Let's welcome Soy to this cycle!!!! 42 BFP's so far!!!!

I feel like giving an update but there's nothing to tell. :dohh:

I *think* I OVed around Wednesday the 21st (I checked my CM,it looked good...but WHO KNOWS if I did or not. :brat:). DH and I were having a row (random horrid mood swings -from OV???) so we didn't :sex: til the end of the week (23rd/24th)... Before that, we :sex: on the 18th, so I don't know....:shrug:

Didn't do OPKs this time round. Probably won't for a while, to be honest.

DH is a little more nervous about TTC vs NTNP than I/he thought he would be, so we might go back to NTNP...

If he isn't relaxed with all the pressure of ttc then maybe it's best to go back to NTNP. He will be no good to you if he's all stressed out.

Herald I don't do any special method. I just start about a day after I know af has really gone and go from there. Only thing is I been getting the dark opks and ewcm early on and try to bd everyday then for the last 2 months since temping I gear up for O then don't til later, so this time I was a lil tired of dtd to make baby. Making sure the preseed is in place and softcup handy kinda takes away from the mood. I've been on a bit of a break, 3 days, so i guess tonight i will get back on the saddle...lol!

I know, I know. Probably back to NTNP for us. :wacko:

I asked him "What if I just take soy but don't mention the 'b' word :baby: or 'ovulation' or anything?"
Him: "I don't mind NTNP, and I won't be mad if you get pregnant, but I don't feel comfortable TTC. If it happens, it happens."

He says that while he's ready to NTNP, he's not ready to TRY to get pregnant...:brat: (This is after he jumped on board with soy and went with me to get a bottle the day of my period...then I thought I OVed, and he told me he didn't want to :sex: that night, because he was suddenly not ready)

This is soooo frustrating. I have irregular cycles (and have been NTNP a YEAR including this soy cycle), so it's not going to just happen on it's own.

He's uncomfortable with me taking soy and talking about OV and 'scheduling' :sex:, but the thing is, we haven't even used OPKs or temped, or ANYTHING.

If going from NTNP to TTC with just soy weirds him out, then what happens when I have to temp, OPK, chart, etc etc etc????????!!!:dohh:
my baby luv - Thanks for the "strategy." :) I think I'll opt for a similar method. I'll take my last provera dose tomorrow, so I probably have at least a week.

lin - My DH has a similar attitude as your DH. He claims he "thinks" he's ready for number two, but he's "not 100% sure" (though he said that with number one too, and he now says that it worked out perfectly). He is always willing to "try" though...our problem is more that he can't always "perform." I haven't ovulated in a LONG time, but every time I get a "smiley face" on an opk (which I get even though I don't ovulate), it seems like it goes straight to his head (I've thought about not teling him, but he says he will probably know anyway because I act different...which I know I probably do). He does say that he hates that this whole process is TOTALLY unromantic, but he "gets" that it isn't as easy as it's made out to be in middle school health classes. Good luck to you with NTNP...sometimes I think it could be the way to go for quicker results (and not as much stress)...I'm just way too impatient/anxious to go that route.
my baby luv - Thanks for the "strategy." :) I think I'll opt for a similar method. I'll take my last provera dose tomorrow, so I probably have at least a week.

lin - My DH has a similar attitude as your DH. He claims he "thinks" he's ready for number two, but he's "not 100% sure" (though he said that with number one too, and he now says that it worked out perfectly). He is always willing to "try" though...our problem is more that he can't always "perform." I haven't ovulated in a LONG time, but every time I get a "smiley face" on an opk (which I get even though I don't ovulate), it seems like it goes straight to his head (I've thought about not teling him, but he says he will probably know anyway because I act different...which I know I probably do). He does say that he hates that this whole process is TOTALLY unromantic, but he "gets" that it isn't as easy as it's made out to be in middle school health classes. Good luck to you with NTNP...sometimes I think it could be the way to go for quicker results (and not as much stress)...I'm just way too impatient/anxious to go that route.

Hm...men. They're so strange sometimes.

As for NTNP, I've done that for 11 months. It didn't work, I had 4 periods in all that time. That's why I wanted to try soy before I see a Dr, to see if I'm lucky and it could be that easy...

I keep secretly hoping we managed to catch the eggy. If I did Ov, then we :sex: 3 days before, and then not again til 2 days after, :cry: so I think it might be hopeless this time round.

