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Let's welcome Soy to this cycle!!!! 42 BFP's so far!!!!

tristins mum I was taking it with breakfast but I think is better at night to avoid possible side effects such as headaches.

Lexi congratulations!!!! so nice I can change the thread title and add another bfp!!! How far are you? Would you like to be Soy Bump Buddies?

Lollipopxxx I can see something in your pic. It remains me of the very first test I did at 9dpo. Visible to my eyes but not so clear in the pic. Can't wait for tomorrow's update!!

Hi Tamarah and welcome to our thread! Already in the tww so hopefully soy has worked for you and you'll get your BFP in a few days!! Fx'd

How is it going mrsthomas and littlebird? Any news?

How is it going mrsthomas and littlebird? Any news?


Not much new today. I have had the worst upset stomach the past day and a half so I'm hoping I'll feel back to normal soon. I am only 5DPO so I don't think it's symptoms, though! Yesterday my temp was low, so FF took away my crosshairs, but today it went back up so I'm glad that FF and I are in agreement on ovulation date again!
Can I jump into this thread, too? I am also starting soy on Wednesday (tomorrow) due to frequent anov cycles and really long cycles when I do O (the one I just ended was 55 days long, with O on cd38 - I will go insane if I have to wait that long to try again!!!). Hope this works for all of us!!

Sorry I'm just now replying -- I'm starting soy tonight as well. Good luck to both of us! With any luck both of our cycles will be shorter! When do you think you'll start doing OPKs?

Everything I've read suggests that the soy is supposed to induce ovulation approximately 10 days after the LAST day of taking it, so theoretically we should ovulate CD 17/CD 18. Wow! wouldn't that be nice!?! Maybe fate will give us a break and it'll actually work out that way....
Got some pretty convincing, probably evap line on blue dye tests this morning, I know, I know, blue dye! But I'm in a small town that I've never been to and all I could find was a dollar general and all they had was these! :( Have no idea of DPO, didn't get to temp this cycle.

Mammag!!!! That looks really promising! Was it within ten minutes?! I am so excited for you.
Can I jump into this thread, too? I am also starting soy on Wednesday (tomorrow) due to frequent anov cycles and really long cycles when I do O (the one I just ended was 55 days long, with O on cd38 - I will go insane if I have to wait that long to try again!!!). Hope this works for all of us!!

Sorry I'm just now replying -- I'm starting soy tonight as well. Good luck to both of us! With any luck both of our cycles will be shorter! When do you think you'll start doing OPKs?

Everything I've read suggests that the soy is supposed to induce ovulation approximately 10 days after the LAST day of taking it, so theoretically we should ovulate CD 17/CD 18. Wow! wouldn't that be nice!?! Maybe fate will give us a break and it'll actually work out that way....

Don't apologize for not replying sooner - hopefully you were just off somewhere having a life outside of ttc!! That's great to hear about when to expect ovulation - I will definitely take CD17/18 over CD38 or not at all, which has been my last two cycles. I'm not sure whether I will do OPK's or not. I tried them last cycle (the O on CD38 one), and it was just frustrating because my body kept trying to ovulate (so I would get nearly positive results), but then would back off and I wouldn't actually O (I also temp to be sure of O after it happens). And I can usually tell that my body is gearing up for it by the changes in my cervical mucus. But now that you've got me thinking about it some more, maybe I should pick some up in case things are substantially different this month with the soy. When do you plan to start using the OPK's?
Nothing new here, was ridiculously nauseous today but Nolan has been a bit off too today, so I am worried it just maybe a bug. :shrug: Been doing IC's and nothing yet... still keeping my FX'd.

Mammag- Looks promising!!!! :flower:
Mammag!!!! That looks really promising! Was it within ten minutes?! I am so excited for you.

Well within, but it's still blue dye, so not putting much stock in them, but it will be interesting to know if it picked it up early or if their just nasty ol evaps in a few days!
Hi madrid. Another question. What does the epo do? I just checked my prenatal vitamins and they have 800 mg of folic acid. I take one everyday.

It provides a healthier cycle and apparently helps with egg formation. Other ladies have said that increases your cm and makes a friendlier environment for the swimmers also.
:thumbup: that you're already taking folic acid.

momwannabe81 if your cycles are short already but regular and you know for sure that you're O I think there's no point in taking soy as it may even ruin your regularity or you may not O at all.
You mentioned your lp is 13-14 days; are you using opk's to calculate it?


Yes I use opk and temp. They have been shorter since taking epo. Giving it another try this cycle but lower dosage. Thx for the info. I guess just impatient.
Mammag!!!! That looks really promising! Was it within ten minutes?! I am so excited for you.

Well within, but it's still blue dye, so not putting much stock in them, but it will be interesting to know if it picked it up early or if their just nasty ol evaps in a few days!

Holy crap! What are we all going to do without your yoda ways!? I think since it has color it looks great! I want to go buy you a pink dye! Please!
Mammag!!!! That looks really promising! Was it within ten minutes?! I am so excited for you.

