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Let's welcome Soy to this cycle!!!! 42 BFP's so far!!!!

just got prescribe clomid taking it next cycle
Hey everyone, got my soy today thanks to my TTC Buddy Lollipopxxx and hopefully my AF will come in the next few days!

Just a couple of questions..

What CD shall I start and stop taking soy?
How many MG do I take a day?
When should I start testing on OPKS?

Sorry for the endless questions!

Any advice appreciated as always! :D


I've read on some threads, some women ovulating 7days after stopping the last dose, with me 7 days after noticed loads of ewcm which I never had in the last 11mnths of TTC was absolutely leaking! Got my positive opk 9 days after my last dose of soy which was day 17 instead of cd21/22 which has been the norm for me so I would say my ov was brought forward definitely xxx
Hey everyone, got my soy today thanks to my TTC Buddy Lollipopxxx and hopefully my AF will come in the next few days!

Just a couple of questions..

What CD shall I start and stop taking soy?
How many MG do I take a day?
When should I start testing on OPKS?

Sorry for the endless questions!

Any advice appreciated as always! :D


Welcome!! There are lots of options on when to start & what dose to take. I'd read through the earlier postings on this thread to see what each person tried to help you decide. I did 120 mg per day on days 5-9 (or 4-8, not sure). I started testing on OPK's right after stopping the soy. Didn't ovulate until day 21, but it gave me peace of mind.

Good luck!!

Thank you! I think I'll do the same with OPKs just to make sure I don't miss O cos I have no idea when I've been ovulating the last 2 months cos of long cycle. :wacko:
Hey everyone, got my soy today thanks to my TTC Buddy Lollipopxxx and hopefully my AF will come in the next few days!

Just a couple of questions..

What CD shall I start and stop taking soy?
How many MG do I take a day?
When should I start testing on OPKS?

Sorry for the endless questions!

Any advice appreciated as always! :D


I've read on some threads, some women ovulating 7days after stopping the last dose, with me 7 days after noticed loads of ewcm which I never had in the last 11mnths of TTC was absolutely leaking! Got my positive opk 9 days after my last dose of soy which was day 17 instead of cd21/22 which has been the norm for me so I would say my ov was brought forward definitely xxx

Yay! I hope soy brings mind forward and my cycles shorter. I think I'll got from day 2-7 and gradually higher the dosage as that worked for Madrid and she's PG :D So excited! xoxo
Wanted to pop in and show you my OPK from today, this makes four days of blaring positive OPK's

test line is left, control is right.
Wanted to pop in and show you my OPK from today, this makes four days of blaring positive OPK's

test line is left, control is right.

Yay, congrats! BD like crazy haha. Do you think this is cos of soy?
Good luck for this cycle xoxo
Hey ladies, I just discovered this thread. I'm on my first soy cycle, and I'm hoping I ovulated yesterday but won't know for sure until I get a couple more days of high temps. I took 200mg soy CD2-6.
Mamag. Awesome. Do u normally have positives like that?
Mine were darker than ever this cycle!!! Good luck
hey ladies, Im new here, I have been stalking for the last day or so!

Ok, I had a miscarriage in april & i was 6w4d along.

I have PCOS, (tho not in blood work) my cycles are irregular.

But I got one On June 26th. ON day 3 I took iso, thru till day 7. On The 12th July, I got my pos OPKs at 1145am, that night about 7pm, I had a massive sharp pain on my right side, above my hip and it lasted for about 3-5 minutes, I then had a shower and found EWCM, it was grose LOL, so I BD'd that night and wednesday, As of WED night OPKS was fading, thursday normal.

SO IM hoping I ovulated, pretty sure I did! IM excited & hoping I get my BFP this month. IM about 4 DPO (assuming it was wednesday, but i think tue night when I felt the popping feeling)

I have had a headache for 2 days now :cry:

Nice to meet you all xo
Hello Bella,
It does sound like you ovulated!!
I couldn't believe how painful ovulation was with soy on board--- I almost think the OPK's were unnecessary, lol. For a few hours I was convinced that I had given myself an ovarian cyst. Thankfully, I feel back to normal now. Good luck to you!!
Def sounds like you ovulated Bella! Good luck to you!

