List your IVF Successes here

I will be adding my success story as soon as I have my first u/s next week! Just received our BFP after our 1st round of IVF. I couldn't feel more blessed than I do right now! A single grade A 8 cell embaby was transferred on day 3 and thats all it took! Anyone doing a single transfer, I am proof that it can and does work! :) I was worried about a single transfer but my doctor was so confident that I trusted it and here we are! I'll be back with the full story soon ladies!
-Name: Mary
-Age: 25 (turned 26 at 5w6d)
-How long TTC: 2 years ATTC
-Diagnosis or any known issues: One ovary & tube--Remaining tube blocked.
-Treatments you tried before IVF: Enzymes for tubal blockage. IVF was really our only choice.
-How many IVF did you do before success: 1st time success!
-Are you using donor eggs or sperm: Donor Sperm--Male factor that didn't allow us to use DHs great swimmers for IVF (Due to the clinics policy)
-Protocol (meds taken): BCP, Lupron, Menopur, Gonal-F, hcg trigger, PIO (2x), and progesterone suppositories.
-How many follicles at ER: 5
-How many eggs retrieved: 5
-How many eggs fertilized: 5
-How many days between ER and ET: 3 days
-How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 1 grade A 8 cell- day 3. The other 4 made it to freeze.
-How many days bed rest: I just took it easy throughout my whole TWW. Strict bed rest for only 1 day.
-Symptoms or issues during 2WW: No issues but I did have a small amount of IB at 7dp3dt and lots of cramping starting 2dp3dt.
-What day you got your BFP: 5/16/15 (7dp3dt)
-HPT before blood test: Yes, 7dp3dt. Strong positive on FRER that quickly darkened.
-Number of first beta: 80 @ 9dp3dt 2nd beta 11dp3dt= 201 & 3rd beta 13dp3dt=552
-Number of babies: U/s showed 1 perfect sized sac @ 5wk2d...Will update after HB scan!

*Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process: I was very worried about a 3dt with only one embryo and I wish I had known that day 3s and day 5 transfers are truly equally successful when it all comes down to it. (I found this out by doing lots of research on all sorts of clinics and their day 3s & 5s.) I also wish I knew how much cramping there may be, as it scared me at one point but apparently this can be a very good sign! Also, quality is MUCH more important than quantity! I only had 5 eggs & they were all next to excellent & what we didn't use this time made it to freeze. Dont lose hope if you don't get as many as you hoped for. It only takes one & I'm proof of that!

I wish all of u ladies who are going through the IVF process tons and tons of luck! Don't lose hope! It truly can work, even with limited eggs/embryos to work with. Good luck ladies & lots of dust!
Hi Everyone
Congrats to all ladies that have gotten their BFP's!!

I have been trying to conceive for almost 2 years with no luck
DH-29 - low sperm count
Me-29 - thin uterine lining, ovarian reserves not looking too good
FS has decided we should start the process of PICSI- Current
I am on 2 vials of Menopur and 2 Fertomid from day 3- day 8
I will go in for scan on day 8

I would appreciate any comments on success with PISCI
MY FS had suggested we move straight to
Just read up on PICSI. We just did ICSI as far as I know. I don't think we did sperm selection. My dh had very low motility(20%), but a high count and excellent morphology. Good Luck to you! Hope you get your BFP! :dust:
-Age: 29

-How long TTC: since Nov 2013...20 months

-Diagnosis or any known issues: unexplained

-Treatments you tried before IVF: 3 IUI with clomid and HCG trigger

-How many IVF did you do before success: 1st time success!

-Are you using donor eggs or sperm: Nope used our own

-Protocol (meds taken): BCP, Lupron, Menopur, Gonal-F, hcg trigger....after transfer medrol x 5 days, estradiol twice a day, crinone each am, baby aspirin

-How many follicles at ER: don't know exact number

-How many eggs retrieved: 20, 12 were mature

-How many eggs fertilized: 12 - all with ICSI (did not have male factor but our REI said this would take one less thing out of the equation....since we were unexplained).....9 ended up fertilizing and dividing normally

-How many days between ER and ET: 5 days

-How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: transferred a single 4AA .....froze a 4BB and 4CB

-How many days bed rest: We transferred on a Saturday, and I took it easy Saturday and Sunday. Really continued that through the two week wait, but still did light yard work and things like that.

