Let's welcome Soy to this cycle!!!! 42 BFP's so far!!!!

After doing days of research I have decided to start taking 200 MG of SI tomorrow on CD 3. I'm really excited. My doctor prescribed Clomid to me, but I wanted to try natural first. I am currently on Cycle number 14.

Anyone who got pregnant have Endometriosis? Thanks!

Hi Lily, welcome :wave:

I also have Endo and are TTC. After 2 rounds of Clomid which failed, I've started soy and just finished my first round and praying for a BFP.

Good luck!
MomtoIandE - So cool that your ultrasound is coming up...what an exciting time!

Lily - Good luck with this natural cycle. Your turn for a BFP is long overdue!

Tmr - Keep your head up.

Tella - Good luck getting your O. I hope this first round of soy is successful for you.

Babykiser - Woo-hoo for ovulation! I hope you catch that eggy!

Autigers - Hope you caught the egg...hope the TWW goes by quickly for you.

AFM - I'm still waiting to O. I'm on my first soy cycle, so I'm not sure what to expect. I'm starting to think I'm not going to O this cycle, as my temps seem to be all over. But, I seem to still be getting some signs (EWCM today). So, I don't know. I guess we keep BDing until I O or go in for my progesterone test (Monday) to inform the doc that I had another cycle without an O. Hmmm...
Hi ladys well i really dont think that it was a BFP like i said as my temps hit the floor today so just waiting on af now. Not sure what to do next cycle

Try not to read into your temps too much. :hugs:

Hoping it's still a :bfp: for you.
momtoIandE - That's awesome that your getting first US for your soy bean!!

tmr - Don't count yourself out yet. If you took your temp at a different time, maybe that could be the reason it was lower. Like Tella said, your still above your coverline. Just hang in there. :hugs:

lilyflower - Welcome!! I also decided to try soy before I had to use clomid. If I don't get a BFP this cycle, I'll probably have to use clomid.

herald - How long were your cycles before using soy?

AFM - FF gave me crosshairs for cd 15, Sat, so hopefully I caught that eggy. Now if time could just fly by, I would feel a lot better. I'm so scared I'm going to have another short LP. I called my dr yesterday to see if I could change my progesterone test to an earlier date, and they still haven't called me back. I've got my fx'd tightly that this is my month bc DH and I are just about burnt out on ttc. I don't think I can handle being disappointed anymore.
momtoIandE - That's awesome that your getting first US for your soy bean!!

tmr - Don't count yourself out yet. If you took your temp at a different time, maybe that could be the reason it was lower. Like Tella said, your still above your coverline. Just hang in there. :hugs:

lilyflower - Welcome!! I also decided to try soy before I had to use clomid. If I don't get a BFP this cycle, I'll probably have to use clomid.

herald - How long were your cycles before using soy?

AFM - FF gave me crosshairs for cd 15, Sat, so hopefully I caught that eggy. Now if time could just fly by, I would feel a lot better. I'm so scared I'm going to have another short LP. I called my dr yesterday to see if I could change my progesterone test to an earlier date, and they still haven't called me back. I've got my fx'd tightly that this is my month bc DH and I are just about burnt out on ttc. I don't think I can handle being disappointed anymore.

My cycles have always been REALLY long. It had been over 90 days since my last period (before taking Provera this month). Therefore, I won't be too shocked if I don't ovulate soon (or at all this cycle). If I don't ovulate this month or next (according to pregesterone tests), I will probably be put on clomid (just as I was for my first child). I am just hoping I don't it would happen naturally this time (apparently, "restarting" with provera sometimes gets things back on track).
I hope everyone catches the egg this month! I got my positive opk this morning. My temps are all over the place. I have restless sleep almost everynight. I wonder if that is affecting my temps. Hopefully can BD with DH tonight and tomorrow and maybe the next day. It's hard cause he works a lot and is always tired. He says I make him feel bad if he doesnt want to. Not sure what he doesnt understand about there only being a few days a month I can get pregnant. Frustrating sometimes cause he says he wants a baby as much as I do but when it comes down to BD I feel like I have to force him. Any of you guys have issues with this?
I hope everyone catches the egg this month! I got my positive opk this morning. My temps are all over the place. I have restless sleep almost everynight. I wonder if that is affecting my temps. Hopefully can BD with DH tonight and tomorrow and maybe the next day. It's hard cause he works a lot and is always tired. He says I make him feel bad if he doesnt want to. Not sure what he doesnt understand about there only being a few days a month I can get pregnant. Frustrating sometimes cause he says he wants a baby as much as I do but when it comes down to BD I feel like I have to force him. Any of you guys have issues with this?

