herald > My temps are also all over the place, but just keep faith it will work! Keep on doing OPK's and continue to BD till it is confirmed with temps, is the best solution.
autiger > Good luck with the test, hope you get it soon and that your LP is a decent length, so that it can give the bean time to make itself at home! Fx'd for a BFP!!!!!!
danielled > I've had exactly the same with my DH, but this cycle he has actually been quite in tune with me and TTC, which is strange. We are following SMEP and so far it has been successful, I just hope it lasts untill I have O confirmed. Good luck girl, maybe you shouldn’t tell him and just do it sneaky and see if he picks up on it. Someone else also suggested exchanging favours like a massage etc. Im not even going down the road of drinking, im just leaving it. His SA was fine, will have another done in 2 months if we are still not preg and if it is worse then he is going to do something about it whether or not he likes it.
tmr >
Im sooooo sorry to hear that the witch got you! A good cry always help to get the emotions out and strength for the next cycle. I know I am very emotional the day AF arrives and it gets better from there on. like you said before, you will have another August baby
AFM > CD10, my temps are crazy. This morning it is VERY low, don’t know what to take from it. My saliva microscope is showing ferning and I think it is complete but it is very early. Will start with OPK's today, I just hope the Soy is not gonna give me false positives.