-Symptoms or issues during 2WW: I think most of my symptoms started early and were related to the medicine -- boobs felt tender and slightly enlarged really soon, probably from the crinone and not early symptoms. I felt bloated after egg retrieval and that took about 7 days total to resolve, although I was feel way better by transfer day.
Did start cramping a day or two before our beta, and that remains. It is very mild.

-What day you got your BFP: very faint line on 8dp5dt.....beta 188 on 9dp5dt

-HPT before blood test: Yes, 8dp5dt. It was really faint, and remained faint the following day when my beta was 188. I tested 6dp5dt and got a I was afraid I was having a chemical since the line didn't change much. I have sworn off those cheapies!

-Number of first beta: 9dp5dt = 188 11dp5dt = 331 have one more next week (was suppose to be tomorrow, 13dp5dt, but we are going out of town)

-Number of babies: only transferred one, so assuming it is a singleton based on that and my two betas!

*Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process: Try to stay as busy as possible in the two week wait, your mind will play tricks on you, even if you have been relaxed throughout IVF. Cramping can be normal. Trust the process and follow your providers guidance.....there is only so much we (meaning the couple) can do to affect the outcome. Think of this as a journey.....not just one month, or one treatment cycle. The mindset of infertility can still persist once you get the BFP :bfp: and it may take a while for that worry to go away! Be thankful for the little successes and take it one day at a time.
Cannot believe I get to post here!!!! :)

Age: 27
How long TTC: 3 years
Diagnosis or any known issues: Unexplained
Treatments you tried before IVF: Clomid, femera, 2 IUI's with trigger
How many IVF did you do before success: 1st time success!
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: No- but did egg sharing
Protocol (meds taken): Sorry can't remember and don't want to remember haha
How many eggs retrieved:17- Donated 9, I got 8
How many eggs fertilized: 7 fertilized
How many days between ER and ET: 5 days
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 3!
How many days bed rest: 5 days for ER 3 days of bed rest for ET- Took it easy nothing physical until ultrasounds looked good
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: some cramping starting 1st day after transfer.. continued.. tired...Very hungry all the time
What day you got your BFP: 5 days after transfer!
HPT before blood test:Yes
Number of first beta: Was on vacation so did not get any beta's
Number of babies: 1
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process: Shew... I thought this process was a lot, not sure if I would do it again, but I am pregnant now, so happy : ) Drink tons of water. I tried to drink 3 bottles of water and 1 gaterade every day after retrieval to avoid OHSS and even after transfer too. It helped a lot staying hydrated. Starting 2 days before retrieval I would drink prune juice mixed with cranberry juice, one glass a day because I got very constipated starting then all the way to after transfer. Take one day at a time during stimming, you never know what will come up with ultrasounds and blood work, so try not to have high expectations. The waiting is hard after transfer. I wasn't suppose to test until 14 days after 5 days transfer. At 4 days after I said screw it and started testing 5 days after and got a faint positive. Only would advise that if you didn't use a trigger that would give a false positive. I had used Lurpon so it doesn't. Good luck ladies! It is a hard journey!
Not sure if I get to post on here but I had a successful IVF about 3 years ago and I now have a 2 year old little boy :) From that IVF I had 3 remaining embryos. First FET failed earlier this year but the second one was successful and I'm now nearly 4 months pregnant again with a little girl! I'm over the moon :) Hang in there ladies and try to stay positive. I know how hard that can be xx
Congratulations everyone! I remember how excited I was to be able to post here after our BFP and the birth of our twins :) It's been 16 months since the birth and I still love to read everyones stories....