Good luck! I had the same issue with my DH. He always said "he didn't feel like it" when I told him we needed to BD. Well, I got sick of it, and told him that I didn't feel like he wanted it as much as I did, and after 2 m/c's, I want it so incredibly more now. I think that upset him, because he said he did want it as much. I told him he needed to game up, and start trying then. It basically worked, because after our fight, he was more willing to cooperate. Maybe talk to him, let him know you only have a 2-3 day window of getting pregnant a month. I don't think my DH knew how little a time frame I had to get pregnant each month.
Thanks Tweak0605! Sorry for you losses. We have had some fights over it and finally when I think we are on the same page the same thing happens. I have also asked him to do other things to help like drinking less and says no if wants a drink he will have one. Very frustrating when I will try anything if it will help. I too have had 2 miscarriages and would pretty much do anything to get a BFP!
Thanks Tweak0605! Sorry for you losses. We have had some fights over it and finally when I think we are on the same page the same thing happens. I have also asked him to do other things to help like drinking less and says no if wants a drink he will have one. Very frustrating when I will try anything if it will help. I too have had 2 miscarriages and would pretty much do anything to get a BFP!

Sorry for your losses as well :hugs:

Sounds like exactly me and my DH. Just when I thought it worked, he started the whole "I don't feel like it" thing all over again. I actually think this cycle was the 1st cycle we didn't have fight about BDing. And we've been TTC since last November. I think some of my talk last cycle actually got to him, and made him understand a little bit. I hope you can get your DH to cooperate :hugs:
herald - That could be the reason you haven't O'd yet bc your cycles were long and AF had to be induced. When I came off bc, my cycles got really messed up and ranged from 45-75 days. So it took me a long time to get them fairly regular. Monday isn't that far away, so hopefully you will get some answers. I know I'm ready to get some answers. I called my dr's office 24 hrs ago about changing my progesterone test and I still haven't heard from them. I told my DH it will be their fault if I don't get pg bc we did our part. How long has it been since you got pg with your first? I got pg in June 2007 and had dd in feb 2008 and was on bc for 2 years. So I blame bc for me not Oing.

danielled - Sorry about your losses. :hugs:I've only had a chemical, but it was still hard on me. My DH really wants to run away from me when I tell him it's time to bd. We bd from the first + opk, friday, until the day after O, sunday. So when I told him we had to bd one more time on the day after O, he got mad and told me he didnt want to hear anything about bding again. He was so relieved that he didn't have to do anything yesterday. He also drinks when I ask him not too. It's not easy to convince a man not to drink.

Tweak - Sorry about your losses too. :hugs:
herald - That could be the reason you haven't O'd yet bc your cycles were long and AF had to be induced. When I came off bc, my cycles got really messed up and ranged from 45-75 days. So it took me a long time to get them fairly regular. Monday isn't that far away, so hopefully you will get some answers. I know I'm ready to get some answers. I called my dr's office 24 hrs ago about changing my progesterone test and I still haven't heard from them. I told my DH it will be their fault if I don't get pg bc we did our part. How long has it been since you got pg with your first? I got pg in June 2007 and had dd in feb 2008 and was on bc for 2 years. So I blame bc for me not Oing.

danielled - Sorry about your losses. :hugs:I've only had a chemical, but it was still hard on me. My DH really wants to run away from me when I tell him it's time to bd. We bd from the first + opk, friday, until the day after O, sunday. So when I told him we had to bd one more time on the day after O, he got mad and told me he didnt want to hear anything about bding again. He was so relieved that he didn't have to do anything yesterday. He also drinks when I ask him not too. It's not easy to convince a man not to drink.

