Let's welcome Soy to this cycle!!!! 42 BFP's so far!!!!

What kind if bd window do you have after feeling the ov pain? As bd isn't happening tonight it seems - dh is ill :,,,(

You can't say if the o pain is due to ov as there are 3 types of o pain 1 wich happens when the egg is getting ready to pop out then there is the pain that is the egg poping then the pain whenthe egg is going down the tube but then can all feel the same s you can't realy 100% go off pain. But if it is the egg poping out you have 6-12 hrs that the egg will live for.

what cd are you on now? You may o on the same day you get your + and you may get your + in the next day or so if it is getting darker.

Cd16. Last time I O'd on cd14-15. I thought it'll be the same so I asked my dh to postpone his trip but Tuesday was the latest he could do. Cd17 tomorrow. I'm feeling so disappointed :cry:

have you changed any thing this month?
If you dont ov untill weds you should still be coverd if you bd on tues befor he gose just carry on jumping your oh. Good luck i realy do hope you ov V V V soon.

I am cd10 today and i think i may ov early this month as my noise is starting to get blocked of a night and that only happens around o time till af. No O pain yet thow and last nonth i was getting it for a few days then got a realy BAD sharp pain that made me duble up on the night i ov'd My digi opk's where sent out on the 21st and still not here iam getting sick of waiting for things now 1st the soy now my OPKs I they dont come today i will go and buy some from the shops.
Hi Ladies.

Been MIA for a few days due to work commitments. Just to summarize. I usually get a positive OPK on CD 21 and CD 22 and ovulate on CD 22. This time I had an almost positive on CD21 and I had a very positive OPK at 11 am on CD 22 (which is when i usually ovulate). I did a second test at 5pm and got another positive but not as dark as the 11 am one. I had a few twinges but nothing serious. The next day I had a definite line again but not a positive.

But now, FF is showing that I actually ovulated on CD 24 and not CD 22 like every month. This is very depressing. This is the first month that we BD'ed every day leading up to O and then the 2 days after, but if FF Is right, then it means I didn't BD the day after O. I did have lots of cramps on CD 23 and especially CD 24.

Is there anyone that can look at my chart and let me know if they agree with ovulation as CD 24? If you look at my other charts, I usually have a rise on or around O day, then a dip, and then my steady rise. My OPK on CD 24 was stark white.

We BD'ed on CD 20,21,22,23 and 24.

** Side note, I didn't have the temp for CD 21, so I just put it as the same temp as CD 22 otherwise FF didn't give me any cross-hairs. Perhaps that has messed my ovulation prediction by FF up?

Did we BD enough?:cry:
looking at your chart i would say you ov cd22 but as there isnt a lot of temps befor that it is hard to tell. FF has gave you cross hairs goig on your opk's

I think you have defo bd enough
Thanks tmr1234. Well I can believe perhaps ovulating on CD 23 but I doubt it being CD 24. I think the only reason FF did that was because CD 24 was followed by 3 consecutive temp rises. FF did the same last month by indicating CD 20 as O day when I know it was CD 22.

Oh I really hope we BD'ed enough. I made sure to relax about it this month and really put in the effort with making BD fun and doing it every day. So now we just wait.

Another reason I don't think I ovulated on CD 24 is because if you look at the relation between LH surge (positive OPK) and ovulation, then LH rises and when it reaches it peak, ovulation happens around that time. After which, LH levels go down again. So if on CD 23 i got a negative OPK, and on CD 24 a clear white negative OPK, then surely ovulation couldn't have happened on CD 24.

Here is the chart showing the relation..LINK
hi ladies
look at my chart now ff has worked it out now....does it look promising???
Thanks tmr1234. Well I can believe perhaps ovulating on CD 23 but I doubt it being CD 24. I think the only reason FF did that was because CD 24 was followed by 3 consecutive temp rises. FF did the same last month by indicating CD 20 as O day when I know it was CD 22.

Oh I really hope we BD'ed enough. I made sure to relax about it this month and really put in the effort with making BD fun and doing it every day. So now we just wait.

