Let's welcome Soy to this cycle!!!! 42 BFP's so far!!!!

Momof3 (or anyone else who might know) - I'm going to try Soy again this cycle, but I'm also considering adding Red Raspberry Leaf, Evening Primrose Oil, and Royal Jelly - Anyone have any suggestions as to dosing and ideas as to what days you're supposed to take them?! Also, I heard someone say you should steer clear of EPO if you have progesterone issues - Anyone else hear that?!

Floridagirl - That's crazy!! I have to believe that was a BFP... not sure what's going on there. GL, girlie

I took epo the month Ive got my bfp & you can only take it until you O. Didn't heard about the progesterone & epo so :shrug: I used to take 1 capsule a day even though in the box said to take three. Just don't like to take too many things.

Do you how much folic acid is the recommended dose because in here they say 400 but I keep reading about other amounts.

Well after almost 2 days of constant cramping, it has died down some this afternoon.. Hope that isn't a bad thing!! still have the full pressure feeling, just not the cramps!
So here's my plan -

1. Soy Isoflavones: CD2-6 (75, 150, 150, 175, 175)
2. Evening Primrose Oil: 3,000mg CD5-Ovulation
3. Royal Jelly: 1,000mg every day
4. Prenatal vitamin with DHA: every day
5. Calcium: 500mg every day

I also plan to buy Red raspberry leaf (tones uterine lining) and a Folic acid supplement to take every day, and I'm considering increasing my B6. I wanted to take Red clover, licorice root, and tribulus, but I can't (as I'm still BFing) I also wanted to take Maca root (for libido), but wasn't sure it would be a good idea to take with Soy... so I'm giving it to DH, as it does wonderful stuff for male fertility too!!

If I O on the same timeline as last cycle, this will give me O on CD11. BD plan: CD7, CD9-11... those are the days we BD'd when we got PG w.DD, so hopefully it'll work!!

Madrid - My prenatal has 800mg of Folic acid (RDA), and Momof3 said she was taking like 2,400mg/day....

As for EPO and progesterone, after doing more reading I learned that EPO actually helps to balance progesterone and estrogen, so I'm really excited about trying it!!!!
Hi, ladies. Just checking in - DH has worked all day since I got back from that baby consignment sale. :nope: It's Labor Day weekend and every year, Denver has The Taste of Colorado festival from Friday - Monday and Dh works it. It is great extra $$ but it always messes with his birthday. Anyway we are celebrating tomorrow at lunch before he goes in for the night shift. (He's a cop).

I have not had any other bad signs today so i am hoping that temp was a fluke - guess I will know when i get up tomorrow. I know that I should stop temping but until I get into the doc on Sep 13, I am so nervous - i feel like I have imagined all of this! So I am temping for another 10 days - I am obsessive by nature, so nothing new there. :dohh:

So I shopped all day - this morning was the consignment sale and I got this awesome Graco cradle/swing thing - I loved it cause it is AC adaptable and I hate running out of batteries! But get this, you can adjust the seat to swing front to back or side to side, it has 6 speeds, like 20+ songs built in and (this is my favorite part) I can plug the iPod into it!! :happydance: My son was so cute, he goes, "Mom the baby can listen to my songs too!!" and he listens to hip-hop, Van Halen and 70's stuff - LOL :haha: Anyway this thing is like $189 and I grabbed it for $50 in new condition! I was excited about that - keep imagining it in the nursery - maybe that will bring me luck.

Then later after DH went to work, his sister came over and we went and bought him a new suit, shirts & ties. He doesn't wear suits much these days and has one really nice navy suit, but there is a dinner we are supposed to go to in October and today I bought him a black suit with very light pinstripes - it was a $575 suit that i snagged for less than $175! Man I was the bargain queen today! The hardest part was the shirt and tie - holy crap, i am old - when i was younger your either got white or blue shirts, now they had an entire aisle of colors, stripes, etc - it took us longer for the 2 shirts & ties than it did for the suit. With a DH who wears uniforms, I don't get to "Dress-up" shop for him much - I can't wait to see him in it - he gets to be my Ken doll for one night! :happydance:

Anyway - I am babbling -
MomtoIandE - yeah EPO until O and then stop.
Royal Jelly, prefarable in capsule form, can be used everyday.
Folic Acid i am taking 2400 in addition to the 800 in my multi vit. Folic acid over 2000 per day is supposed to help with your O and fertility.
I did not use red raspberry though I have heard great things. Just stop after this cycle as it can cause contractions. Start again at 38w to help start labor and help with milk.
I used red clover with my Soy - it was in the pills I was taking - it is a weak phytoestrogen so it works with Soy in the same way.

