Let's welcome Soy to this cycle!!!! 42 BFP's so far!!!!

Hey gals :D
got my cheapy opks in today so the POAS marathon has officially begun lmao!
I got the darkest Iv ever gotten about 4pm today, but still no positive, and I think they soy has had a good effect. still having mild af like cramps so I rlly hope its Ov pain
dust to all x
Hummm I'd agree with getting cysts cos of soy.

I'm ttc#2 ATM, but used soy to conceive baby#1, when I was 9wks pregnant I had the worst pain I have ever experienced - it turns out I had a ruptured cyst on my ovary. Ok ok I have pcos, but didn't no until close to getting pregnant and had never had cyst problems in 30yrs. Think it has something to do with over stimulating your ovary, as it would with clomid. Just my opinion.

Needless to say, I'm still taking soy to conceive baby2. Am on cycle 1 now
I don't know about the cysts but if I were you I'd do 2 cycles with soy & then stop another 1 or 2.
that's my plan Madrid ... hoping not to need the cycles without it!!
Don't like the sound of cysts!! :( If I don't get my bfp this cycle (PLEASE GOD! GIVE ME A BFP!) haha :haha: :wacko: Then I'll do another cycle with and then one without and hopefully it won't be an issue after that cos I hope I have a BFP by Xmas! Hope we all do, this thread seems to be very lucky.. the statistics are geat..

Madrid - You should put a thing on the first page with all of the ladies using soy and if they've got a bfp or what cycle they're on using soy.. idk.. might be uplifing to see, just a suggestion. :hugs:
Ok lollipopbop I'll do it maybe tomorrow. I thought about it when I first created the thread but not many people joined then & I left it. Now we are a big group so it may be helpful, I agree.

Ok lollipopbop I'll do it maybe tomorrow. I thought about it when I first created the thread but not many people joined then & I left it. Now we are a big group so it may be helpful, I agree.


Awh, glad you agree :hugs: You've started a great thread and it's the reason why a lot of women (including me) started soy in the first place and also learnt about what it does too and it's contributed to a few bfps (10!!!)

I hope you're feeling well anyway :flower: xo
Hi Ladies!! My name is Crystal. I had a dr appt last friday to see why I have not had a period since halloween, which was induced by BC. She prescribed me Provera to start my cycle. I took my last pill today. So, I should be starting within 2 weeks is what the dr said. I went in for an ultrasound today & she sent pics & what not my my doc. Also on friday, they took alot of blood & ran some tests. They called me today & my TSH level was elevated. So, they referred me to a different dr thinking I have a thyroid problem... :(
Anyways, I am considering getting Soy isoflavones this weekend & seeing if they will help me ovulate since the Provera will make me start AF. Goode idea? Advice?? Thanks so much girls & good luck!!!!
Ok lollipopbop I'll do it maybe tomorrow. I thought about it when I first created the thread but not many people joined then & I left it. Now we are a big group so it may be helpful, I agree.


Awh, glad you agree :hugs: You've started a great thread and it's the reason why a lot of women (including me) started soy in the first place and also learnt about what it does too and it's contributed to a few bfps (10!!!)

I hope you're feeling well anyway :flower: xo

thats why i started using soy...this thread :) madrid this thread was an excellent idea!
OH MY WORD, MOMMIES!!! Please remind me to not take a few days off from this thread again - I had 12 pages to catch up on....:wacko:

Anyway - it was me that posted about the OPKs and seeing as so many of you still use them I will repost so you don't have to search this thread all over again.....let me go find it.....
OH MY WORD, MOMMIES!!! Please remind me to not take a few days off from this thread again - I had 12 pages to catch up on....:wacko:

Anyway - it was me that posted about the OPKs and seeing as so many of you still use them I will repost so you don't have to search this thread all over again.....let me go find it.....

:hi: glad to see ur back! and yea alot goes on in a few days lol

and i think ur post is 600 something, not sure what page though:shrug:
It sits on page 70 of this novel we have written together.....
Hi, Soy Friends! I wanted to come back and post a few new things that I have learned in the last few days about Soy and OPK since I thought my "strike out" last month was a fluke - not so much!