Tweak - Sorry about your losses too. :hugs:

I had my daughter somewhat recently (May 2011). I never went back on birth control, as we want our children pretty close together (if possible). I did not breastfeed, so the doctor thought that I would ovulate for sure by week 12. At the 12 week mark (July 27th appt.), we were given the "go ahead" to TTC again (with progesterone tests starting in October...this month...if no signs of ovulation had occurred...which they haven't). Because I have never had regular cycles (it took us over a year to conceive DD), he says that I can consider clomid (again...was also on it for conceving DD) if I don't ovulate by December (according to progesterone tests). So, I'm not totally shocked that I haven't ovulated, but I'm still waitin' for it. :) Time will tell, I guess.
I would have loved to ttc my 2nd child after my dd, but I had to wait at least a year bc I had a c-section. By the time a year came around, I was too exhausted to have another one, so that is why we wanted to wait until our dd was almost 2. I guess if going on clomid will get us both a 2nd child, it will be well worth it.
Morning ladys Thank you so much for all your words and confurt for the last cycle you are all really lovey ladys but it is back to cd1 for me.

My story
Go up yesterday to temp drops had to go to the gps any way so when i was there i got talking about ttc she did a PT and it cam eout bfn so she did blood work as i was late. She put them on fast track so i could get them the same day. Any way she rang me at 5pm and said my HCG was 3.9 and she thinks eather i am really early preg or having a chem any way got off the phone to her and started :cry: I had been so down all day that i just couldnt stop. Went to the loo and there was my af. That started me off :cry: agane but i have woke up to day with a new cycle and a new way of thinking


so thank you so much ladys :hugs: I am doing 1 last try of soy 1-5 as last month it messed me up dooing it later. So on to my 3rd month of soy
herald > My temps are also all over the place, but just keep faith it will work! Keep on doing OPK's and continue to BD till it is confirmed with temps, is the best solution.

autiger > Good luck with the test, hope you get it soon and that your LP is a decent length, so that it can give the bean time to make itself at home! Fx'd for a BFP!!!!!!

danielled > I've had exactly the same with my DH, but this cycle he has actually been quite in tune with me and TTC, which is strange. We are following SMEP and so far it has been successful, I just hope it lasts untill I have O confirmed. Good luck girl, maybe you shouldn’t tell him and just do it sneaky and see if he picks up on it. Someone else also suggested exchanging favours like a massage etc. Im not even going down the road of drinking, im just leaving it. His SA was fine, will have another done in 2 months if we are still not preg and if it is worse then he is going to do something about it whether or not he likes it.

tmr > :hugs: :hugs2: :hugs: :hugs2: :hugs: :hugs2: :hugs: :hugs2: :hugs: :hugs2: :hugs: :hugs2: :hugs: :hugs2:
Im sooooo sorry to hear that the witch got you! A good cry always help to get the emotions out and strength for the next cycle. I know I am very emotional the day AF arrives and it gets better from there on. like you said before, you will have another August baby :D.

AFM > CD10, my temps are crazy. This morning it is VERY low, don’t know what to take from it. My saliva microscope is showing ferning and I think it is complete but it is very early. Will start with OPK's today, I just hope the Soy is not gonna give me false positives.
Thank you if i do fall this month i would be due end of july so not an august but not far off.
Hey tmr1234.:flower:I know exactly how you feel as I have had these crying days so many times in the past few months. I have tried my best this cycle not to think about it but it is so difficult. Every little twinge makes me think that maybe we should BD etc. And then I make it worse by coming onto BnB and looking at the bump pictures and the BFP announcements. :cry:

Either way, a big hug to you all the way from the other side of the world and here's to hoping that this month we both get our BFP and have July 2012 babies. Now go and enjoy a well deserved glass of wine and relax. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hey hun. AF came loud and clear. The heaviest and most painful that I have had it. I am now on cycle 7 and 8 months of TTC. Not sure which CD I am today as I am not temping or OPK or anything. AF stopped about a week ago so ovulation should happen some time next week. Have been getting twinges again on my left side but will not use OPK or anything this month. Also didn't use soy.

Hoping that I can just have a normal month of no worries and who knows, maybe it will happen.
I did that after 22 month of TTc my LO i gave up every thing apart from temping but i didnt look at it 100s of time a day and hope some thing would jusmp out at me and i got my BFP.
Good luck you are so going to get that BFP if any should YOU should.
aaah hun, thanks so much. I really hope so. My mom is coming to visit this November. She also just finished chemo therapy for breast cancer so the last time we saw each other, we both were in the middle of chemo treatment. So I would so love to be able to be pregnant and give her the news. She is going for a scan again on thursday to see if she is still in remission.

Good luck to you and I am praying for a BFP for you too!!

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