AFM - I'm on my last dose of soy tomorrow! Have taken 80, 80, 120, 120, and now I'll take 160 tomorrow. Praying this works and I go back to my CD17 ovulation day. Or close to it. I know this probably doesn't have anything to do with it, but I've been having lots and lots of CM lately. Quite strange.
Hi ladies. Hope you don't mind if I join. I have been a silent stalker for a long time now. But would like to start taking. My AF just showed today and I am going to start taking soy. I've been reading up on it for endless hours. I don't temp or anything really, just kinda let things happen. I do opks though, but not faithfully. I have decided to change my routine a bit and hopefully have better luck.
I am really not sure what dosage to take soy. I have seen so many different answers. Like Day 1: 80mg, Day 2: 120, Day 3:160, Day 4:200 and Day 5: 200 to 240mgs. Is there a certain way to determine what is right for you?

- Joy
Hi ladies. Hope you don't mind if I join. I have been a silent stalker for a long time now. But would like to start taking. My AF just showed today and I am going to start taking soy. I've been reading up on it for endless hours. I don't temp or anything really, just kinda let things happen. I do opks though, but not faithfully. I have decided to change my routine a bit and hopefully have better luck.
I am really not sure what dosage to take soy. I have seen so many different answers. Like Day 1: 80mg, Day 2: 120, Day 3:160, Day 4:200 and Day 5: 200 to 240mgs. Is there a certain way to determine what is right for you?

- Joy

Well, my research on Soy Iso was talking about how it's similar to Clomid in how it works, and you should take 2x the Soy that you would take of Clomid. My first Clomid cycle was 50mg, the second one was 100mg. The 100mg seemed to have a good result with my follicles. This cycle, I was traveling so my FS wanted me to do an unmedicated cycle. I decided at the last minute to try Soy and see what happens. Since 100mg Clomid worked for me, I took 200mg Soy. All 5 days, CD 2-6. I think a typical starting dose for Clomid is 50mg, so I would recommend starting with at least 100mg Soy. Some ladies increase the dosage each day, but I was just following my normal Clomid dosage.

After reading a lot of stuff online, there are some ladies who have found that Soy doesn't help them. It could make ovulation occur later in the cycle or prevent it altogether. So if I were starting on Soy without having done Clomid or anything else, I might keep my dosage around 100-160mg. For myself, I jumped in on the deep end because I had a starting dose of Clomid to compare it to.

This is just my way of reasoning for dosage, there are probably some other ladies who have their own reasons or other research that makes them decide to take a different dosage. On one of the early pages for this thread, there was a link to a poll for Soy Iso BFPs where ladies were sharing the dosage they followed, so you could get some ideas there. Good luck! I hope this is the key for all of our BFPs!
Thanks littlebird that was very helpful. I just checked the soy I bought and it's 50mg per capsule. So I think I will start tonight with 100mg, and go from there. I have plenty of time to research before bed. Which leads to another question, I hope you ladies can answer. Do I take the soy and then go right to bed, or do I take the soy like an hour before bed? Any help would be great. :)
I would take the soy before bed so you sleep through any side effects you might have. I have read that what really matters is taking it at the same time each day.
Thank you k12345t. I will make sure I take it at the same time each night. :)
Hi Ladies - Can I join in? I'm on cycle 5 TTC #1. I'm 27 and my OH is 33. We're healthy, fit, and in shape. I'm on CD7 and decided last minute yesterday (CD6) to give soy a try. I know it's supposed to be cd5-9 but I'm just going to do 6-9 since I started late. I took 120mg yesterday and today. On CD8-9, I'm not sure if I'll stick to 120 or up it to 160...we'll see.

If we don't catch this cycle, I'm going to start it earlier next cycle and probably do CD1-5 or 2-6...

Fingers crossed for everyone!
Hi gardenofedens. I just joined this group today. Its nice to meet you! I'm a little over a month shy of 34. We are trying for baby #3. I have a 16 year old and a 13 year old. Today is Cd1 for me and I will be using soy with this cycle. Can't wait to hear more about you. :)

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