Since Soy tricks your body into producing more estrogen and in turn growing those eggs, you can reach the 20mm size within 5 days of your last dose. If you take SI on CD1-5, that could be CD10. Each month our bodies produce 4-8 eggs on average, but only 1 or sometimes 2 will "drop" because it is the "dominant" follicle. Once released the "shell" of the egg or corpus luteum kicks in progesterone stopping any other eggs from dropping. (this is why some of us get cysts - the left behind eggs are almost large enough to have ovulated, but the first egg's progesterone has stopped it - now it needs to sit there swollen until it reabsorbs in a week or two and this can hurt. all polycystic means is multiple follicles - it is not a disease, its a condition!)

If Soy brings the eggs to a "hatching" point quickly, it turns out that you may not need a full LH surge for that egg to drop. If the follicle is literally ready to burst, a small amount of LH can make it happen pre-surge.
Remember that we O 12-36 hours after the surge when NOT altering our hormones, but by altering our hormones with Soy, relying on an OPK is not wise. Resting LH levels are like 6-7. OPK pick up 17-20, so what if your egg is so ready that a small rise of LH to only 10 or 12 will make you O? The egg releases, but you test positive the next day and think that you will O the next day, but in reality, you O'd the day before and now you miss it. Progesterone kicks in, but the LH surge still continues.

Turns out that what i thought made me weird last month is not that wierd when we mess with our hormone levels - FOLLOW YOUR CM, Ovary pains and sex drive as good indicators.
Also - as Mucinex masks almost all CM as EWCM, try taking EPO (evening primrose oil) following the Soy for about a week - since it works with your body as an essential fatty acid, it will not mask you CM but enhance what you already have. Just be sure to stop taking it after you are sure O has passed. It should not be used again until late in third trimester. From last Soy day to O, take 2000-3000 mg per day. You should see a natural increase in your EWCM!

Lastly - I have discovered Tribulus for those of you that may "grow eggs" but not release them. The article shows Tribulus has a lot of benefits listed including increased sperm count and mobility in men and better sex drive in men and women and increased LH and FSH in women - BUT WARNING - do not take longer than 5-7 days as it is not a "regular" supplement for women. It is also the only supplement that increases LH and FSH naturally - I am trying it this month CD 6-11. I usually O on CD 11/12 so just gonna BD beginning on CD11 and hope that Tribulus increases sex drive enough to BD everyday from 11-20! Here is the Tribulus link - scroll down to the bottom for female fertility benefits in the article.......

Good luck ladies. I am CD5 today (saturday) and AF is over, 2 more days of SI and then next week i need baby dust!

Hope this helps - Soy moved my O farther out last month to CD13/14 on very low doses CD1-6(I read the labels wrong and my SI potency was miscalculated). This cycle I took higher doses on CD2-6 and moved up to O on CD10. (Normally with no help, I O on CD11/12)

I also did take 1,000 mg if Tribulus this cycle on CD 6-10. I O'd on CD10 and definitely felt it, so I think the Tribulus helped to get that egg released. I am so thankful that i BD CD 8,9 and early morning CD11 (about 14 hours after my O pain peaked) - I hope I CTE (caught the egg) this month!!

Anyway - I am dying to test this weekend, but with my mom in town I can't pull a poker face and don't want to tell anyone until we have our first appt and see the heartbeat and maybe even reach week 12. (We MC in 2004 and I never got over it really so now I am more cautuious). BUT OF COURSE I WILL TELL YOU LADIES!

Mom leaves at 5am on Tuesday next week and I will POAS as soon as DH begins the drive to the airport!! IDK -maybe I will test Friday and tell only you ladies - I really want to find a great way to tell DH this last time around - that could take some planning! UGH - I hate the 2WW!
Hi Ladies!! My name is Crystal. I had a dr appt last friday to see why I have not had a period since halloween, which was induced by BC. She prescribed me Provera to start my cycle. I took my last pill today. So, I should be starting within 2 weeks is what the dr said. I went in for an ultrasound today & she sent pics & what not my my doc. Also on friday, they took alot of blood & ran some tests. They called me today & my TSH level was elevated. So, they referred me to a different dr thinking I have a thyroid problem... :(
Anyways, I am considering getting Soy isoflavones this weekend & seeing if they will help me ovulate since the Provera will make me start AF. Goode idea? Advice?? Thanks so much girls & good luck!!!!

