. In the meantime, I am taking progesterone supplements because I have a shortish LP. My first time TTC, I just couldn't get pregnant and there was really no cause because my PCOS was mild and is even milder now since I lost a lot of weight.
Ah. For exercise I am doing my bike (its a recumbent) I go 20 miles in an hour on the thing usually six days a week .. Im going to Vegas this weekend though so hoping I dont gain a ton.

In my turkey dogs, the worst thing that's in there is a ton of Sodium.. so i try to not eat those super often, but they're not too bad for me I don't think.

Im just not used to struggling with weight but Im sure I can get all this extra fluffy off :) You're all doing so great!

Vegas sounds like so much fun! I admire your committment to the bike. I hate riding a stationary bike. I get so bored!
What did you think of P90x??? I did that one...I really liked it...I would imagine some of the moves were tough on your knees but alot of the strength vidoes are a bit long. LOL. Sorry to hear about the tendonitis...I had a meniscal repair surgery on my right knee, its healed though, which is why I am able to do high impact moves...I try and take it a bit easy though and am mindful of it...don't want to re-injure it.

congrats on getting to a size 14!! Great job!!!

Sorry to hear about the mcs. :hugs: I know some places won't do any testing until you have had 3...UGH!! Have you tried taking baby aspirin??? Sometimes that can help if its a clotting issue...

I loved it. I completed 8 or 9 weeks before I got pregnant. I never felt stronger or healthier in my life. Only lost about 5 lb but I lost an insane number of inches. But it is a huge time committment

My tendonitis is due to a weak hamstring, so whenever I do anything that works my quads much, I look like I have a baseball shoved under my knee from all the swelling.

I actually have an appointment with a fertility specialist in early December. Hopefully they can get to the bottom of it quickly. In the meantime, I am taking progesterone supplements because I have a shortish LP. My first time TTC, I just couldn't get pregnant and there was really no cause because my PCOS was mild and is even milder now since I lost a lot of weight.

do you do any physical therapy for your hamstring???my legs are CRAZY strong now, which is how I think I have been able to avoid injury.

Glad you enjoyed P90x...its a great program..but yes...SO LONG!! SO get this...I did P90x + turbofire doubles...2 hrs + of workouts...it was ROUGH!! But I got AMAZING results...I won't do doubles again though...my daughter is too mobile and put some strain on my relationship with my husband (he resented how much I was working out and it meant he had to watch the baby more)...but we had a vacation in jamaica (where my avatar pic was taken) so I had some motivation to get in shape...

glad you are having a specialist look into it...I can't wait to start trying...whenever my body decides its time to cycle again...in the meantime I am just going to continue getting into the best possible shape!! I gained 65 lbs during my pregnancy and 20 lbs while ttc...so I want to make sure I avoid gaining back that 85 lbs that I have worked SO hard to get rid off!!
I've been to a PT a couple of times. She gave me exercises to do, but I can only do most of them effectively if I go to the gym because my legs are too strong for the home exercises, so it's been a little bit slower than I would like to recover. Getting there though!
I don't mind my bike, but my husband has rigged a silly looking kindle dock he put together out of plastic, epoxy and command strips attached to my bike.. lmao.. its silly looking but functional and it keeps me from getting too bored.

Im tired of looking how I do and I really want to be able to chase Tyler when he's running, so I think that's where the commitment comes from.

I am very excited for Vegas :) It'll be a welcomed break, but I haven't really been away from Tyler since he was born... so I know I am going to miss the hell out of him :(

OY P90X must be intense! I tried insanity once but my knee swelled up superhuge and I Decided to kick that habit and stick to my bike, so I admire doing that even more.
hi everyone i posted earlier in the thread but havent been back in a while. nice to see lots of people and support and thats what i need right now.

my name is sam, im 23 and live in cyprus. i started at my lowest weight before pregnancy at 138 pound and was 163 at the end of pregnancy.im now 167 at 2 and a half years along and so depressed about the way i look.i want to get down to my pre preg weight as this weight just looks terrible on me.im 5.4 by the way.
so i started my proper diet again nearly 2 weeks ago which is me cutting out wheat and eating as clean as poss. ive started my diet so many times and just given up but now im trying to stick to it as feb 2013 is when i go to buy my wedding dress and need to be my goal weight. but i really struggle when it comes to weight loss and seem to have the worst metabolism. doesnt help that 2 days ago the monthly witch showed up

so far last week i lost 2 pound. can i just ask if any one gains water weight during and before there period? also how much?:flower:
I just got weighed at slimming world...

13st8lb , worse than I thought as I was 13st1lb at 6 Weeks PP.

Target weight 10st7lb obviously not all by xmas!

Would like to start the new year under 13st.

I've lost two more pounds, which puts me at 210! If I lose one more pound this next week, then I'll hit my goal of going into the holidays at less than 210. After that, my new goal is to come out in the new year without any weight gain. I'd still like to lose, but 'tis the season of lots of travel and yummy food.
I gain water weight, it used to be during my period, but since getting mirena its like right AFTER, I'm not sure why, but it lasts like a week and then it's gone, so definitely normal. I'd just not weigh til about 2-3 days after your period if you find you also gain water weight as it's just depressing.
definitely only weigh yourself at a certain time of the month...

Raspberry it could be water bloat...

my weight won't budge...I am so disappointed that I gained 2 lbs...in just 2 weeks too!!
i lost 4lb this week :) i singed on to my fitness pal last week and it really kept me on track and gave me a boost. i'm wanting to lose 2lb a week up to xmas. my username on mfp is sarahgovan if anyone wants to add me x

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