I am going to bed - will check in with you all tomorrow - g'nite!:sleep:
Momof3 (or anyone else who might know) - I'm going to try Soy again this cycle, but I'm also considering adding Red Raspberry Leaf, Evening Primrose Oil, and Royal Jelly - Anyone have any suggestions as to dosing and ideas as to what days you're supposed to take them?! Also, I heard someone say you should steer clear of EPO if you have progesterone issues - Anyone else hear that?!

Floridagirl - That's crazy!! I have to believe that was a BFP... not sure what's going on there. GL, girlie

I took epo the month Ive got my bfp & you can only take it until you O. Didn't heard about the progesterone & epo so :shrug: I used to take 1 capsule a day even though in the box said to take three. Just don't like to take too many things.

Do you how much folic acid is the recommended dose because in here they say 400 but I keep reading about other amounts.


I think folic acid is one of those that your body takes what it needs and pees the rest out. I have always just taken what is in my prenatal vitamin and so far with DS and little bean- seems to be working.
Hi I hope its okay to jump in with a quick question, I have PCOS but now that I am older I ovulate on my own normally around cd14 , but I am wondering if the eggs I am ovulating are not very big because I litterally have no tww symptoms anymore till closer to AF.
so I am wondering if the soy can work like clomid and help me ovulate bigger better eggs?.
any opinions welcome.:flower:

I am a PCOS lady as well, I do ovulate most times, I think the last cycle was anovulatory though as it was 43 days, and average cycle 32 days. I usually get 1-2 extremely long cycle once a year that I believe they are anovulatory.
I am using Soya for same reason.
Although I plan to use soya for 3 cycles and then move on to femara in november or december.
Lisap2008 & lollybabe2011 - I too have pcos.

I don't know if I ovulate every cycle, but guessed I did as I was under the impression you didn't get your period until you had ovulated - feel a bit thick now reading you can have anovulatory cycles?

My cycles are So erratic - anything from 40-70 days in length.

I no I must ovulate at some point as i have been pregnant twice . First time I had a mmc, second time I took soy and it must have either bought ovulation forward or made me actually ovulate, as I got a bfp on cd35!

This is my first cycle ttc#2 and I took soy exacty as I did last time, but am on cd38 and no sign of af and defo NO bfp? So who knows. Maybe it's not made me ov?

I find it all very frustrating, the waiting! Not so much the bfn, but the waiting for my af to arrive when it decides to show it's ugly face :(
Ok ladies, having realised you can have anovulatory cycles, I have just done alot of reading of the wonderful world wide web and realised there is a high % I do not ovulate.

I no alot of you will tell me that I should try temping, but I just can't. I have tried before and have never got on with it. I can't do mornings (even having a baby hasn't got me used to early rising! And I'm not a v good sleeper, as I wake often in the night etc) so I'm ruling that out.

Just wanted some advice of what I should do next cycle? This cycle I did cd3-7 and took 120mg each day. Cd38 and no bfp and no af later and me thinking I haven't ovulated, so soy didn't kick start my ovaries.

Any suggestions on the amounts I should take next go?
Momof3 - I totally meant to write you about the temp thing, and then forgot!!! Girl, I did the same thing with my first ... I temped until 9w!!! And during that time, there were some crazy drops that had me terrified. I can send you my chart, if you'd like... But with Evelyn, I decided I wasn't going to drive myself nuts like that. After I got my BFP, my birthday was right around the corner, and I decided it would be my birthday gift - so on my birthday, at 20DPO, I stopped cold turkey. I am sure your little soy bean is just fine!!! I am so happy for you. And your swing sounds awesome!!!! Yeah, I wish I had gotten one that plugged in. Those batteries are costly!! Mmmm... a man in a suit -- yum!!!!!