I can't remember where I read it, but I think soy can really mess you up if you have a thyroid problem. Hopefully someone will know more about this and jump in here, but if I were you I wouldn't do it. Your thyroid problem is likely why you are not ovulating, and fixing that problem should help get your body back on track. I would suggest waiting until you see the doctor about your thyroid. I think typically fixing that problem is fairly easy once they get you on the right meds. Just my two cents!
Okay and one last catch-up....
Welcome to all the new ladies! And to my friend, MomtoIandE, glad to have you and everyone else over here. We are a chatty bunch!!

I have one quick ???? - I have stalked some charts in the last weeks and wondered if you all temp at the same time after the same #hrs of sleep as I see so many peaks? My temps are so level I am having a harder time interpreting some others.

On that note - momtoIandE - no, i defintely do not think that you O'd on CD8 as your temp dipped again after your two wacky nights of sleep. On that third night it looks like you were back to routine and you leveled back to pre-sleep deprived temps.

Angel - do you chart other secondary signs or any other info? Your cycle last month is only 14 days, but this month it is a very long follicular stage, and with no other info recorded I am not much help. I do know though that by looking, your coverline would be about 36.44 this month and O is usually indicated by a rise of at least .4 degrees farenheit or .12 Celcius up to 1 full degree farenheit or .17 celcius. (I am bad with celcius as i am a dumb American, BUT i viewed your chart in farenheit and you have only had a .36F shift, which woudl be too low to confirm O unless you continue on a slow rise trend which means that your progesterone is a slow builder, not a quick kick.

Binksmommy - as i am very blunt and direct, your post stating that you always drink soy milk worries me! Get off the soy milk and maybe switch to almond for a while. While we ladies mess with high doses of soy isoflavones for a 5-day stint, long term ingestion of soy such as in tofu, edamame, miso and soy milk, any soy product that will give you more than 35mg of isflavones per day has been linked to infertility - this, like all medicine, is a delicate balance! There are a lot of links on this and studies show that soy for prolonged time is not good (this is months of daily intake ladies, so don't panic! :winkwink:) But it has also been revealed that soy formula, while necessary for some babies with allergies, is not great in the long term - they are stating that it can imbalance things from a young age, cause undescended testes, etc - so please know that while I appreciate the vegan lifestyle, soy overload may in years to come prove worse that cow milk ingestion......okay, stepping down off my soapbox.....

Lastly - I was so happy to log in and see that we have officially jumped to 10 BFPs and I want so badly to be #11 - ugh - why did my mom have to be here during my 2WW? :dohh:
OH MY WORD, MOMMIES!!! Please remind me to not take a few days off from this thread again - I had 12 pages to catch up on....:wacko:

Anyway - it was me that posted about the OPKs and seeing as so many of you still use them I will repost so you don't have to search this thread all over again.....let me go find it.....

:hi: glad to see ur back! and yea alot goes on in a few days lol

and i think ur post is 600 something, not sure what page though:shrug:

This thread moves quick in a few hrs, never mind days! Lol

I'm just catching up with everything from earlier.
OH MY WORD, MOMMIES!!! Please remind me to not take a few days off from this thread again - I had 12 pages to catch up on....:wacko:

Anyway - it was me that posted about the OPKs and seeing as so many of you still use them I will repost so you don't have to search this thread all over again.....let me go find it.....

:hi: glad to see ur back! and yea alot goes on in a few days lol

and i think ur post is 600 something, not sure what page though:shrug:

This thread moves quick in a few hrs, never mind days! Lol

I'm just catching up with everything from earlier.

lol yea it does!!!
Okay and one last catch-up....
Welcome to all the new ladies! And to my friend, MomtoIandE, glad to have you and everyone else over here. We are a chatty bunch!!

