Let's welcome Soy to this cycle!!!! 42 BFP's so far!!!!

Help! A quick question and someone please answer!

This is my 1st cycle of Soy. I clearly ovulated on CD20 and now at 13DPO, AF seem to be knocking at the door. I have cramps and some blood when I wipe, but incredibly light. I don't usually spot before AF so this is very weird. It's been a whole day of bloody discharge no actual flow.

Could this be an effect of Soy??? PLEASE HELP!!
i hope it's not the same - i had spotting/bleeding early. i thought i was 8/9dpo when started bright red bleeding but it never came to full flow until 2 days later....

however i could have got my ov date wrong & it was actually much earlier as i didn't use opks.... and i do have a history of spotting before the witch

hoping its not af for you xxx
rjsman - Thank you!!!! I hope I've got the timing right!!! Another day of temps will tell me :winkwink: I'm glad to hear you didn't have any O pain, 'cause I definitely haven't had any yet and am hoping it's not a bad sign :shrug:

kaylami - Welcome to the group!!

k12345t = Fx'd for a +OPK soon!! I normally O CD18-19 (CD22 last mo), but I took soy for the first time CD6-9 (missed CD5) - 75, 150, 175, 175 ... and I got my 1st +OPK CD13 at 11:15!!!! What doses did you take? When do you normally O?

lian_hawaii - I had 4 whole days of bloody discharge last cycle (totally abnormal for me, and not a soy cycle), so I think sometimes it just happens. It totally threw me off though. My LP is normally 9-10 days, and from 10-14DPO, I had brown discharge (only when I wiped, not even on a pantyliner). I'd say keep temping (even though I'm sure 13DPO is too late for implantation) - It's probably stupid AF getting off to a slow start :growlmad:

AFM - My temp just crept up a tiny bit this morning (0.1*), so I'm hoping for another +OPK today & then a huge rise tomorrow!!! If I O today, I'll have :sex: O-1, O, O+1 (tomorrow)!!

Hope we all get our :bfp: soon!!!!
Thanks everyone for your kind words. I am surprised that I feel ok(still had lots of tears and the "why me"s though:(). I think I just prepared myself that it may not last after my first m/c in May. I am glad though that I did not have to wait til 10/11 weeks to find out this time. On the positive side I got pregnant the first month I tried soy and first time I Oed after my first miscarriage. I usually take forever to get pregnant so I feel positive about that and hopeful Soy will give me another chance.


MomtoIandE - Did you experience O pains? xo

No, no O pains at all yet ... which leads me to believe I haven't O'd yet - I've heard we're to expect a pretty painful O, but I've just felt little twinges and dull aches here and there (not even as painful as my normal O). So maybe I'll get another +OPK tomorrow (as I usually get 2) and will go on to O tomorrow as well ...

YEAH for your lines getting darker!!!!!
I never got really strong O pains but got positive OPKs for 4 days with day 3 being the strongest almost purple. Good luck on Oing soon. Hope you catch the egg:flower:

Help! A quick question and someone please answer!

This is my 1st cycle of Soy. I clearly ovulated on CD20 and now at 13DPO, AF seem to be knocking at the door. I have cramps and some blood when I wipe, but incredibly light. I don't usually spot before AF so this is very weird. It's been a whole day of bloody discharge no actual flow.

Could this be an effect of Soy??? PLEASE HELP!!

Sorry I am not sure but didn't want to ignore. It does sound like Af is starting:hugs: Maybe because Soy can increase cm for some people that it can make Af different:shrug:
So sorry Af is arriving:hugs:
congrats to all the BFP's. DOn't mean to sound dumb, but what does soy do, and how do you use it?? I am doing SMEP this cycly, but I am willing to try anything next cycle.
congrats to all the BFP's. DOn't mean to sound dumb, but what does soy do, and how do you use it?? I am doing SMEP this cycly, but I am willing to try anything next cycle.

not a dumb question at all :)soy is a natural clomid, it tricks ur body into thinking that u dont have enough estrogen so ur body makes more. and hopefully your body will pop out an eggie. people who dont ovulate on their own normally use it, but i believe that people who do ovulate use it...i did. people say that u should not use it if u do ovulate because soy can mess up your cycles. my personal opinion...i ovulate on my own and i used soy for the first time, iam on cd 23 and i have not had any problems so far. it even moved up my O day some. this thread is full on facts about soy if u wanted to browse some, the ladies on here are very knowledgeable. hope this helped
Yes, Soy can make AF much lighter. For me it was not so much lighter as it was shorter and not a single cramp?