I'm trying to talk him into NTNP + just soy, and promise not to bring up any fertility terms when talking about :sex: . :haha:
I was all in a middle of a response when DH walked in and I had to fix his plate and he jumped on the laptop. I was going to say maybe he isn't sure he wants a baby right now. It could be that the whole ttc bit just doesn't seem natural to him, but it may be a lil of being unsure. If that is the case I think it's just a faze. I went through that earlier in the summer. Now he speaks about a baby and gets upset when I get af and when I figure I didn't O yet after almost being positive I did, I can tell he gets really frustrated. Guess it's easier for them to know as little as possible of what we are up to. He thinks I'm wasting time with temping and opks and says I don't know what I'm doing because the big O keeps playing tricks on me. He did give me the money to buy the soy but opks, hpts, and anything else I need I have to figure it out myself. Frustrating cuz I am not working at the moment.
I was all in a middle of a response when DH walked in and I had to fix his plate and he jumped on the laptop. I was going to say maybe he isn't sure he wants a baby right now. It could be that the whole ttc bit just doesn't seem natural to him, but it may be a lil of being unsure. If that is the case I think it's just a faze. I went through that earlier in the summer. Now he speaks about a baby and gets upset when I get af and when I figure I didn't O yet after almost being positive I did, I can tell he gets really frustrated. Guess it's easier for them to know as little as possible of what we are up to. He thinks I'm wasting time with temping and opks and says I don't know what I'm doing because the big O keeps playing tricks on me. He did give me the money to buy the soy but opks, hpts, and anything else I need I have to figure it out myself. Frustrating cuz I am not working at the moment.

I think that is how he feels, that it's unnatural.

Ditto, lol. He bought me the soy but I'm a stay at home wife for now, so if he won't buy OPKs, too bad. :haha:

I think I'll start temping though, if I can. :blush:
Just checking in with you ladies. The doctor said that I MAY have ovulated, but that typically the Provera will prevent conception from taking place (as it is essentially "flushing" my system, in order to start my cycle over). Therefore, I'm guessing it will be another week or so until I'm officially on cycle day 1. I'm excited for the cycle to start, and I'm hoping for a "normal" cycle...and that soy will assist in ovulation.

Question: Do you ladies have a BD "schedule" that you and partner follow? Like every other day, every day, etc.? Or do you just wait for a + OPK? When should I start to not "wear out" the husband...(TMI, I know), but that used to happen when TTC #1.

mauiaddict and mybabyluv - Good luck with getting your O's!

angel - Good for you for having enough self-control to not test early!

Have a good night, ladies!

I try and hold out (with not much luck) untill realy going for the bd untill at lest 3 days befor o day then try and do it all 3 days day befor o day of and day after but it hasnt worked this month or last so god knows. When we where ttc my Lo we got to the point where we just bd when we wanted and hope it was on the o days.

I *think* it is o day but not sure bd yesterday and the day befor i will rty and get DH to bd today but i dont think he will be up to it as he has had a bad night and didnt sleep much but we will see if i can get him going but if not do you think we have the green light????

My digi OPK's cam yesterday and just in time but didnt get a smile so hopefully i will today and ov today i will update later.

Good luck ladys.
Hiya everyone, i have a question!

Does enyone get achey ov's while taking the soy?? im on my second go at soy taking 80, 120, 160, 200, 200 on days 3-7 and i took my last lot last night but i had really achey overies all night!
Im also feeling really emotional at the moment abit miserable really and im hoping its just the soy and it will pass once iv stopped taking it! as im getting married next week and i dont want to feel like running away on my wedding day!! lol!!

Im a secret stalker most of the time but i love seeing how well this thred is doing!!

Hiya everyone, i have a question!

Does enyone get achey ov's while taking the soy?? im on my second go at soy taking 80, 120, 160, 200, 200 on days 3-7 and i took my last lot last night but i had really achey overies all night!
Im also feeling really emotional at the moment abit miserable really and im hoping its just the soy and it will pass once iv stopped taking it! as im getting married next week and i dont want to feel like running away on my wedding day!! lol!!

Im a secret stalker most of the time but i love seeing how well this thred is doing!!