Another reason I don't think I ovulated on CD 24 is because if you look at the relation between LH surge (positive OPK) and ovulation, then LH rises and when it reaches it peak, ovulation happens around that time. After which, LH levels go down again. So if on CD 23 i got a negative OPK, and on CD 24 a clear white negative OPK, then surely ovulation couldn't have happened on CD 24.

Here is the chart showing the relation..LINK

hey Angel, going by temps I would definitely say that you O'd on CD24.

The OPKs predict Ovulation 12-36 hours prior to when it happens. That being said, your last positive OPK was at 11am on CD22, that would mean that you could O anywhere from CD22-24. I don't think you O'd on CD23, because you had the temp dropp on CD24, when it should have risen if that was when you actually O'd. I wouldn't worry though, as having sex the day after isn't nearly as important as having sex before and the day of O. I think you've definitely covered your basis. :thumbup:

So I haven't O'd the last two cycles????? I have herd so many different things, SHould I try SOy or Clomid?????????

I bought Soy and if AF shows was goin to try it and was told I should do Clomid or HCg trigger shots?? IDK what to dooooooooooooo
Hi ladies!!!

:thumbup: rachey for O and crosshairs!! You definitely have a chance there!!

Unfortunately I can't say the same thing. I didn't get my +opk today either so it's impossible we'll make it this cycle. Well, I guess it's waiting for af again for me :dohh:. I won't be taking soy next cycle for sure. I don't know when I'll O or when af will come so it may even be better to O late to wait for my dh to come back.

:coffee: with caffeine coming up!!!!!
I've got a quick question, since I have been taking my temp I'm starting to wonder if I actually O'ed. My temp on CD 18 was 97.2, cd 19 - 96.8, cd 20 & 21 was 97.3, cd 22 - 97.1, and cd 23, today, was 97.5. I believe my actually body temp is a little lower than normal, but have I had enough of a temp shift to indicate O happened and if so is my temp after O normal?
Hi Ladies.

Been MIA for a few days due to work commitments. Just to summarize. I usually get a positive OPK on CD 21 and CD 22 and ovulate on CD 22. This time I had an almost positive on CD21 and I had a very positive OPK at 11 am on CD 22 (which is when i usually ovulate). I did a second test at 5pm and got another positive but not as dark as the 11 am one. I had a few twinges but nothing serious. The next day I had a definite line again but not a positive.

But now, FF is showing that I actually ovulated on CD 24 and not CD 22 like every month. This is very depressing. This is the first month that we BD'ed every day leading up to O and then the 2 days after, but if FF Is right, then it means I didn't BD the day after O. I did have lots of cramps on CD 23 and especially CD 24.

Is there anyone that can look at my chart and let me know if they agree with ovulation as CD 24? If you look at my other charts, I usually have a rise on or around O day, then a dip, and then my steady rise. My OPK on CD 24 was stark white.

We BD'ed on CD 20,21,22,23 and 24.

** Side note, I didn't have the temp for CD 21, so I just put it as the same temp as CD 22 otherwise FF didn't give me any cross-hairs. Perhaps that has messed my ovulation prediction by FF up?

Did we BD enough?:cry:

I really think you O'd on CD22, but since you don't have many temps before then, FF isn't giving it to you... And I definitely think you BD'd enough!!! Now time to sit back and relax... Um, yeah right - Ha!!
AFM - So I tested this morning - 10DPO - :bfn: - I swore I thought I saw something, but the women on my Tweaker's board said it was too tough to call... I'm hoping I'm just early - I'll test again tomorrow... :cry:
Good afternoon ladies!

I would love to join you all!

My story:
DH and I are both 27 and married just over 4 years ago. I had been on various forms of BC for 7.5 or so years - the pill, ring, pill again, then depo for a year and a half. Had my last depo shot Oct '10 and didn't get the next one due in Jan '11. So we started TTC in Jan '13, and I knew it might take a while for my body to get back to normal - dr told me anywhere from 3-9 or so months (but I know even more than that isn't uncommon!). I hadn't had a period for years due to the diff BCs.

