List your IVF Successes here

Name: Chris
Age: 40
How long TTC: 6 LONG years
Diagnosis or any known issues: Fibroids (which I had removed), High NK cells
Treatments you tried before IVF:2 IUI's,
How many IVF did you do before success: 2 IVFs, success on FET from 2nd IVF
Are you using donor eggs or sperm:No
Protocol (meds taken): Short protocol on both IVF's, dr added menapur in 2nd IVF and increased dose and I responded much better. In fact, I had OHSS..
How many follicles at ER: 1st - 11; 2nd - 20
How many eggs retrieved: 1st - 7; 2nd - 11
How many eggs fertilized: 1st - 6; 2nd - 10
How many days between ER and ET: 5 on both
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 2 on both and then 2 on successful FET
How many days bed rest: just day of transfers for FET, I tried bedrest for longer periods during the first 2 IVFs and all it did was frustrate me.
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: Extreme dry mouth and thirst
What day you got your BFP: waited for my Beta so 15dpo
HPT before blood test: Nope
Number of first beta: 379
Number of babies: 1 , the other implanted but it was a blighted ovum
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process:
IVF is very emotional. The first cycle you try could be more for research on how you react, like it was for me. I took a long break between IVF 1 and 2....2 years to be exact, b/c I was so mortified IVF 1 didn't work. During IVF 2 the OHSS was bad and I probably should have followed my gut and did a freeze all. The FET was a much easier process. I feel like it was a success b/c I wasn't hyped up on stim drugs and my body was much more accepting of the embryo. I am still in early days, but I feel good about this pregnancy. Good luck to you all! This has a been a long road for me and DH and we are just so grateful to finally have the opportunity to be parents.
Age: 32
How long TTC: 4 years
Diagnosis or any known issues: Male factor
Treatments you tried before IVF: None
How many IVF did you do before success:1 fresh cycle, 1 fet.. 2nd fresh cycle was a success
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: No
Protocol (meds taken):Gonal F, Menopur, Lupron
How many follicles at ER: Can't remember
How many eggs retrieved: 18
How many eggs fertilized:12
How many days between ER and ET:5
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred:1 blast transferred... highest quality
How many days bed rest: None
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: No
What day you got your BFP: 5dp5dt
HPT before blood test: Yes
Number of first beta: 497
Number of babies: 1
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process: The IVF process is incredibly challenging emotionally, mentally, physically and financially. It is hard not to lose hope and to find the strength to keep going when a cycle fails.
Once I finally did get pregnant, I felt like I had IVF ptsd. I worried about everything. I worried about miscarriage, preterm labor, stillbirth.. you name it. Once I was discharged from my reproductive endocrinologist, my OB drew a beta level on me at 9 weeks (no idea why this was necessary) and it came back really high at 401,000. I worried for weeks on end that I had a partial molar pregnancy and this kept me from enjoying my pregnancy like I wanted to. So let it be known, really high beta hcg levels do not always mean a partial molar pregnancy.
If I ever try to do another cycle, I think it will be easier because I will know what to expect.


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Hi All - new to this website. I did my first IVF cycle, and we had to stop before ER because the eggs stopped growing and started to die. I started IVF 2 today, and I'm basically doubling all my meds and adding omnitropin. Has anyone had a similar (or even successful) experience like this? Thank you!
Congratulations to everybody who has IVF success and I hope that this gives those starting out on their journey some hope, especially if you have an extremely low sperm count

We had success with our first ICSI-IVF and our little girl was born in Nov 2012. I wasn't sure I could do it again and face the possibility that it might fail but we bit the bullet in June 2015 and I feel extremely lucky to be able to post here again. We didn't have any frosties from my first cycle so it was a case of starting again. I've put both IVF details in so apologies for the long post.
IVF-ICSI 1 me 34 OH 32
IVF-ICSI 2 me 37 OH 35

How long TTC: over 2 years initially and we never used contraception after our daughter was born.

Diagnosis or any known issues: I have endo and had a retroverted womb that I had surgery on to pull it forward and release my ovaries that were tucked behind my womb. We were referred for routine testing after 10 months of ttc because I was told that I would probably need IVF but my OH took over as our primary concern as we found out his sperm count was in the few hundred thousands rather than the millions with poor everything.

Treatments you tried before IVF: none – IVF ICSI is our only option.

How many IVF did you do before success: We were very lucky for it to work first time on both rounds.

