Let's welcome Soy to this cycle!!!! 42 BFP's so far!!!!

Kat - at least you'll be getting something, and you never know a miracle may still happen and your plan will fall into place! I'll be keeping everything crossed for you.

Babykiser - I really don't know what to say other than that I'm sending you so many happy vibes and a virtual hug. It must be so hard after a mc to stay strong, and the crazy hormones flooding your body won't be helping either. I'm totally sure your baby knows that you love him / her and that they will love the stories that you're reading now even more in a year's time when they're falling asleep in your arms.
Babykiser i know exactly how you're feeling because I've been through it myself. Thefirst two weeks after my bfp i was soooo worried about mybaby & constantly thinking something may be wrong in there. I tried to get an early scan from my Gp but he didn't want to refer me. At that point I was about 5wks4 & he made me angry & frustrated but then as I was walking back home I sort of realised there's nothing I can do either way. I tried my best, I got my bfp, then I tried my best to check if the baby was ok in there but it didn't happen so as it was out of my hands I just let go of the fears & started to enjoy iy & hope for the best. It didn't work & I lost my baby but I know I did everything I could to keep him alive. I looked after myself & what I ate, I rested when I needed,etc. But we're all in God's hands & it wasn't meant to be.
What I'm trying to say here is enjoy your blessing & make the most of it!! If something happens you'll deal with it there and then but sweetie there's no point worrying about what hasn't happen.
I really hope you can put yourfears behind. If you believe, use your faith, & if nitjust get support from your dh. I'm sure he's as frightened as you are.

So I tested this morning (10DPO), and I don't see much of anything - When I hold the IC a certain way, it looks like there could maybe be something, but it's so very faint, and it could just be wishful thinking. I've posted it to a couple of tweakers boards, so we'll see what they say, but I think I'll just have to wait and test again tomorrow ... There's no way I have the willpower to skip a day, so it'll just be ED until AF shows - LOL
Oh, and here's the pic if anyone is interested - like I said, wishful thinking...
MomtoIandE - Can't see anything yet! but those tests are hard to take a decent picture of! 10dpo is still very early so don't worry :) When is AF due? xoxo
MumtoIandE - I can never see lines in the photos, but if you think there's something there then hopefully it'll be there and strong tomorrow! GL
Thanks, ladies - I really don't know if there's anything there at all - I think it's probably just my imagination. In any event, I'm 10DPO today... As for when AF is due, I have a super short luteal phase, so she's due tomorrow. But I have had some cycles where I've gone to like 14DPO before AF is here in full force, so it's kind of hard so say. I wish I was more predictable - LOL
It's so annoying when you can't predict AF date! I'm not sure how long mine is so I'm saying 14 for this cycle. Do you have any symptoms for AF or PG? xoxox
No PG symptoms, for sure. As for AF, I'm feeling emotional (but this whole TTC process is emotional for me), and I feel a little crampy (way too late for implantation cramping), and I just feel like I'm going to go to the bathroom and see her any minute. And just generally, I'm not feeling positive about this month. I had a strong O and good timing, but I just don't think it worked. Sorry to be such a downer - Did I mention I'm feeling emotional? LOL
Well, after cd92, AF finally showed up. So I am going to try soy this cycle, cd 3 - 7. Will let you ladies know how I get on!
Jes - I got the picture from a print screen so you can ignore my private message (I could not copy and paste, but I beat my PC)
Anyway - I am going to try and tweak and see what I pull.