If any of you ladies really wants to get AF going so that you can begin your next cycle, 900mg of parsley at bedtime and another 900mg of parsley taken the next morning should bring on your normal flow.
Parsley comes in pills at the natural food stores, is completely harmless and if you do enough research on the web you will find that some herbologists even prescribe placing a stem of parsley "inside" to bring AF on - thanks, but I'll stick with pills! LOL.
Anyway, it is NOT an abortifacient herb, so it will not bring on AF if you are pg, but last month on CD28 I POAS one last time just to be sure and then took my parsley at bedtime and in the morning - AF started by noon that day.

Hope this helps some of you that are in limbo right now - I know that sux! I POAS CD9-16 last month to waste like $80 on BFN and was so over it, by the time CD28 was here I was throwing AF a welcome party just to be able to move forward!
I just got my 2nd +OPK :happydance: :wohoo: Here's the pic -


Clearly not as dark as yesterday (CD13), but I do usually get 2 days of +OPKs and then O on that 2nd day. So... we :sex: yesterday at 2p, today (O day?) at 5:30a, and will BD tomorrow morning (when I'll hopefully see my temp shoot up). Please, please, PLEASE let my temps go up tomorrow!!!! Am I worrying over nothing? I mean, how often do people truly get +OPKs and then not O? I know it can happen, but has it happened to anyone here?!
MomtoIandE - wow - that smily face is almost as cute as a baby's smile!!!! YIPPEE - go jump hubby and don't come back here until you have sat with your feet up the wall for 30 minutes - :happydance: :hugs: :thumbup:
:happydance: I am so excited to kick off the 100th page of our board! Wow - we have a great group of mommies here - TTC and mommies already - we are all mommies in our hearts!

I wanted to send yet another "Pain in the Ass Jo" novel in reagrds to charting and requests for chart stalkers to help with in terpretations.......

I have seen a lot of wacko charts with more peaks than my Rocky Mountains and the Alps combined - I see dicards, hollows and missing temps - so here is some info to hopefully help with your charting....

BBT readings are most steady after at least 3+ hours of sleep. Keep in mind if you work odd shifts or sleep odd hours, that as long as you have been asleep for 3+hrs you will get a reliable BBT - so if you work nights one week and days the next, just be sure you are temping after a 3+ hour stretch of sleep and see if the temps level out a bit. Yes, you are supposed to chart at the same time each day if you have a regular schedule, BUT it is better to chart after the same number of sleep hours each day than at the same clock time each day if your schedule changes. Your body doesn't care what the clock says, BBT happens only with sleep. :sleep:

Since this is a new board and thread for some and a new cycle for others, I also wanted to mention the other sections of the Fertility Friend charts and the best way to make the most of them.....FOR ALL US SOY LADIES we should use the custom section of the charts and add "Soy Iso" as a selection - note it on the CDs you use it and in the notes area of custom, note the dose that you took. Also note in the "Custom" area other herbs, Vitamins, fertility foods, etc. you are taking. Please also note when you consume alcohol - we will not judge - we are all TTC and some of us need a drink every now and then because we went to a party, we were stressed, it was happy hour - whatever....I will not judge as long as you are not posting "Drank 6 Jim Beams and Coke with Patron shots" for days in a row...:drunk:

When using the "specific" section like some women do - DO NOT overkill it and make the chart harder to analyze by posting TMI!! Not every bout with stomach trouble needs to be recorded! For example, if you know that you had spicy Indian for lunch the day before and have gas or diarrhea today, DO NOT NOTE THAT as it would obviously not be a mentrual cycle sign, but a digestive one! Leave your digestion off the chart unless it can be presumed morning sickness. Same goes for tired, bitchy, moody, sad, etc - Use judgment or you will create a chart that really should be titled "I am a hypochondriac with no better use of my time" - Ladies, we are trying to make babies here, not cure world health troubles - we are all able to do this - have faith! Another Example: if your dog passed away there really is no need to post "sad" :cry: :sad2: or "moody" :evil: as it is explained by someting other than your cycle or your TTC! (To all you dog lovers, sorry for that example. My own family rescues Saint Bernards, so it was the first mood example that came to mind.)