I have one quick ???? - I have stalked some charts in the last weeks and wondered if you all temp at the same time after the same #hrs of sleep as I see so many peaks? My temps are so level I am having a harder time interpreting some others.

On that note - momtoIandE - no, i defintely do not think that you O'd on CD8 as your temp dipped again after your two wacky nights of sleep. On that third night it looks like you were back to routine and you leveled back to pre-sleep deprived temps.

Angel - do you chart other secondary signs or any other info? Your cycle last month is only 14 days, but this month it is a very long follicular stage, and with no other info recorded I am not much help. I do know though that by looking, your coverline would be about 36.44 this month and O is usually indicated by a rise of at least .4 degrees farenheit or .12 Celcius up to 1 full degree farenheit or .17 celcius. (I am bad with celcius as i am a dumb American, BUT i viewed your chart in farenheit and you have only had a .36F shift, which woudl be too low to confirm O unless you continue on a slow rise trend which means that your progesterone is a slow builder, not a quick kick.

Binksmommy - as i am very blunt and direct, your post stating that you always drink soy milk worries me! Get off the soy milk and maybe switch to almond for a while. While we ladies mess with high doses of soy isoflavones for a 5-day stint, long term ingestion of soy such as in tofu, edamame, miso and soy milk, any soy product that will give you more than 35mg of isflavones per day has been linked to infertility - this, like all medicine, is a delicate balance! There are a lot of links on this and studies show that soy for prolonged time is not good (this is months of daily intake ladies, so don't panic! :winkwink:) But it has also been revealed that soy formula, while necessary for some babies with allergies, is not great in the long term - they are stating that it can imbalance things from a young age, cause undescended testes, etc - so please know that while I appreciate the vegan lifestyle, soy overload may in years to come prove worse that cow milk ingestion......okay, stepping down off my soapbox.....

Lastly - I was so happy to log in and see that we have officially jumped to 10 BFPs and I want so badly to be #11 - ugh - why did my mom have to be here during my 2WW? :dohh:

oh yea i forgot that was going on..mom visit! so how was moms week trip? kept u occupied for a bit im guessing:thumbup:
Crystal - I agree! Don't take soy until your thyroid is leveled out. Long term soy can lead to thyroid disfunction so it may make you worse. What was your t4 level in your blood work? Are your low (which would be hyperthyropid) or high (hypo) {Thyroid reading are like golf - the lower the score the better}

Get on synthroid - stay on it for 90 days and then see where you level out. My thyroid was high (low function = weight gain, raspy voice, chapped lips, dry skin, etc) while i had my Mirena. Mirena and its constant progesterone emittance really messed with my body after 4.5 yrs! It Now off all meds since June and feeling great, weight is up about 6 pounds, but cravings are gone, sleep is normal again and ADD symptoms of "fog" are gone - Just need to get my ass to the gym now!

Anyway - once your thyroid is regulated I would google "Clomid and Synthroid" and if you find that others are taking both and docs are prescribing it, go for the soy. (Soy and Clomid are the same to your pituitary gland) You could ask your doc about Soy, BUT if he is typical American and you bring up the subject of natural supplements, he will note in your file that you are wacky! LOL.
Babykiser - she is still here! Only came in on Monday! Spent the weekend painting, cleaning and rearranging furniture - she came on Monday and I am only back today cause I am at work and have hit a slow period in my job for the next few weeks.

She is great with the kids - and has been cleaning like mad, which i hate! You could literally eat off the toilet seats in her house, but she lives alone - not even a goldfish! we have DH and me, three kids, two Saint Bernards and a Maine Coon cat - my house stays clean for about 10 minutes - while the kids are outside! LOL. Anyway, she is busting her butt and running around with the kiddos, but since she has had spine surgery a few years back I worry that it is too much for her.

Anyway - tomorrow she has the kids again and then Friday DH is home and I am home this weekend and then Monday the kids go back to school. Tuesday she leaves for NY at 5am. It goes quick.

Leaving the office now - will come back tonight ladies! :)

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