Babykiser - I don't really want to type this whole story publically but as i agree with Madrid, I will. For those of you that don't like sad stories, skip this post....
Kiser, I know your pain! We m/c at 14 weeks about 7 years ago. DD#1 was 2.5yrs and DS was about 10 months. I will never forget that experience, I was bleeding a bit so I called the OB office. I had spotted with DD#1 b/c I was "nesting" too hard - moving furniture, carrying heavy items, "hands and knees" type cleaning, etc. - I was okay after doc put me on rest for two weeks and the spotting was always sort of brownish, never a "flow" so I was lucky - but I had taken for granted that the "strong lady" genes in my family were invincible. I went on to have DD#1 at full term, after a few months of being very lazy after the scare.
With my third pg, which I was also conviced was a girl - we had already named her Emma Leigh - I began to lightly bleed, but it was red. I called the OB and the CNP told me to put my feet up (this was at night) and rest and to come in at 7am the next day. I didn't feel anything else, so I was hopeful - the next morning I woke up went to the bathroom and it was bright red. Not a lot, but definitely not "spotting" - we went in to the OB with two kids in tow, I was more alarmed due to the color, but still hopeful... we had an ultrasound. (Maybe I should explain that there are 2 U/S rooms and 2 NST rooms at my OB office - all in the same hallway.) The door was left open like 2 inches as she began the test and I immediately heard a heartbeat, DH and I were so happy. But CNP got up, shut the door and sat down next to me again, placing her hand on my leg and saying, "Sweetie, i am so sorry, that is not your baby's heartbeat, it's coming from next door. I can't find your baby's heartbeat." I had my kids with me and DH was crying and it was like someone reached in and tore my heart out.
A year later I was pg with DD#2 - so scared, I bought a doppler - the 3MhZ ones that the doc uses! I spent like $250 and bought it on eBay from a good feedback seller in China. I listened every day at least three times. I was paranoid, though Madrid is right, our worry will not stop what God has in His plan. His plan for my fourth pg was for a healthy baby girl to join our family. I believe that my baby's spirit came into my DD#2 and she is a lively one! Confident, independent - "Vivi" it means vivacious life and there is no better name for her! I realized, a few years later, that what happened was not my fault, I had had three pg in 2 years, doc told me that my body was taxed and that we would have another. My mom told me it was a blessing, my MIL cried for two weeks, my neonatal nurse practioner friend told me that there was likely something very wrong and that I had to believe that the m/c was God's way of protecting my family (kids) from such future despair. Everyone made sense in my head, but my heart was so broken. See, I cried with that BFP - I cried and told DH that I was not ready for a third. The house was too small, the kids were too little, money was too tight, I was a wreck. About a month later I began to enjoy the feeling of having 3 kids close in age and figured that small kids don't care if the house is small and we eat PB&J three nights a week as long as we are a family - I began to have faith - and then it was taken from me. I had to live with the guilt of wishing it away - and as a Catholic, I know guilt first hand!
Since I hemmorahged after labor with DD#1 and DS, my OB suggested a D&C versus a natural m/c, since i was in my 14th week and had two small kids at home he was fearful i may hemmorhage at home when DH was at work, so se scheduled the D&C. It was at the hospital and when we arrived, we had to go to the labor and delivery floor of the hospital for the D&C - It was horrid! They did the surgery in the c-section OR, so instead of entering the doors to have a baby I was entering to send one back to heaven - I bawled my eyes out for an hour, don't even remember what my doc told me i was crying so much!
Well, when my D&C was over, I finished the last projects on the house, put it for sale and took the kids with DH to Disney for DS first birthday. We moved into our current home, and the house just asked for another baby - DH wanted to wait - we just took on a bigger payment. I got pg on the pill!! That spirit was ready to enter our lives and she is now 5.5 years, fiesty as hell and in kindergarten! I do believe that the baby left us so that I could get ready for her!
I once had a "sprit reader" tell me that I had three child guides that were with me and that I would definitely have another boy - he was waiting for me to invite him in - today I believe that is the bean that i am growing right now. I have to have faith or I may as well give up.
Kiser - I know this was a long story (and all you others that read thru) - stay faithful. Those babies may come back to you in many years and a new spirit may join you first - God knows what he is doing even though we often feel slighted. Enjoy each day that passes by and your baby grows a bit more. Stay happy and positive so that the little bean can feel his/her mommy being happy and excited about him/her joining your world -stay upbeat and keep posting to all us crazy mommas - we understand! XOXO ~ jo
marid- thank you for the kind words :) and i agree with u about the whole thing, its just kind of hard to get in your head ya know! i do make sure to take care of myself and give my baby the best of everything, i know that if it is meant to be it will. i will appreciate however long i get...im sure it will be a very long time :)

