Let's welcome Soy to this cycle!!!! 42 BFP's so far!!!!

herald - Honestly, if I was in your situation, I would skip going out after the conference and go home to DH so you could try and get bding in, but I definitely wouldn't wake him up, i'd just try in the am. That's just my opinion.

AFM - I think I may O in the next couple of days. I did another opk and the 2nd line is darker than the one from this morning. I'm not sure it is a definite +, but it is so close!! :happydance:
I bribe my DH around O time if he's not in the mood :haha: I can usually think of something he really wants, and I tell him that we'll get it for him right away if we can :sex: It works every time :thumbup: :haha:

I did the exact same thing - Ha!!!! For my DH, it was always a massage... He's a sucker for a good massage :winkwink:
Believe me, I have used bribes before, but he's already getting everything he wants at the moment bc we are going to a football game sat and he buys any games/movies he wants when it comes out. I know of something else I could do for him, but unfortunately I'm not able to do it at the moment. :blush: I understand him backing out last night bc he worked a 10hr day and his back was bothering him, but he's not getting out tonight.:haha: I'm going to make him dtd tonight and tomorrow morning :winkwink: bc he only works 4 days a week and he has some making up to do!!

We did O-3, O-1, O ... and DH was trying his hardest to get out of O+1 when I totally broke down and told him I was tired of "half-assing" my way through TTC ... that every month we'd do about 95% of what we needed to do to get there, and then burn out in the end... and then I'd get AF, and all that hard work would be for nothing!!! I told him I was sick of it, that if I was going to be disappointed, I at least wanted the comfort of knowing we did everything we could, and I didn't want to just "sit it out" on this last fertile day - He gave in - And I got my BFP at 10DPO :happydance: My point - If bribing fails, GUILT HIM INTO IT!!!!!
I'm about to pull out everything I have in me to get him motivated bc he has been "half-assing" it these last few cycles. I swear if I have to break down and start crying, I will. I never ask for much, but this is something I refuse to back down on. I told him a little while ago that we had to bd tonight and tomorrow bc idk if we can get it in sat bc we are going to a football game. I think I'm going to O in the next few days bc the 2 opk I did today were both nearly +, the 2nd was closer than the 1st. I compared it to the + i got last cycle and its almost the same.
Just a little update on me - I believe I ovulated early due to soy!! Usually ovulate at CD22-24, and this time I think I ovulated at CD20! :happydance: Super super happy, and I got wicked painful ovulation cramps as well! I'll be testing next Saturday, so we'll see if I get a soy BFP!
Herald~ Hope you sorted some thing out good luck in getting that egg.

Autigers~ Good luck hope you o soon.

Tweak~ Good luck i hope the TTW ends with a BFP for you.

I dont know why i did it but i POAS yesterday ( not FMU) and it was BFN so iam thinking on to next month. I got really down last night with it all but feeling ok today i am going to do 1 more month then if still no BFP i am going to skip Nov and may be Dec but not sure about Dec yet. I can just see me getting my bfp in Nov and Having bubs on the 3rd of August then i would have 1 on 2nd,3rd and 4th. I am sure i can only get preg in nov lol. On a good thing my temp is still up and looking good so may be i POAS to early ( I wish)
autiger > Good luck with DH, it is difficult if they have a mind of their own when it comes to TTC. Mine is also gonna be a challenge this month.

make up sex of another kind, I like it lol

FloridaGirl > :rofl: im gonna try that one, hope it works haha

Herald > If im still in time, I suppose if you are very seductive about it in the evening it will be fine but you will have to cover it up otherwise it might feel like a chore to him. My DH will not, so good luck!

MomtoIandE > Mine loves a massage as well, so it seems like a good idea. But will definitely keep the quilt trip in the arsenal as well.
Quick question on the green tea, I have read a lot of conflicting articles regarding green tea and TTC and the efffect it has on folic acid. What did you make of it and how much and how often and when did you drink it?

tweak > Good luck, hope you covered all your bases on the BDing side!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fx'd for that BFP!!!!!

tmr > so sorry about the bfn, fx'd it is just to early!!!!

