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Let's welcome Soy to this cycle!!!! 42 BFP's so far!!!!

Hiya everyone! At last im sooo happy that i can now join in after stalking for ages because my AF was delayed by 2 months!

So a little backround on me i have pcos! I have a DS who took 4 years to conceive through acupunture in the end! I have also had 3 M/C's! Thats about it!!!!
im taking pregnacare plus and vit-b complex!

Could i have your wise input as to do you think i should give soy ago this month days 3-7 and gradually increase day by day starting with 40 or 80mg? OOOORRRRR Would you say wait another month to see what my cycle does?
Although i might actually go insaine in the process!

When you take EP do you take it at the start of cycle till OV?? and How much??

Don't apologize for not replying sooner - hopefully you were just off somewhere having a life outside of ttc!! That's great to hear about when to expect ovulation - I will definitely take CD17/18 over CD38 or not at all, which has been my last two cycles. I'm not sure whether I will do OPK's or not. I tried them last cycle (the O on CD38 one), and it was just frustrating because my body kept trying to ovulate (so I would get nearly positive results), but then would back off and I wouldn't actually O (I also temp to be sure of O after it happens). And I can usually tell that my body is gearing up for it by the changes in my cervical mucus. But now that you've got me thinking about it some more, maybe I should pick some up in case things are substantially different this month with the soy. When do you plan to start using the OPK's?

I've thought about not doing OPKs as well, but I don't know how else to get advanced warning on when I ovulate. I temp religiously, but as you know, that only confirms it when it's too late to tie down the hubby and BD. :)Although, what you went through last cycle seeing your body ramp up and nothing happen would drive me nuts too....so I dunno. :shrug:

I'm thinkin I'll still go the OPK route.....I usually start testing around CD 14, just in case a miracle happens and I ovulate early :) So I'll probably start POAS CD14 this cycle as well.

Here's hoping soy agrees with our bodies!! Are you taking any other supplements/planning on taking any other supplements, i.e. Vitex, EPO etc..?
Hiya everyone! At last im sooo happy that i can now join in after stalking for ages because my AF was delayed by 2 months!

So a little backround on me i have pcos! I have a DS who took 4 years to conceive through acupunture in the end! I have also had 3 M/C's! Thats about it!!!!
im taking pregnacare plus and vit-b complex!

Could i have your wise input as to do you think i should give soy ago this month days 3-7 and gradually increase day by day starting with 40 or 80mg? OOOORRRRR Would you say wait another month to see what my cycle does?
Although i might actually go insaine in the process!

When you take EP do you take it at the start of cycle till OV?? and How much??


Hey Cherry! Welcome to the thread -- I was a lurker waiting for AF to show as well! I also have PCOS (hooray:wacko:) and just start taking soy yesterday on CD3. I've read this thread from start to finish, and based on the success and wise advice of several of the main posters on this thread I've decided to start off small (80mg) and gradually increase the dosage each day (I'm thinking 80, 80, 120, 120, 160).

There is another lady on here who is starting this week as well, wanna join us? (insert peer pressure here! haha) Having been in your shoes waiting for AF to show, I wouldn't wait another cycle to start because I would probably go insane as well! :)

As for the EP, I was actually wondering that myself.....
Hi ladies!! Welcome cherry22!! I agree with the advice HalfThyme007 has given you. If I were you I couldn't wait another cycle of uncertain length.

If by EP you're both referring to Evening primrose Oil I only took it from cd8 to cd13 inclusive. You have to stop when you get a +opk because it may contract the uterus and that isn't what we want when implantation may be taking place.

IM IN!!!!!!

So im on cd 1 and ill start on cd3 with 80mg and ill follow what half time said!!

Im not sure if i will just do soy this cycle and see what happends, maybe add EP next time!

IM IN!!!!!!

So im on cd 1 and ill start on cd3 with 80mg and ill follow what half time said!!

Im not sure if i will just do soy this cycle and see what happends, maybe add EP next time!


I have tried ep before, even had dp taking it. Although I did not notice a slight improvement to CM, I found drinking plenty of water worked much better. I decided not to take EP as couldn't handle takling them along with soy. I drank at least two pints of water a day and it really did help.

Fx'd for us all Tamara xx
jaz, thanks for the info on Vitex. And I'm still crossing my fingers you get your BFP!!

Hi Eviemoo!! Welcome. Good luck with the soy! This is my first cycle taking it.And tonight is my last night to take it for this cycle. I'm hoping the soy will regulate my o and give me that big BFP. :)

k12345t Better luck tomorrow hun! Maybe it's too early? :)
Hi cherry22! Welcome and good luck with the soy! I just started it this cycle for the first time. I'm taking cd1-5. I'm currently on cd5 so tonight will be my last. Cd1-2 I took 100mg, cd3 I took 150 mg, cd4 I took 200mg, and tonight for cd5 I will take 200mg. I guess it's really a matter of your choice what to take. Tweak the days and mg's around each cycle that you don't get a BFP. But I am hoping I get my BFP this cycle. :)
Hi Ladies,

Quick update. I thought that I ovulated yesterday but for the last two hours have had the strongest ovulation pains. Was really sceptical that Soy would work for me so my faith is restored.

Fx'd for us all xx
tristins mum I was taking it with breakfast but I think is better at night to avoid possible side effects such as headaches.

Lexi congratulations!!!! so nice I can change the thread title and add another bfp!!! How far are you? Would you like to be Soy Bump Buddies?

Lollipopxxx I can see something in your pic. It remains me of the very first test I did at 9dpo. Visible to my eyes but not so clear in the pic. Can't wait for tomorrow's update!!

Hi Tamarah and welcome to our thread! Already in the tww so hopefully soy has worked for you and you'll get your BFP in a few days!! Fx'd

How is it going mrsthomas and littlebird? Any news?