Are you using donor eggs or sperm: no

Protocol (meds taken):
IVF1 - long protocol. Down regged with Synarel, 112.5 menopur and triggered with Ovitrelle.
IVF2 - long protocol. Down regged with Synarel, 175 gonal F and triggered with Ovitrelle

How many follicles at ER:
1VF 1 - 6 decent sized ones with lots of little ones.
IVF 2 - I didn't want to know but it was similar to above

How many eggs retrieved:
IVF 1 - 5 collected 4 were mature
IVF 2 - 10 collected all mature

How many eggs fertilized:
IVF 1 - 4 were injected and 3 fertilised.
IVF 2 - all 10 injected 8 fertilised

How many days between ER and ET: IVF 1 - 3
IVF 2 - 5

How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred:
IVF 1 - 2 x 3 day (one 9 cell and one 10 cell) We were hopeful that the third would be frozen but it didn’t make the quality to be frozen.
IVF 2 - on day 3 all were looking strong but unfortunately by day 5 it wasn't looking good and we had lost most of them. We transferred 1 not great grade blast and 1 early blast and by day 6 they managed to freeze an average late developer.

How many days bed rest:
IVF 1 - first week off work and was quite glad as I felt very uncomfortable for the first few days. I went back to work for the second week but only managed 2 days and then took the rest of the week off. So two weeks in total.
IVF 2 - sofa rest for first few days then took it very easy for rest of two weeks.

Symptoms or issues during 2WW:
IVF 1 - Lots of AF type symptoms. I felt that AF was on her way. Lots of cramps and cm.
IVF 2 - similar to IVF 1 but started bleeding 7dp5dt and thought it was all over.

What day you got your BFP:
IVF 1 - I couldn’t hold out. 9dp3dt
IVF 2 - 9dp5dt

HPT before blood test:
IVF 1 - 9dp3dt – faint line on FRER. I did another sneaky test on 11dp3dt and the line was no darker and then on OTD I got a positive on the test the clinic gave me and also on a digi 2-3 weeks
IVF 2 - every other day after 9dp5dt

Number of first beta: I didn’t have a beta

Number of babies:
IVF 1 - One perfect heartbeat. A perfect little girl!
IVF 2 - one perfect heartbeat - 20 week scan and harmony test - boy!

Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process:
Accupunture really helped me relax.

Wishing you success in your baby making!
Thought I would add my second IVF success on here!

Name: Jill
Age: 26
How long TTC: 2 years before we started IVF (but it felt like 20)
Diagnosis or any known issues: Me - PCOS, Hubby - Low count and motility
Treatments you tried before IVF: Clomid, Ovarian Drilling.
How many IVF did you do before success: 3rd time lucky (FET after 2 stim/fresh cycles) we got our daughter. Then 2nd FET we got our son. (My body must have remembered what to do!)
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: No
Protocol (meds taken): Gonal F, Orgalutran
How many follicles at ER: Over 20
How many eggs retrieved: 4 first round, 10 second round
How many eggs fertilized: 4 first round, 5 second round
How many days between ER and ET: 5
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: all 5 day blastocysts.
1st cylce we got 1 fresh and 2 frozen. Fresh didn't take. Had to defrost the remaining 2 to have 1 to use in our 1st FET (resulting in our daugther).
Second cycle we had 1 fresh and 4 frozen. Fresh embryo I miscarried. Defrosted 1 for our FET that took (my son) and still have 3 frozen now.

For this latest FET

How many days bed rest: 1
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: Vivid dreams
What day you got your BFP: Was naughty and tested at 4dp5dt. Squinter!
HPT before blood test: Yes! Lots!
Number of first beta: 10dp5dt (15dpo) it was 415.
Number of babies: 1 baby boy.
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process: When starting IVF it felt like I would never have a family. It was so daunting, scary and emotionally exhausting. I never in my wildest dreams would have imagined that in 2.5 years after starting IVF I would have my 2 little frozen embryo miracles (daughter is 17 months and my son is 2 months). Never give up!
Name: Gabby
Age: 34
How long TTC: 3 years
Diagnosis or any known issues: Unexplained on my part, low motility on DH's part but barely.
Treatments you tried before IVF: Clomid, 6 IUIs (thanks insurance!)
How many IVF did you do before success: Took on the first try!
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: No
Protocol (meds taken): Menapur and Gonal -F, low doses because it was my first try and doc was worried about over-stim
How many follicles at ER: 14
How many eggs retrieved: 5, couldn't get to my left ovary so 8 stayed there!
How many eggs fertilized: 4
How many days between ER and ET: 3
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 2
How many days bed rest: No technical bed rest but transfer was a Saturday so I took it easy all weekend.
What day you got your BFP: By 10dpt I was getting positives on a Wondfo which I expected because I ALWAYS spotted pre-flow and didn't.
HPT before blood test: Oh yes, I could not be surprised! :)
Number of first beta: I fotget, but it was high ...
Number of babies: 2! We like to joke that it was actually only one egg from the IVF process and the other was from natural DTD after retrieval when we knew there were eggs in there being released.
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process:
It was such a long process getting insurance to thankfully cover the IVF itself through 6 IUIs due to my age and that was the worst part. The IVF itself was not bad as I didn't have super strong reactions to the meds and ironically we were super convinced the first try wouldn't work after so long and my Clomid miscarriage, etc. I would say I wish I would have known to reach out and get support from my "village." Once we were pregnant and telling the story, SO many people had similar experiences, some were even doing it at the exact same time. Get the support. People want to love you through this process.
Name: Julie