AFM > Im on CD5 today, second last day of soy and im upping it to 240mg from 120mg the previous days. Cant wait for SMEP to start and to get that BFP in Nov!
Hi everyone. I have been missing in action for a while. I am 10dpo and got a negative FRER and IC today:cry: Not happy. I was so hopeful, AF due in 2/3 days. I have had so many symptoms and my chart looks good. However now I am cramping and feel like AF will arrive.
Oh and the annoying thing is I can only get Soy online and the seller took 9 days to ship it and it takes over 2 weeks to arrive so it will o be here in time for this next month. :nope:
Here is my chart
My Ovulation Chart

Believe me, I have used bribes before, but he's already getting everything he wants at the moment bc we are going to a football game sat and he buys any games/movies he wants when it comes out. I know of something else I could do for him, but unfortunately I'm not able to do it at the moment. :blush: I understand him backing out last night bc he worked a 10hr day and his back was bothering him, but he's not getting out tonight.:haha: I'm going to make him dtd tonight and tomorrow morning :winkwink: bc he only works 4 days a week and he has some making up to do!!

We did O-3, O-1, O ... and DH was trying his hardest to get out of O+1 when I totally broke down and told him I was tired of "half-assing" my way through TTC ... that every month we'd do about 95% of what we needed to do to get there, and then burn out in the end... and then I'd get AF, and all that hard work would be for nothing!!! I told him I was sick of it, that if I was going to be disappointed, I at least wanted the comfort of knowing we did everything we could, and I didn't want to just "sit it out" on this last fertile day - He gave in - And I got my BFP at 10DPO :happydance: My point - If bribing fails, GUILT HIM INTO IT!!!!!
I am so glad that my DH is not the only one. I went off this cycle as I am so sick of putting in all the work(temps, OPKs, vitamins, etc) and him not doing his part on the most important days. I said I bet no one else hubby complains about too much sex :oops:
Talk about not pressuring your man, I was awful. He really is pretty good though. Guess I may have to try the sweet talking:winkwink:, it is starting to become a bit more like business than fun. We have been trying for over 18months now with 2 m/c.

Really feel like AF is here early. Too scared to go to the loo and find out (sorry TMI)

Hi to all the newbies. hope soy gives you a BFP first time.

Herald- hope you caught the egg. What did you end up doing?
herald - Honestly, if I was in your situation, I would skip going out after the conference and go home to DH so you could try and get bding in, but I definitely wouldn't wake him up, i'd just try in the am. That's just my opinion.

AFM - I think I may O in the next couple of days. I did another opk and the 2nd line is darker than the one from this morning. I'm not sure it is a definite +, but it is so close!! :happydance:

Thanks for the advice. I took your suggestion and went home right after conferences. It sucks to give up social time (but priorities are priorities, right?), but now I'm not worrying about whether I lessened this cycle's chances. It was nice because the DH was all about BDing last night too. Thanks for helping me make the right decision. You ladies are really great! My temp went down today...could it be an O dip? Hmmm...
Tmr - Don't lose hope yet...especially if your temp is still up. FX for you!

MomtoIandE - I love your reply about "half-assing"...I love that you brought that up to your DH. The feeling of knowing you did everything you could is so nice and eliminates some worrying.

Mammatotwo - You "more like business than fun" comment is ringing in my head. DH and I both feel that way (and he doesn't even know how much I obsess over TTC). Pretty soon we'll all have spreadsheets files going (we kind of already do with our charts)...hehe.

Tweak - GL with getting you BFP! Keep us posted!

Tella - I'm anxious to know if upping your dosage changes O day. GL!

Have a great weekend, everyone. Let's fill it with some O's, BFP's, and lots of BDing!
tmr - Don't count yourself out yet, it still may be too early to poas!! :hugs:

Mammatotwo - TTC has been more like business than fun for us too bc we have be trying for 22 months. :coffee:

herald - Your welcome. I know it sucks having to give up social time, but sometimes it is well worth it. :winkwink: I'm just glad he was up to bding. Hopefully you O'd or are about to O!!

AFM - I was honestly thinking I was going to O this weekend bc my opk were nearly +, but I'm not so sure about it now. I did one this morning, and I thought it was +, but now I'm not so sure. After 5mins, the control line was lighter than the test line, but I let it dry out, I know I should have discarded it, but I use as a reference, and now the control line seems to be a little darker than the test line. I was feeling hopeful, but now I feel hopeless. I'm making DH bd as much as I can, since idk when my body plans to O. :sad1: I also got a question, that is if anyone knows. I have been taking a b-50 vitamin along with my prenatal bc I have read that b-6 helps lenghten lp and helps with progesterone, but I'm wondering if you all think that it could be the cause of my crazy O chart. :shrug:
tmr - Don't count yourself out yet, it still may be too early to poas!! :hugs:

Mammatotwo - TTC has been more like business than fun for us too bc we have be trying for 22 months. :coffee:

herald - Your welcome. I know it sucks having to give up social time, but sometimes it is well worth it. :winkwink: I'm just glad he was up to bding. Hopefully you O'd or are about to O!!