Keep them coming! I think it's an amazing process that gives life changing results.
-Age: 29

-How long TTC: 3 years 7 months

-Diagnosis or any known issues: Unexplained

-Treatments you tried before IVF: 3 months clomid & 3 IUI's

-How many IVF did you do before success: Freeze all cycle ~ first FET success

-Are you using donor eggs or sperm: No

-Protocol (meds taken): 200 Gonal F & 250 Orgulatran and then for FET I am on Progynova and Crinone

-How many follicles at ER: 23

-How many eggs retrieved: 8

-How many eggs fertilized: 6

-How many days between ER and ET: 5

-How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 1 good quality blast - dont know grade

-How many days bed rest: day of egg transfer then took it easy for another week after

-Symptoms or issues during 2WW: migraine and vomiting, niggly headaches, diarrhea, cramping especially at 8dp5dt, sobbing for no reason the night before positive test

-What day you got your BFP: First faint line at 5dp5dt

-HPT before blood test: Yes lots and lots

-Number of first beta: 11dp5dt...132, 14dp5dt...498, 16dp5dt...1110

-Number of babies: I assume 1

*Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process: Take each day as it comes. Egg collection wasn't as bad I thought it was going to be. The whole process wasnt as bad I thought it was going to be. Be prepared for things to be put on hold, I was meant to have a fresh transfer but turned into FET as I had too many follicles.
The TWW sends you bonkers.. if you test early be prepared to analyse every test to see if its any darker haha I did that every day and drove hubby nuts.
-Age: 27

-How long TTC: 17 months

-Diagnosis or any known issues: Me pcos, periods stopped for months at a time, DH low count.even lower on IVF day so we had to go ICSI

-Treatments you tried before IVF: Just natural ttc, doctor suggested straight to IVF to avoid wasted time and money

-How many IVF did you do before success: First fresh cycle

-Are you using donor eggs or sperm: No

-Protocol (meds taken): puregon,orgalutron, ovidril

-How many follicles at ER: around 15-20 I think

-How many eggs retrieved: 5

-How many eggs fertilized: 6

-How many days between ER and ET: 3

-How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 1 good quality embryo, 4 good quality ones frozen

-How many days bed rest: day of egg transfer then took one extra day off work

-Symptoms or issues during 2WW:sore breasts, especially on the sides. May been due to progesterone though, had spotting two days post BFP and started crying as I knew it meant bad news.tested the next day, stronger BFP.

-What day you got your BFP: First faint line at 6dp3dt

-HPT before blood test: Yes Four

-Number of babies: 1

*Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process: trust your doctor, don't stress, think positive, have a strong relationship where your partner is supportive every inchoate way,and ether same for your's hard to at times,but you have to in order to get through it all.

Meet Braxton. Born less than 9 hours ago. :cloud9:


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Reading this thread for positive thoughts because I had my transfer today (frozen embie, just one)! But here's my success story: at age 35 I started IVF after TTC for 1.5 years. First attempt=success! Grade 19 fresh embie, 3-day, turned into a beautiful little girl on Nov. 19, 2013. Natural birth, no meds, 2.5 hours. First pregnancy symptoms during TWW: chilly, sick-like feeling, massive cramps 7 days after transfer, tiredness.
Now my girl is 21 months old and I'm TTC a sibling... :)
Reading this thread for positive thoughts because I had my transfer today (frozen embie, just one)! But here's my success story: at age 35 I started IVF after TTC for 1.5 years. First attempt=success! Grade 19 fresh embie, 3-day, turned into a beautiful little girl on Nov. 19, 2013. Natural birth, no meds, 2.5 hours. First pregnancy symptoms during TWW: chilly, sick-like feeling, massive cramps 7 days after transfer, tiredness.
Now my girl is 21 months old and I'm TTC a sibling... :)

Good luck! Hope you get your BFP!
Hi, I've had to register again as had issues with my old account.

Currently I'm 34, but my Ivf journey started at age 26.

Issue - severe endo IV and at the same time growing massive dermoid cysts. To the point where I was having surgery every 6 months to remove it all. It was a terrible cycle. I was put on zoladex to stop my periods for the endo to stop growing but the dermoid would still grow.

Cycle 1 - with max Ivf drugs I ended with 5 eggs, 4 were tossed as were bad and with the 1 egg I did have my first BFP. With ICSI. Sadly ended in missed miscarriage.