Age: 37 (eggs collected when 36)
How long TTC: 1.5 years with assistance
Diagnosis or any known issues: Lesbian couple, always planned to conceive with the help of a dr, did not expect to have problems; hysteroscopy revealed lots of polyps and a septum
Treatments you tried before IVF: 5 IUIs (unmedicated--wouldn't recommend 5x)
How many IVF did you do before success: 2x IVF freeze all with 5 FETs (5th transfer was a success)*
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: Donor sperm
Protocol (meds taken): Bravelle, Menopur, Cetrotide for ER; Femara leading up to FET, endometrin (vaginal progesterone) and estradiol
How many follicles at ER: Not sure
How many eggs retrieved: 25
How many eggs fertilized: 18--ended up with 13 blasts on Day 5, did PGS, wound up with 5 normal embryos
How many days between ER and ET: FET with PGS (5 day embryo transferred)
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: Just one PGS, Good embryo (my clinic only rates good-fair-poor; 4 PGS embryos were Good, 1 Fair--that's right: not all PGS embryos are gorgeous--and not all pretty embryos are chromosomally normal) 4 left on ice
How many days bed rest: Day of on the couch, took it easy for several days but was up moving around, folding laundry, cooking, etc.
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: Spotted 10dp5dt. Freaked out.**
What day you got your BFP: 11dp5dt
HPT before blood test: Nope
Number of first beta: 92***
Number of babies: 1
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process:
*My first IVF cycle was a nightmare--my lining was inadequate for every transfer done by Dr. #1 (despite reassurances to the contrary). Dr. #2 (same clinic) came up with a new protocol to prep my uterus with Femara--he induced ovulation and then we transferred the frozen embryo: success! I'll save the details regarding Dr. #1, but the bottom line there is trust yourself. Not all doctors are created equal and if you suspect incompetence, don't wait. Time is of the essence and you're spending a fortune. Find better help.

**I believed 10dp5dt was too late for an implantation bleed. It wasn't. As for other "sypmtoms", know this: If you are taking any form of progesterone, you will likely experience side effects identical to pregnancy symptoms. It's the meds. Even when you become pregnant, it's still the meds--progesterone stays up when you're pregnant and thus produces symptoms; if you are TAKING the hormone, you'll have them too, pregnant or not. Or you won't, just like some women don't notice pregnancy symptoms. So stop symptom spotting, IVF ladies. I say this out of love.

***If you believe the internet, my beta of 92 might have been cause for concern. It seemed like everyone online was reporting way higher betas for 16dpo, but my doctor said he was looking for close to 100. Still I worried. Next beta tripled, and all was well, but I never had high betas according to

And you know what? I have the healthiest, sturdiest, most darling baby boy sleeping beside me as I type. He clocked in at 10lbs12oz when he was born via C-section at 39.5 weeks. And 23 inches long! Now just past a month old he is 14 pounds and over two feet in length. He is an absolute doll. My pregnancy was easy and uncomplicated, my biggest complaint being heartburn (he was born with a head full of blonde hair so that wives' tale might be true!).

It's hard to fail over and over. To watch other people hit the lottery first time out. I felt angry, jealous, confused, hopeless. And then it happened. I never took--and still don't--a single second for granted. I wish all of you still on your journey peace and patience. I searched this thread a million times during my TWWs. I hope this helps someone out there like me. xo
I love, love, love this thread and I have read it more times than I wish to confess!

