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Let's lose weight together! Xx

Well I'm not getting much of a workout done, my mum has come down and we are doing Zumba on the wii- too funny watching her!
Have a good day everyone! Xx
Hi - can I join your thread please? I'm the size of a house since giving birth 7 months ago and can't seem to lose anything. Hopefully I'll gain some more motivation from B and B.x
Hi Shazland! Of course! I just need to know how much weight you have lost so far and how much you want to lose so that you can watch your progress on the front page. We weigh in Monday's but a few of us weigh in on different days if that doesn't suit you. Xx
Maybe you'll lose some pounds from laughing at your mum -is it zumba on the Wii? i bought that at 5 wks pp - still not tried it! should really give it a go. Going swimming tomorrow and welcome Shazland :)
Yeah Hun. I actually had to make her stop and we took it in turns so I could do it properly! Lol! You will love it, it's really good. You don't see it as a workout coz its so fun. Had SW chicken curry for dinner, was lurvley! Xx
Oh i love the chicken curry - my other half doesn;t eat anything spicy though so rarely do the chilli and curry - although have a real craving for chilli! I want it right now! Prob with the curry is I love mango chutney - I literally have half the jar
Admiral - funny you should mention about zumba for the wii because I was looking on Amazon yesterday at it. Is it the original one you've got or the second one?

Shazland - welcome. I find getting the motivation to start is the hardest part. I hope we can help you :hugs:

It's weigh in for me tomorrow. Been pretty good all week so hoping for a loss but it's definitely getting harder to lose the closer I'm getting to my target
It's the original one hun, I love it! It def works too coz my calf muscles are really hurting today!
I have to say I am loving this diet, doesn't feel like a diet at all! Just hope it's doing something coz I'm struggling to think how it could possibly work!
Let us know how weigh in goes, good luck :thumbup: have a good day everyone! Xx
Hi everyone!

Hope you are all enjoying the lovely sunshine and having a good weekend! I am keeping on top of you to stay on track! Lol!
Well things have definitely changed for me. I messed tea up, I'm not great at following recipes sometimes! I told my husband to order pizza and usually I would just have it with him. I confess that in the past I have thrown some food away and claimed to my husband that we had nothing in so we had to order a takeaway :/ how mad is that! Anyway he had it, I warmed up left over SW spaghetti bolognese from yesterday and I was so proud of myself, as was my husband! Yay me! Xx
Ive been at my families this week come back last night and i really thought id put wait on cus some thing i ate but i have lost 2lb when i weighed last night. Probably all the walking i did while away as was very busy. I got ill yesterday morning all all i had was a sandwich on train at 11.30 i had not tea and its not mid day and still aint had anything cant seem to swallow i weighed myself and lost 1lb over night so makes 3lbs this week so im happy.
Well done mummy love, that's brilliant! : did you tell me how much you have lost so far and how many pounds you want to lose? I haven't got your info on the first page?

I have my first SW weigh in tonight, I'm really nervous!
How are we all doing? Xx
Hi everyone! Just weighed myself...I've lost 3pm since last time I weighed so lost a total of 9lb and have 12pm to go :happydance:

Hubby and I are off to play tennis later so hopefully that'll be a good workout!
Oh dear...Auto correct has been its usual helpful self! Wherever it says pm it should say lb!
Woohoo! Way to go Mrs_T and Admiral! That's awesome!
I've lost 2 lbs this week! :happydance:
wooooohooooo PitaKat!!! Loving these update! Big well done hun! xx
Well done guys! Feels so good doesn't it! Admiral, 4pm is amazing - proves your sw is working!
Thanks guys, we're doing awesome! :)

This week I started writing down everything I eat and counting calories, and the scale is showing it!
Well done on the losses everyone :thumbup:

My weigh in was Sat and I lost 1 lb so very pleased with that. OH is off this week so we have got lots of days out planned and although we take a packed lunch with us we also end up buying sweets, chips etc so not expecting a loss this week

Admiral - I ordered zumba for the wii, can't wait for it to arrive. And so glad slimming world is going well for you

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