Hey madrid, I am only around 4 weeks so very early, I'm feeling pretty nervous about it all after the last 2 times, but trying to keep calm and be hopeful! Soy bump buddies sounds good what do I need to do?! Lol!

Thanks to everyone else for the kind wishes and good luck to those of you in the two week wait! xx :hugs:
What does ovulation feel like? Is it a dull ache? A sharp cramp? Whereabouts do you feel it? Does it last for a quick second? A few minutes? What's your experience?
Welcome Cherry! I just took my first dose of soy last night with dinner. I am doing CD3-7 and am planning to do 40mg (last night), 80 (tonight), and then 120, 160, 200. It's obviously your call, but I agree with what others said that it might be a good idea to try it. I was like you and lurked here until I could finally join in - my last cycle was over 50 days, and I can't take that stress again!!

HalfThyme, in answer to your question, I bought some EPO when I bought the soy, but haven't decided if I will add it like Madrid did CD8-ovulation yet or not. I actually get fairly good cervical mucus on my own (the one thing my body is apparently doing right :) ) I actually used Mucinex (600mg pills every 12 hours) last cycle, and it worked wonders for my fertile CM. You have to get the one that has guaifenesin as the only active ingredient (this is the same as the when people do cough medicine for CM - I find it easier to pop pills than take cough medicine throughout the day). I think I will probably just stick with that again this time, and then maybe try some other stuff next cycle if need be. But I really hope that my next cycle, and everyone else's, is at least 9 months away!!!!
What does ovulation feel like? Is it a dull ache? A sharp cramp? Whereabouts do you feel it? Does it last for a quick second? A few minutes? What's your experience?

For me, it mostly feels like someone is squeezing my ovary. I can really feel it. It usually lasts for a couple days. It may not be that severe, but most of the days I feel crampy.

And speaking of cramping, I've been getting more and more cramps this afternoon. And I'm only CD10?! I usually OV on CD21-22, so not sure. Maybe it's my ovaries gearing up. I sure hope so. It's been particulary bad on my left side today.
Hi ladies
I had my implant removed 5 weeks ago and haven't had af yet. I have no idea where i am in my cycle! I just got some soy which i'm going to take everyday until things get back to normal, just one capsule though. I also got some epo, hopefully things will start to settle down soon. I've had 2 bfn's so know i'm not pg yet. Hope it works for you guys!

I wouldn't take soy until AF comes. Taking soy for more than 5 days can actually lead to infertility.

Hiya everyone! At last im sooo happy that i can now join in after stalking for ages because my AF was delayed by 2 months!

So a little backround on me i have pcos! I have a DS who took 4 years to conceive through acupunture in the end! I have also had 3 M/C's! Thats about it!!!!
im taking pregnacare plus and vit-b complex!

Could i have your wise input as to do you think i should give soy ago this month days 3-7 and gradually increase day by day starting with 40 or 80mg? OOOORRRRR Would you say wait another month to see what my cycle does?
Although i might actually go insaine in the process!

When you take EP do you take it at the start of cycle till OV?? and How much??

I'd do it now!!! I take pregnancy vitamins and vit B as well . I am starting EPO next cycle and taking it from CD1- O as i have crap all CM :) As for how much to take, i'd read this thread from the beginnign and decide for yourself. everyone has different ideas :)

IM IN!!!!!!

So im on cd 1 and ill start on cd3 with 80mg and ill follow what half time said!!

Im not sure if i will just do soy this cycle and see what happends, maybe add EP next time!


thats what i just did! (soy only and im adding EPO next time). Lots of people report increase in CM with soy so there may be no reason to take it. good luck!!

Hi Ladies,

Quick update. I thought that I ovulated yesterday but for the last two hours have had the strongest ovulation pains. Was really sceptical that Soy would work for me so my faith is restored.

Fx'd for us all xx

yay good luck!!

As for ovulation pains, i dont get any, but i have learnt to be able to tell when i'm ovulating. I symptom charted for a couple of cycles and then realised that I pretty much get PMT like when I am Oing. its been really handy for me to have worked that out (especially since opks dont work for me). I really recommend just paying extra attention to what your body is telling you :)

AFM, my temp is still up and no sign of AF. very confusing!! i tried removing a temp from my chart as it was after only one hour's sleep so not accurate. anyway, now ff doesnt know when i O'd!! i'm definitely in TWW though and must be close to AF. I am actually reasonably happy about this as we werent able to BD at the right time but we did a lot in the week after that so it means i'm in with a good shot!!
Hey ladies, I was wondering if any of you had some input. I'm 7DPO today and had some spotting this morning. Now, I would typically think that was a good sign, if it were anyone else, but for myself, I start thinking about the worst case scenario. I don't know, maybe I'm just trying to prepare myself. :wacko:

Did anyone have a shortened LP when using Soy Iso? I plan on starting my Prometrium tonight, so if it's an issue of hormones hopefully that will catch it. I just don't want to get my hopes up about what it means, because then I'll be super disappointed when I get my BFN.
Hey ladies, I was wondering if any of you had some input. I'm 7DPO today and had some spotting this morning. Now, I would typically think that was a good sign, if it were anyone else, but for myself, I start thinking about the worst case scenario. I don't know, maybe I'm just trying to prepare myself. :wacko:

Did anyone have a shortened LP when using Soy Iso? I plan on starting my Prometrium tonight, so if it's an issue of hormones hopefully that will catch it. I just don't want to get my hopes up about what it means, because then I'll be super disappointed when I get my BFN.

I just had bright red drops of blood when peed this morning. Not AF but literally drops of blood. Not sure what is going on but got another BFN this morning (I was SURE I had IB a few days ago... :( )

I'm 8dpo.

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