AFM - I was honestly thinking I was going to O this weekend bc my opk were nearly +, but I'm not so sure about it now. I did one this morning, and I thought it was +, but now I'm not so sure. After 5mins, the control line was lighter than the test line, but I let it dry out, I know I should have discarded it, but I use as a reference, and now the control line seems to be a little darker than the test line. I was feeling hopeful, but now I feel hopeless. I'm making DH bd as much as I can, since idk when my body plans to O. :sad1: I also got a question, that is if anyone knows. I have been taking a b-50 vitamin along with my prenatal bc I have read that b-6 helps lenghten lp and helps with progesterone, but I'm wondering if you all think that it could be the cause of my crazy O chart. :shrug:

I haev not heard of B6 affecting temp, charts, etc., but I'm not very well researched in B6. I think you are doing things right by keeping up the BDing. When in doubt, BD, right? Good luck this weekend with the O! I have only used digital opk's, but I'm thinking of also getting some non-digis (for prediction purposes). But, that seems to just add more to my TTC obsession. Would you recommend non-digis?
I seem to be having the opposite problem with my DH. He is taking it worse than I am. This is only cycle #4 and I only have 1 tube to work with. So get this......He says to me the other day I don't know what I'm doing. It's my fault we are not pg yet because I can't figure out when I O. So now he has gotten an app for his phone to keep track of my cycle this month and has already planned out what days he thinks we need to bd.
herald - I'm not well researched on the b-6 either, but I read it helped, and my dr said its ok, so i said what could it hurt. It's actually giving me energy, which I have been lacking for a long time. I've never used the digis. I've only used the test strips and I used a poas type last night for the first time. I try to keep it as cheap as possible. I've been using the Answer brand OPK strips, from Wal-Mart, for about 3 months now and it's like $18, but you get a $2 off coupon for your next purchase if you need them.

mybabyluv - I wish my DH was that involved with ttc. The only time he's happy is when AF comes. Our only problem was not Oing, but soy helped me O last cycle and hopefully it will this cycle too. If not, I have to be put on clomid.

I seem to be having the opposite problem with my DH. He is taking it worse than I am. This is only cycle #4 and I only have 1 tube to work with. So get this......He says to me the other day I don't know what I'm doing. It's my fault we are not pg yet because I can't figure out when I O. So now he has gotten an app for his phone to keep track of my cycle this month and has already planned out what days he thinks we need to bd.

I just have to say that I'm SUPER jealous of you! That's how I WANT my DH to be, but he's hot and cold about it...luckily, he's on a hot streak right now. It sucks that your DH is saying it's "your fault," it's awesome that he's so invested.
Be careful what you wish for!!! He's getting on my nerves. He won't even listen to my trying to explain how it works. Like he keeps emphasizing when af will end. I am trying to tell it that doesn't mean anything. He is being a pure dick!! My problem is i have all the signs of O and we get all bd out but O doesn't happen til later and we miss it. He told me to go all out this time with the soy. Last cycle he was like just start at 40mg. I did 80 then went up. This time I"m starting at 160.
mybabyluv > it seems like the DH's are either not interested or over eager. Hope you can deal with his obsession, just try and not let it get to you. Maybe you should look into SMEP (Sperm Meets Egg Plan) and that way you will have more scheduled BD but atleast you know you catch your O.
After what I have been through in the last 22 months, I would actually enjoy that for a little while. Sometimes I have to beg my way into bding, which is really sad. I've been with my DH for 7 yrs and we've been married for nearly 5 yrs, and we weren't even married a year before we welcomed our dd, so bding was a blessing until 22 months ago.
Update: :happydance: I just did another opk and this is the result:


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After what I have been through in the last 22 months, I would actually enjoy that for a little while. Sometimes I have to beg my way into bding, which is really sad. I've been with my DH for 7 yrs and we've been married for nearly 5 yrs, and we weren't even married a year before we welcomed our dd, so bding was a blessing until 22 months ago.
Update: :happydance: I just did another opk and this is the result:

Almost there, yay!!! Go get it in, lol!!

I tried to explain SMEP, but he has his own schedule in mind.

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