So, I have been charting (in sig), and have yet to O according to FF. Didn't get my first period until end of April (107 days after I started charting). 2nd cycle was 47 days. Third cycle 15 days. 4th cycle 50 days, followed by a two week long period (blech!), and I am in the middle of my 5th cycle at CD38. This is my first cycle using OPKs and I haven't gotten a + although on CD25/26 it was the darkest it has gotten. FF had originally given me a dashed crosshairs at CD27, but just yesterday took it away.

I've had some spotting yesterday (some red in AM followed by scant brown for rest of day) and today (brown) but no AF flow.

My temp for today was very high but I had a few drinks last night which I know can mess it up.

So here's my plan:
1) Ordered a new basal thermometer today - mine will give me two totally diff readings if I do it 2x in a row
2) No more alcohol - figure less cr*p I put in my body the better chance it has to work right, plus no more messing up my temps due to it
3) Really work on getting healthier (I would so love to be thinner when I get pg!)
4) Next cycle I am going to try soy isos

I am so excited to try soy after reading a bunch on it! Now... come on AF so I can get started!!!
do you have a link to your chart?

No, I keep up with it on piece of paper. I don't have enough temps for ff to determine O bc I didn't take my temp a lot. I forget to take it, but there is a 0.5 difference in my temps on cd 19 & 20, so I'm guessing I O'ed then bc I did have 2 +opks and O pain on cd 18, then I had ewcm on cd 19 and 20.
Welcome to our thread mauiaddict!!!! Hope you don't get af & don't have to give soy a go!!

momofI nice to see you back! I was waiting for our 20th bfp from you but I guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow!

Good afternoon ladies!

I would love to join you all!

My story:
DH and I are both 27 and married just over 4 years ago. I had been on various forms of BC for 7.5 or so years - the pill, ring, pill again, then depo for a year and a half. Had my last depo shot Oct '10 and didn't get the next one due in Jan '11. So we started TTC in Jan '13, and I knew it might take a while for my body to get back to normal - dr told me anywhere from 3-9 or so months (but I know even more than that isn't uncommon!). I hadn't had a period for years due to the diff BCs.

So, I have been charting (in sig), and have yet to O according to FF. Didn't get my first period until end of April (107 days after I started charting). 2nd cycle was 47 days. Third cycle 15 days. 4th cycle 50 days, followed by a two week long period (blech!), and I am in the middle of my 5th cycle at CD38. This is my first cycle using OPKs and I haven't gotten a + although on CD25/26 it was the darkest it has gotten. FF had originally given me a dashed crosshairs at CD27, but just yesterday took it away.

I've had some spotting yesterday (some red in AM followed by scant brown for rest of day) and today (brown) but no AF flow.

My temp for today was very high but I had a few drinks last night which I know can mess it up.

So here's my plan:
1) Ordered a new basal thermometer today - mine will give me two totally diff readings if I do it 2x in a row
2) No more alcohol - figure less cr*p I put in my body the better chance it has to work right, plus no more messing up my temps due to it
3) Really work on getting healthier (I would so love to be thinner when I get pg!)
4) Next cycle I am going to try soy isos

I am so excited to try soy after reading a bunch on it! Now... come on AF so I can get started!!!

WELCOME!!! :flower: Hmmm... I'd be getting pretty hopeful that CD37 was O day, especially with the spotting (could be O spotting). I know you got a -OPK on CD37, but maybe you would've gotten a + if you'd tested on CD35-36? If I were you'd I'd be :sex: just in case, at least until I saw my temps the next couple of days. GL!!!
Welcome to our thread mauiaddict!!!! Hope you don't get af & don't have to give soy a go!!

momofI nice to see you back! I was waiting for our 20th bfp from you but I guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow!


You're a sweetheart :flower: I really, really, REALLY hope I get it!!!!!! Ha, ha!! I didn't get a + with my son until 12DPO, with my daughter until 13DPO, so I'm hoping at 10DPO I'm just early... My chart looks lovely, but I know I'm on progesterone...

I know your hubby's trip is coming up soon, and OPKs have been - ... but are you guys covering your bases just in case?! BD'ing before O is better anyway -- the troops are there waiting to catch the egg!!! What's your plan, chica?!

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