Congrats on getting married!! I have no idea yet how soy has affected me. This was my first cycle too and I usually have bad cramps around O anyway and this time wasn't really much different. I'm not even sure if I O'd yet or still waiting but when I had watery/ewcm and even after i had the pains. So you should O on your honeymoon? Nice!
Hiya everyone, i have a question!

Does enyone get achey ov's while taking the soy?? im on my second go at soy taking 80, 120, 160, 200, 200 on days 3-7 and i took my last lot last night but i had really achey overies all night!
Im also feeling really emotional at the moment abit miserable really and im hoping its just the soy and it will pass once iv stopped taking it! as im getting married next week and i dont want to feel like running away on my wedding day!! lol!!

Im a secret stalker most of the time but i love seeing how well this thred is doing!!


Cherry this is my 1st cycle taking the soy - I'm on my 4th day of it (120, 160, 200, 200, 200 - cd2-6) and I have definitely been emotional!! I had an awful dream last night about our dog (I dreamt we had to strangle her for some reason!) and was in such a bad mood bc of it this morning and was crying. Last night I was crying too! So whether it's the soy or just the extra hormones it's hopefully helping me to produce, I definitely am more emotional. Noticed some achey ovaries last night and today too, but I'm still on my period so it might just be cramps!

FXd for you!!
Tmr I hate having to ask DH for money. I have money coming in but its all put towards
dd tuition for school and my own personal bills.
Rin731 Hope you get your smiley today. I actually got to BD lastnight. Was surprised cuz
It was getting really late and I know DH planned on getting to bed early, overslept and was late for work ystrdy, but he actually still wanted to because i told him earlier that I seen a lil ewcm. He didn't appreciate me stopping in the middle to set my preseed and softcups up near by, lol! Oh well.

So, my temp went up today. Highest it's been so far this cycle. Now what in the world could that mean??
Tmr I hate having to ask DH for money. I have money coming in but its all put towards
dd tuition for school and my own personal bills.
Rin731 Hope you get your smiley today. I actually got to BD lastnight. Was surprised cuz
It was getting really late and I know DH planned on getting to bed early, overslept and was late for work ystrdy, but he actually still wanted to because i told him earlier that I seen a lil ewcm. He didn't appreciate me stopping in the middle to set my preseed and softcups up near by, lol! Oh well.

So, my temp went up today. Highest it's been so far this cycle. Now what in the world could that mean??

Why didn't you log EWCM in FF? I would say you might have O'd yesterday!
Tmr I hate having to ask DH for money. I have money coming in but its all put towards
dd tuition for school and my own personal bills.
Rin731 Hope you get your smiley today. I actually got to BD lastnight. Was surprised cuz
It was getting really late and I know DH planned on getting to bed early, overslept and was late for work ystrdy, but he actually still wanted to because i told him earlier that I seen a lil ewcm. He didn't appreciate me stopping in the middle to set my preseed and softcups up near by, lol! Oh well.

So, my temp went up today. Highest it's been so far this cycle. Now what in the world could that mean??

Why didn't you log EWCM in FF? I would say you might have O'd yesterday!

Especially with the HS cervix!
Hiya everyone, i have a question!

Does enyone get achey ov's while taking the soy?? im on my second go at soy taking 80, 120, 160, 200, 200 on days 3-7 and i took my last lot last night but i had really achey overies all night!
Im also feeling really emotional at the moment abit miserable really and im hoping its just the soy and it will pass once iv stopped taking it! as im getting married next week and i dont want to feel like running away on my wedding day!! lol!!

Im a secret stalker most of the time but i love seeing how well this thred is doing!!


Congrats on getting married!! I have no idea yet how soy has affected me. This was my first cycle too and I usually have bad cramps around O anyway and this time wasn't really much different. I'm not even sure if I O'd yet or still waiting but when I had watery/ewcm and even after i had the pains. So you should O on your honeymoon? Nice!

I should do, i can only hope the holiday will be a very lucky one!! I did my first soy cycle 2 months ago and ff told me i ov on day 17 but with no luck but my period was on time which for me is fantastic!! i then left it for my last cycle and ff told me i ov on day 10 but my temps were everywhere so im not sure but saying that my period came 4 days early!!:shrug:

this time iv increased my doesage slightly, but im not doing so well with the temping as i always wake at different times and fall back to sleep!:dohh:

Hiya everyone, i have a question!