MrsThomas & Momof3- Thanks for the info on Folic acid - I'm definitely buying a supplement today. I know it's excellent for baby, and if it helps with O, all the better!!!

Misskat - That sucks you think temping might not be an option... Unfortunately it is the only at-home method for confirming O. The next best thing would be to use OPKs. I'd test twice a day -- between 10a and bedtime. If you get a +OPK, chances are you're O'ing, but again you can't know for sure without temping. And even though most women O 12-48 hrs after their first +OPK, some women take up to 5 days (and some don't go on to O at all). As for Soy, I took 75, 150, 175, 175 CD6-9 last cycle (missed CD5), and I O'd on CD14. This month I'm doing 75, 150, 150, 175, 175 CD2-6 and hoping for O on CD11. Some take more, some take less...
MumtoIandE - I no, temping would be the answer for me, I have tried it. But i was so inconsistent! I just got annoyed with myself! I'm not sure opks work if you have pcos either, never ever have I had a +?

Sod it - I've just convinced myself to try temping. It's hit me, I'm back at work now and my alarm always goes off at the same time. So I can take it then. Iim going to do it

Wish me luck
Hi I hope its okay to jump in with a quick question, I have PCOS but now that I am older I ovulate on my own normally around cd14 , but I am wondering if the eggs I am ovulating are not very big because I litterally have no tww symptoms anymore till closer to AF.
so I am wondering if the soy can work like clomid and help me ovulate bigger better eggs?.
any opinions welcome.:flower:

I am a PCOS lady as well, I do ovulate most times, I think the last cycle was anovulatory though as it was 43 days, and average cycle 32 days. I usually get 1-2 extremely long cycle once a year that I believe they are anovulatory.
I am using Soya for same reason.
Although I plan to use soya for 3 cycles and then move on to femara in november or december.

I was anovulatory for a long time when I was young , now that I am old I ovulate every month but I am just not sure how good the eggs are and I am hoping the soy helps make bigger and hopefully more eggs, twins would be great because my next pregnancy will most likely be my last.
so anyway I started soy last night I am going to do it cd 2-6 in dosses 160 160 160 200 200. after my dose last night I got a bad headache and fatigue so at least I know its working. I have taken soy before and had a good ovulation with it although that was over a year ago , we have been TTC sence 2008 so I hope it works this month. I have two psychics saying they see a conception happening in October 2011 so thats exciting .
Amommy I'm sure those cramps are implantation cramps. I wish I could say I'm feeling them too but so far 4dpo & just a bit uncomfortable but that's all.

Misskat good luck with charting bbt!

Ok ladies, having realised you can have anovulatory cycles, I have just done alot of reading of the wonderful world wide web and realised there is a high % I do not ovulate.

I no alot of you will tell me that I should try temping, but I just can't. I have tried before and have never got on with it. I can't do mornings (even having a baby hasn't got me used to early rising! And I'm not a v good sleeper, as I wake often in the night etc) so I'm ruling that out.

Just wanted some advice of what I should do next cycle? This cycle I did cd3-7 and took 120mg each day. Cd38 and no bfp and no af later and me thinking I haven't ovulated, so soy didn't kick start my ovaries.

Any suggestions on the amounts I should take next go?

Consider going higher with the soy, also try increasing dose gradually. The problem with PCOS, PCOS tend to have higher levels of LH, so sometimes ovulation testing kit not very accurate e.g. I usually have a light red line on OPK regardless, darker than control notice about 12-24hrs but I feel ovulation pain, may be better to say what I think is ovulation pain.

I am a great believer of checking for cervical mucus, and feeling for your cervix.
Temp does not work for me, although I try when I can, I work anywhere btw 70 - 125 hrs a week ( I get to sleep at work but not all the time, and most times is often interrupted).
I conceived my son within 1 month of trying as well but I wasn,t as heavy (weight) as I am now and I am also 5 years older.
We can keeping trying and praying, hopefully it will be soon

So here's my plan -

1. Soy Isoflavones: CD2-6 (75, 150, 150, 175, 175)
2. Evening Primrose Oil: 3,000mg CD5-Ovulation
3. Royal Jelly: 1,000mg every day
4. Prenatal vitamin with DHA: every day
5. Calcium: 500mg every day

I also plan to buy Red raspberry leaf (tones uterine lining) and a Folic acid supplement to take every day, and I'm considering increasing my B6. I wanted to take Red clover, licorice root, and tribulus, but I can't (as I'm still BFing) I also wanted to take Maca root (for libido), but wasn't sure it would be a good idea to take with Soy... so I'm giving it to DH, as it does wonderful stuff for male fertility too!!