Well within, but it's still blue dye, so not putting much stock in them, but it will be interesting to know if it picked it up early or if their just nasty ol evaps in a few days!

Holy crap! What are we all going to do without your yoda ways!? I think since it has color it looks great! I want to go buy you a pink dye! Please!

Lol @ Yoda. If I do get it I won't leave leave, I'll still lurk and answer the good questions, and I will still have PM!!!!!!
I know some of you are taking epo after soy. What about vitex? What is this used for, and when should you take it?
Jaz78 are you going to wait until your af is late to test? I guess that's the most sensible behaviour but it's so hard sometimes to control the poas mood! lol! Fx'd for you!!

I am very good at controlling POAS urges so i have never tested early. I did test this morning though, as i expected AF and my temp was up. BFN. More below :)

Hi madrid. Another question. What does the epo do? I just checked my prenatal vitamins and they have 800 mg of folic acid. I take one everyday.

epo is meant to improve CM. I'm going to try this next month as well as mne is crap and soy made no difference to it.

Hi everyone, I got a bottle of soy today and was thinking about using it this cycle, but i'm not sure as I ovulate normal but so far haven't had any luck with epo. I haven't started it yet as i'm only cd 1 but i was wondering if any of you could give me some advice. My cycles are usually normal but the last 2 were shorter then usual (24&25 instead of 28-29) My lp is 13-14 days so i'm not sure if i should or not. i had a temp dip so was very hopful this past cycle but i'm here now. Sooo anyway.......enough about me, How are u ladies?

I wouldnt use it either.

I think I see a second line with my cheapie HPT, 9dpo! I'm in tears don't know what to think, hope I'm not imagining things! xxx

I couldnt see anything in your pic, but my fingers are crossed for you! There was nothing big or fat about my first BFP when i conceived my daughter but it very gradually got darker :)

When would be the best time to take it? I am on Clomid now and i take it the same time of the day as the time that i started. Should i do the same or does it matter?

Meant to take it at the same time of day.

Hi hope you don't mind me joining in, i'm new here although i have been lurking for some time!

I got my BFP 2days ago, this was my 1st time trying soy, i took 80mg days 3 -7.

Bit of background, was on Depo shot for 9 yrs no periods, came off that just over 3 yrs ago, took 2 yrs to get pregnant, that was a mmc, had an erpc. 3 mths later got pregnant again this resulted in mc at 6.5 wks, and have spent the last 7mths trying again. Have tried acupuncture, red raspberry, b50 complex, agnus castus etc over the past yr!! Have been temping for the last 7mths and have noticed that my ov date changes but i only ever have an lp of 10 days, i wondered if this was part of my problem. Anyway after much research on soy decided to give it a go this mth and it worked! Or maybe it was gona happen anyway who knows?!

Had a few headaches and hot flashes from soy, also my temps were weird before ov but then after ov my chart went tirphasic with implantation? dip at 7dpo, and then high and steady temps which is what made me think it might be my lucky mth! Oh and soy didnt bring my ov date any earlier, was at cd20 fairly average for me. Just hoping it is 3rd time lucky and this 1 sticks!!

yay congrats!!!

Got some pretty convincing, probably evap line on blue dye tests this morning, I know, I know, blue dye! But I'm in a small town that I've never been to and all I could find was a dollar general and all they had was these! :( Have no idea of DPO, didn't get to temp this cycle.


Fingers crossed for you!!! i havent even heard of blue dye tests!!

I know some of you are taking epo after soy. What about vitex? What is this used for, and when should you take it?

Vitex is meant to help regulate cycles. I know lots of people find this very helpful. you cant take it at the same time as soy though and it takes up to 3 months to work.

Well I am 14DPO and as i wrote above, i tested this morning and got a BFN. i expected AF today so when my temp was up, i thought what the hell!! anyway, i really thought i had no chance this cycle as we werent able to BD at what i thought was O time. I think O on ff may not have been correct though as i would have expected AF today if it was. So maybe i am still in with a shot as we did plenty of BDing just after that just in case!!!
Hi ladies
I had my implant removed 5 weeks ago and haven't had af yet. I have no idea where i am in my cycle! I just got some soy which i'm going to take everyday until things get back to normal, just one capsule though. I also got some epo, hopefully things will start to settle down soon. I've had 2 bfn's so know i'm not pg yet. Hope it works for you guys!
Hi eviemoo and welcome to our thread!! Hope that soy works for you as well!!

jaz78 sorry about the bfn but if your temp is high you never know what may be going on in there!! Keep positive!!

Thanks for sharing Lexi! What a positive outcome! Hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months xoxo
I can never read FRER's!!! I always *think* I see a line and then I don't. I'll test again tomorrow (even thought i swore to my husband I'd wait till Saturday). ;)

I just got home from work & I work again tonight, so I haven't had a chance to read through all the posts, but I hope you are all doing well & have good news for me to read tomorrow morning!!

I'm so thankful I found you guys, you make this whole process so much less stressful.

**** Just took it apart-- it's a BFN. There's just a deep colorless groove. Looking forward to tomorrow! ****


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