Does enyone get achey ov's while taking the soy?? im on my second go at soy taking 80, 120, 160, 200, 200 on days 3-7 and i took my last lot last night but i had really achey overies all night!
Im also feeling really emotional at the moment abit miserable really and im hoping its just the soy and it will pass once iv stopped taking it! as im getting married next week and i dont want to feel like running away on my wedding day!! lol!!

Im a secret stalker most of the time but i love seeing how well this thred is doing!!


Cherry this is my 1st cycle taking the soy - I'm on my 4th day of it (120, 160, 200, 200, 200 - cd2-6) and I have definitely been emotional!! I had an awful dream last night about our dog (I dreamt we had to strangle her for some reason!) and was in such a bad mood bc of it this morning and was crying. Last night I was crying too! So whether it's the soy or just the extra hormones it's hopefully helping me to produce, I definitely am more emotional. Noticed some achey ovaries last night and today too, but I'm still on my period so it might just be cramps!

FXd for you!!

I normally feel like this before my period but its just carried on! i just feel miserable its horrible!! lets hope it goes after your last day taking it! Dreams like that are horrible they feel real!! :hugs:x
Hope everyone is having a good day!

Looking forward to the weekend- DH had the week off but has been busy anyway!

We're going on an outing somewhere to enjoy the Autumn weather.

What is everyone else up to this weekend?
Hope everyone is having a good day!

Looking forward to the weekend- DH had the week off but has been busy anyway!

We're going on an outing somewhere to enjoy the Autumn weather.

What is everyone else up to this weekend?

Hopefully enjoying the weather too! It's supposed to only be 50 tomorrow which is crazy! I think we're going to try to go to the zoo :)

Oh I am making these tonight too: https://www.skinnytaste.com/2011/09/pumpkin-swirl-cheesecake-yogurt.html they look really good!

Have a great weekend!!
Hope everyone is having a good day!

Looking forward to the weekend- DH had the week off but has been busy anyway!

We're going on an outing somewhere to enjoy the Autumn weather.

What is everyone else up to this weekend?

Hopefully enjoying the weather too! It's supposed to only be 50 tomorrow which is crazy! I think we're going to try to go to the zoo :)

Oh I am making these tonight too: https://www.skinnytaste.com/2011/09/pumpkin-swirl-cheesecake-yogurt.html they look really good!

Have a great weekend!!

Ooh the zoo sounds fun! :happydance:

And those pumpkin cheesecake things look amazing!

I made some pumpkin muffins with orange sugar-glaze on them the other night- in my pumpkin-and-leaf-shaped muffin pans of course! :haha:
Hope everyone is having a good day!

Looking forward to the weekend- DH had the week off but has been busy anyway!

We're going on an outing somewhere to enjoy the Autumn weather.

What is everyone else up to this weekend?

Have fun enjoying the weather!
I'm a teacher and it's homecoming week, so I'm chaperoning the dance tonight and reffing a volleyball tournament tomorrow. Sunday is all about relaxing and "watching football" aka excuse to be lazy (that I adopted from my husband).

I hope you all have a great weekend!
I been saying I'm gonna get to the zoo for the last 2 yrs. Sad thing is I pass it every morning taking my daughter to school. She loves animals. took her to sea world last year. Last wknd DH and I went away for 4 days so no fun for me this wknd. His kids are coming for the weekend so that's that.

I know its looking like I O'd ystrdy but part of me is hoping that's not it. I know you are supposed to put down your most fertile fluid but it was so little of it. I mean I really had to scrape it up. Last week right after af, I was really wet and could the stretchy cm was so noticeable. Also, I had bad pains in both sides. Now feeling a sharpness in my left side only. The left side is the side with the closed tube.
Hope everyone is having a good day!

Looking forward to the weekend- DH had the week off but has been busy anyway!

We're going on an outing somewhere to enjoy the Autumn weather.

What is everyone else up to this weekend?

We're having my son's 3rd birthday party on Sat (expecting 12 LOs, 18 adults), and then I'm throwing an online virtual shower for my sister who lives in Florida and is 32 weeks preggo!!! Then Monday at 9:10a, I'm having my levels drawn again - At 11DPO, it was 25... So by 17DPO it should be 200? I don't want to wish the weekend away, but I cannot wait to have my blood drawn and hear the results... I hope everything's okay!!!!

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