momof3- omg im over here in tears!! took a while to type my msg to madrid(sorry if words are spelled wrong) thank you so very much for sharing your story! i really appreciate the time u took to write that thoughtful message :cry: im so sorry for what u had to go through..but i thank you for telling me because in a sense it brings me peace. and its still hard for me to believe that i couldnt do anything to save my twin babies, but there was nothing that me or any dr could have done! i need to put my fears aside and embrace the wonderfulness(dont know if thats a word) of being pregnant. God had yet again given me a gift and i dont want to seem as if i dont appreciate it! i do so much! this may sound wrong to some people, but i use to wonder why i had been given to babies only to lose them...i'd rather not have had them at all....but i have since changed my thoughts on that, i am so proud to have been those babies mother even if it was for 8 short weeks :) that time i had with them can never be replaced and i am grateful to have had that! i still have my fears about this pregnancy, but iam not about to let that stop me from enjoying every minute of it!! Thanks you again...momof3 and u also madrid!

i love everyone on here, you ladies have helped me in so many ways!!!!
Madrid and Momof3 - Your stories really touched me, feel so emotional. You both and Babykiser must be such strong women to go through such an experience and be able to share it. I could never put myself in your shoes, can't imagine what it feels like. I'm just glad you've all come out of it stronger people :hugs:

lollipopbop- thank you...and i think part of the healing process is talking about our experiences, i believe it may also help some else. i know that after my mc i stalked b&b for the longest time, i was so scared to join! but reading other ladies stories and experiences gave me hope that one day i would be pregnant and and all would be ok. it also helps you see that eventhough u know it happens, you know u are not alone.

oh and a sidenote....i hope i haven't scared or offended anyone on here! if i have iam very sorry as i didnt mean to do so. pregnancy is a great and wonderful thing!!! :) im sure madrid and momof3 would both agree with me!
I've just been lurking today! I'm glad the subject came up.. I want to get pregnant so bad, but I'm terrified of loosing another baby! so this has brought me some comfort, thank you ladies :hugs:
Just finished your stories, had to break to grab a tissue. Your incredibly strong ladies x

Feeling really frustrated with ttc today. Got a bfn yesterday, today is cd32 and I 'think' I possibly ov'd cd22. Haven't a clue how long my cycles are, do you think it would be fair enough to test end of the week if still no af? Hate having crazy cycles. I should chart, but can never get to grips with it.
hi ladies. i don't post much here, but wowsers you guys really are a fab bunch.. each & everyone of you deserve a super sticky bfp sooo much... i sincerely hope 2 pink lines are right round the corner for all of us...

i'm on cd13 and hoping i'm oving today - have cramps & mega ewcm - which i had on ov day last month. oddly though my opks are neg, not even a faint line. but that might be user error, or my body is tricking me. i so hope its ov as i go outta town on wed & dont' wanna miss it!

I am so sorry that I made some of you cry and that my story was so long. You should meet me in person, I never shut up! :haha:

Kiser - you need to stay H&H - we are having these babies together! Same due date, same milestones - you must remain my buddy! :hugs:

Madrid - you are very faithful and I know that you will soon get your sticky bean! :thumbup:

Misskat29 - Test on Thurs. If you are right about O date, that would be 14dpo and that would be sufficient time for almost any test. :test:

Rjsmam - SKIP the opk!! I can already see the ladies here rolling their eyes as I get on my soapbox about it, but check out page 70, post #696 on this thread - by yours truly... I would have been pg last month except in trying for a boy, we were holding off on BD until we got a +OPK and missed it. Look at my chart and you will see my obvious O date, except my crosshairs are blue not red - i manually overrode my O date. FF kept it at CD15 but look at the chart - to me it is obvious that i O'd before my +OPK and we missed the egg. :nope: My Ovulation Chart
thanks momof3 - that sooo makes sense... !! hubbie is being put to use again tonight :winkwink: & i'm hoping it's good timing xx
Hi ladies and thank you for your kind words!! It's true that a mc is something that changes your life forever. I think it'll stay with me as long as I live. Like momof3 says I'm sure there's a reason why it happened and as I've said before I intend to keep at it and hopefully it'll happen sooner than later.

rjsman I've been doing opk's for 7 days now. I'm not taking soy this cycle so it's different but they've been getting darker by the day. I think I may get my +opk tomorrow.

Hope you'll get yours soon too but listen to your body also. Not just the opk's.


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