If I O on the same timeline as last cycle, this will give me O on CD11. BD plan: CD7, CD9-11... those are the days we BD'd when we got PG w.DD, so hopefully it'll work!!

Madrid - My prenatal has 800mg of Folic acid (RDA), and Momof3 said she was taking like 2,400mg/day....

As for EPO and progesterone, after doing more reading I learned that EPO actually helps to balance progesterone and estrogen, so I'm really excited about trying it!!!!

what is royal jelly? i always hear about it, but i have not googled it :shrug:

and with the folic acid my dr put me on a prescription and i think it has a high dossage around 2,000 or more.

momof3 - wow what a day you had!!! you got some awesome deals :happydance: hope all of that put u in a happy mood about your temps :)
Just found this on the wonderful google!

While there are a number of different “superfoods” that have proven to be highly effective at helping with fertility, Royal Jelly is more than likely the reigning King…or Queen of the bunch. This nutrient dense substance is a secretion that comes from glands in young worker bees, and is used to not only create a queen bee for procreation, but is also fed to honey bee larvae to provide them with optimal health and growth.

Royal Jelly is rich in amino acids, lipids, sugars, vitamins, and most importantly, proteins. It contains high levels of vitamins D and E, and also has ample levels of iron and calcium. As all of these are essential to proper health and organ function, it is very easy to see how Royal Jelly can help with in assisting with fertility.

Watch Video: Fertility Superfood Royal Jelly

Royal Jelly
Regular consumption of high-quality Royal Jelly has been shown to help balance hormones. This makes it beneficial to those individuals that suffer from a hormonal imbalance, as it helps to provide support to the endocrine system. It can also help with problems that are related to hormonal imbalance, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome or irregular menstrual cycles. Some studies have shown that Royal Jelly has the propensity to mimic human estrogen, which can help those that suffer from low estrogen levels.

Royal Jelly is primarily sold as a dietary supplement that can be used for a variety of issues. Some of the things that Royal Jelly has been used for include:

• To increase libido
• Support egg health
• Diminish and reduce the signs of aging
• To reduce inflammation caused by illness or injury
• To naturally boost the bodies immune system
• To help treat auto-immune problems like non-rheumatoid arthritis

You can usually find Royal Jelly in capsule or liquid form. The liquid form is placed into a honey base, that can be taken orally or mixed into beverages, meal-replacement shakes or smoothies. When purchasing Royal Jelly, you want to make sure that you only choose pure, high-quality jelly from a reputable source. Make sure there are no preservatives, additives or chemicals to the jelly, so that it does not counteract what you are trying to do to boost your fertility.

It is extremely important to note that Royal Jelly should not be taken by everyone. As with anything, even those things that are natural, it is possible for an individual to have an allergic reaction from consuming the jelly. If you know that you have an allergy to bee stings or even an allergy to honey, you should not take Royal Jelly, as side affects and reactions can include minor to severe skin irritations, difficulty breathing or even anaphylactic shock.
Wow - well, after reading a bit on royal jelly, it defo seems like worth a try for me. Especially as it helps with pcos and irregular cycles!
Hi Ladies,

Babykiser really pleased that doc is going to be doing something positive for you. FX'd xxx

Congrats Floridagirl xxx

I will stalk you all again in a couple of days. So much to catch up on will have to stalk reguarly xxx
Wow, Royal Jelly sounds like a miracle pill haha! I think I'll have to try some, if I'm out this month which I hope I'm not!! BBs are getting more sore every day and nipples seem to be a bit darker according to OH. FX for me ladies!! xoxo
Are you testing tomorrow lollypopbop?

Im going to buy royal jelly tuesday if I can after work. Thats my first day back!! Arghhh!!!

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