Morning Limbo ladies :wave: Might pop on later, but were going away today till Monday afternoon so I'll catch up with you all then.
Lauki, thanks for the understanding and welcome, yes the pregancy has been awful BUT every second is worth it

Yasmin, i also dreamed i was breastfeeding 2 babies that same night, wierd! I also was looking down at my deflated tummy and prodding it with disgust

Vicky G, Hey honey :wave: nice to meet you

Claire Muir, I'm the same, can sometimes remeber impressive details yet can totally miss a complete post

I also agree about the eating, its not the same as smoking and drinking. x
Racheyroux, :wave: Not easy on a diabetic diet is it?!

I also gave up smoking and drinking. I have to admit to the odd milk shake also

and ice cream shhhhh don't tell the midwife

So glad it was good news at the growth scan, and really pleased you got some pics! I'm sure her nose is just perfect, and lucky you to be having a 4d scan

Barbles, :wave: Glad your GT came back ok! great to meet you x
Everyone else, hope your all ok!