Cycle 2. Had a surgery again, did ICSI again, think it was 5 eggs and 2 were put back. We now have our beautiful 5 year old son. He was born as a low birth weîght baby but his perfect now.

Getting ready for baby 2 as IVF consultant was worried about my bad eggs, this at age 28. We the first time ttc naturally and after figuring out when I ovulate we had the best surprise a natural BFP. Resulting in our beautiful baby boy now almost 3.

we thought baby 2 was a fluke, a miracle. As My IVF consultant had never seen a extreme case of endo and dermoids before. He had even asked other consultant at a conference for advise and no one has heard of a case like me. He had even wanted to write a case story about me.

Now I have no idea but I am now pregnant again, unplanned pregnancy. We are in total shock. Very cautiously pregnabt at 6 weeks.

I just wanted to give hope to all the sufferes out there to have hope. I remember about 2nd ICSI transfer. I was devastated and had admitted defeat to never have our own children and to adopt. I still remember the feeling in my gut. So please don't give up. And most of my Bnb buddies that we cycled. Together have majority gone on to have a natural BFP. Hugs to everyone.
Back on this thread! IVF #2 was a BFP!!! Currently 6 weeks, 3 days pregnant. Here's my info:
38 years old
TTC 15 months before 1st IVF in 2013. Resulted in beautiful baby girl!
FET in Sept. 2015. Transfer 9/15.
1 embryo transferred. 3-day embryo, grade 18 out of 20.
1/2 day bed rest. I have a toddler so more wasn't an option.
Meds: Estrace, Prometrium, Pregnyl for trigger shot.
TWW symptoms: chilled after transfer, very mild cramps 3-4 dpt, exhausted, breathless when climbed stairs or walked uphill. No definite symptoms.
HPT 7 dpt: faint positive. HPT 9 dpt: clear positive!
Beta 9/28: positive. HcG level: 292 (over 100 considered pregnant).
Repeat beta 9/30: positive. HcG: 728.
Age: 31

How long TTC: 2 Years

Diagnosis or any known issues: minor MF, diagnosed with DOR after 1.5 years TTC

Treatments you tried before IVF: IUI with chloride and then injectables (4 total, before DOR diagnosis)

How many IVF did you do before success: worked the first time!

Are you using donor eggs or sperm: no

Protocol (meds taken):Estrogen priming protocol. No bcp, ganirelix and estrogen patch instead. Then 150 menopur and 350 follistim each day for 12 days

How many follicles at ER: 4

How many eggs retrieved: 6

How many eggs fertilized: 2

How many days between ER and ET: 2

How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred:not rated because it was a day 2 transfer. One was 2-cell, one was 5-cell

How many days bed rest: none!

Symptoms or issues during 2WW: none!

What day you got your BFP: 10 DPO (maybe 8 but I think that was still trigger. Got darker at 10)

HPT before blood test: yes!

Number of first beta: 14 days after retrieval-171, 16 days after-423, 23 days after-7,423

Number of babies: I'll find out in two days!!
Back on this thread! IVF #2 was a BFP!!! Currently 6 weeks, 3 days pregnant. Here's my info:
38 years old
TTC 15 months before 1st IVF in 2013. Resulted in beautiful baby girl!
FET in Sept. 2015. Transfer 9/15.
1 embryo transferred. 3-day embryo, grade 18 out of 20.
1/2 day bed rest. I have a toddler so more wasn't an option.
Meds: Estrace, Prometrium, Pregnyl for trigger shot.
TWW symptoms: chilled after transfer, very mild cramps 3-4 dpt, exhausted, breathless when climbed stairs or walked uphill. No definite symptoms.
HPT 7 dpt: faint positive. HPT 9 dpt: clear positive!
Beta 9/28: positive. HcG level: 292 (over 100 considered pregnant).
Repeat beta 9/30: positive. HcG: 728.

Oh you give me hope! I am 38 as well (although I see your eggs are technically younger!) and I am really hoping for another BFP. I start my IVF cycle as soon as I get my period - next week probably. And congrats to all the others - it's so inspiring to read these success stories

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