For the specifics - please enter as much info as you can with CM, CP, temp, fertility drugs, fertility supplements. Remember to check your cervix internally daily! Do not just check CM of your TP - "sweep" with your finger and record what is happening - CM changes when exposed to the air and checking underwear or paper is not always accurate or adequate. :nope:

For sex - please note AM or PM, not just yes or no - why? So that if you have a question as to CTE (catching that egg) we may be able to help answer better if we know that you did the deed at 5am the day you see your thermal shift, vs. 9pm when you would surely have missed it. :dohh:

Just try not to note each time you pass gas - jeez some women really create annoying charts that many of us find more confusing and it leave us chart interpreters stumped. :shrug:

For those of you new to charting - do not give up too fast! Try to keep up with the charting - it takes about a week to get into the habit. I had not charted in about 8 years and the first week was awful! i had sunburn, interupted sleep, forgot to temp and remembered while in the shower - I was a mess in June! So I slept with a rubber band on my wrist and the BBT tucked in the band so i would not forget - after a week I moved the BBT to the nightstand and have not forgotten since.

If you have questions about your charts there are many of us here that will help and some of us have taken the chart course to become "chart analysts" - fertility friend is not always right and this is especially true with Soy, Clomid, trigger injections, etc - reach out and ask!

My new goal is to see all of us get :bfp::test::bfp: by January here! If you are in, I'm in! :dust::hug::dust:

Remember too that the best part about kids is making them! LOL :sex:
Hope this helps! GL and Baby Dust!

Here is a link to my chart - I am hoping to see some more leveling of our group charts so that we can all be confident in our analysis of our own charts... My Ovulation Chart
Welcome kaylami!!! Hope you'll get a bfp in just a few days!

Nice to see the thread reaching the 100 pages. Thanks to all of you ladies that keep it going.

Regarding the deal mumof3wants5 I wish to be healthily pregnant before January but who knows.

Momof3wants5 - Thanks for all the info :winkwink:

Question (again, maybe) - Has anyone ever gotten a +OPK and not gone on to O? Today is my 2nd day of +OPK, and I haven't felt any O pain, but I am feeling very crampy (like AF) - Thoughts?!
OMG!!! momof3 u are amazing!!! u are filled with so many facts!!!!! :)
Momof3wants5 - Thanks for all the info :winkwink:

Question (again, maybe) - Has anyone ever gotten a +OPK and not gone on to O? Today is my 2nd day of +OPK, and I haven't felt any O pain, but I am feeling very crampy (like AF) - Thoughts?!

Those cramps are your Ovulation - you are either on the brink or are Oing right now!! Go momma! :happydance:
Momof3~ Thanks for the tips. Here's what my chart looks like, and I do have the weird schedule you mention (I frequently switch my sleep schedule by 12 hours)- huge jet lag! I have only missed taking my temp once, and always take it as soon as I wake up. Not sure why it looks like this, but I still haven't had a positive OPK, so maybe I haven't missed temping my O?

By the way, I only charted the first of my 5 days of soy. And the low temp "sleep deprived" day was truly sleep deprivation-- 2 hours of sleep in a 30 hour period, so I didn't get much sleep before taking my temp.


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Momof3 - WOOHOO!!!! I'm gonna take a 2nd OPK today at 3p (after holding since 11:45)... My guess is it'll be -, so I'm hoping my temps shoot up tomorrow!!!

k12345t - Here's a link to FF's advice to people who do shift work - https://www.fertilityfriend.com/Faqs/BBT-and-shift-work.html ... There's also a PDF you can download on FF that I'm pretty sure has a chapter on shift work. GL!!!
Sorry I'm being so annoying and obsessed with my OPKs!

Take a look at the pic - https://www.babyandbump.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=252368&d=1313772889 (colours a little deeper in person)

When do you think I'll O? I had a few twinges yesterday but I'm so worried I'll have a really long cycle again :( xo

Edit - https://www.babyandbump.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=250927&d=1313522151 this is what the colour is like
I think you're nearly there lollipopbop!! On what cd did you O last month?
I think you're nearly there lollipopbop!! On what cd did you O last month?

Oooh I do hope so! Well last cycle was a trip haha.. it was 60+ days so I gave up on testing on cbfm or OPKs but I assume I O'd on cd50 something :wacko:

Do you think because they are getting darker that I must O soon and it won't be such a long cycle? I hope so :( Before TTC my AF was always on time and my cycle was always 29 days.. It's amazing what the power of the mind can do to your body! xo

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