Name: Holly
Age: 29
How long TTC: 5 years in total, one year off for pregnancy
Diagnosis or any known issues: Severe male factor, female NK cells
Treatments you tried before IVF: No
How many IVF did you do before success: Fourth and final go
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: No
Protocol (meds taken): Synarel, 150 menopur, 50mcg thyroxine, 25mcg prednisterlone
How many follicles at ER: 11
How many eggs retrieved:11, 9 mature
How many eggs fertilized: 3!
How many days between ER and ET: 5
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 2 transferred, one 3bb and one 2// (ungraded)
How many days bed rest: None but took it easy for a week
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: 2dp - emotional, small headache, minor niggles, tired, indigestion, 3dp - a few minor niggles, bullet nippes, 4dp - minor niggles, tired, 5dp - faint sick feeling, minor headache, period pains, backache, veiny boobs, ovary pain, glands up, 6dp - bad cramps, nauseous, sore uterus. headache. 7dp - nauseous, v crampy.
What day you got your BFP: 7dp5dt
HPT before blood test: Yes
Number of first beta: NA
Number of babies: 2!
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process: Go with it. It's going to be really difficult and very emotional and staying calm isn't really an option as there is so much riding on it! Also, don't take too much notice of egg grading. Mine weren't 5AA**s but they both still implanted.
Congrats everyone who has had success and best of luck to those still trying! I can't believe I'm finally able to post here, I've waited for 5+ years. Here is goes!

Name: Ashli
Age: 28
How long TTC: 5.5 years!
Diagnosis or any known issues: Unexplained ... possibly PCOS-ish
Treatments you tried before IVF: 3 IUIs with clomid, 3 IUIs with injectables
How many IVF did you do before success: 5 retrievals, 3 fresh transfer, 2 frozen transfers
Protocol (meds taken): For which cycle? They varied a little bit but since this thread is about success I'll list what I did for that. I took CoQ10 and myo inositol for 2.5 months before retrieval, then I took gonal F, Cetrotide, and Menopur to stim. We did genetic testing before FET. Depot lupron for 2 months prior to transfer (to help with implantation), endometrin, PIO, estrace pills, and vivelle patches.
How many follicles at ER: Maybe .. 22-25 if I'm remember correctly
How many eggs retrieved: 22
How many eggs fertilized: 6
How many days between ER and ET: Over 2 months. I did depot lupron treatment for 2 months to help with implantation (that seemed to be our biggest problem)
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: Our only 2 genetically normal embryos, graded a 6AA and a 3AB. The highest graded embryos I've ever had out of 10 embryos from 5 retrievals.
How many days bed rest: 2
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: Very emotional, chapped lips, and extremely hungry
What day you got your BFP: 3DP5DT (extremely faint though)
HPT before blood test: Yes, 30 of them!
Number of first beta: 273
Number of babies: 2, a girl and a boy
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process: Don't be over confident that your first cycle would work. It sets you up for so much disappointment. Yes, many people do have success on their first round but this is not the norm. The doctors are getting to know how your body responds to the meds and you have to give them that time so they can give you the best odds at success. I went into my first cycle thinking there was no way it could fail and boy was I wrong. Oh and also go to the clinic you think will be the best from the get go. Do your research! I spent a lot of time at my first clinic and wish I would have switched to CCRM way earlier in the game. Especially because I was unexplained. CCRM will do a lot of testing that no other clinic will do. If you're unexplained they need to look into all possible problems. And keep the lines of communication open with your significant others. Too many couples get torn apart by infertility but it's so important to be able to lean on one another. Keep the conversation open! Best of luck everyone :hugs:
Name: Katie
How long TTC: 3 years
Diagnosis or any known issues: PCOS, MFI
Treatments you tried before IVF:clomid
How many IVF did you do before success: 1 FET
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: no
Protocol (meds taken): Follistim, ganirelix, progesterone inj, estrogen oral and vag
How many follicles at ER: too many too count accurately
How many eggs retrieved:27
How many eggs fertilized:23
How many days between ER and ET: FET so 4-6 weeks
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: transferred two day 5 blastocysts
How many days bed rest:2 (dr said 1)
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: nausea
What day you got your BFP:6dp5dt
HPT before blood test: yes
Number of first beta: 48
Number of babies: 1
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process: I wish we would've done this sooner. We worked with my OBGYN for 1.5 years before we went to the RE, I wish we would've seen them earlier, but it's all worked out the way it was meant to.

We're planning another FET this fall sometime.
Name: Nina
How long TTC: 3 years
Diagnosis or any known issues: unexplained
Treatments you tried before IVF:clomid, iui
How many IVF did you do before success: first one was a charm
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: no
Protocol (meds taken): Follistim, ganirelix, menapur, doxycyclin, estrogen oral and progesterone suppositories
How many follicles at ER: 24
How many eggs retrieved:24
How many eggs fertilized:15 (19 were mature)
How many days between ER and ET: FET so 4-5 weeks (Dr thought there are better success stories with fet than doing transfer right after retrieval.
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: transferred 1 day 5 blastocyst
How many days bed rest:2
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: nausea
What day you got your BFP:6dp5dt
HPT before blood test: yes
Number of first beta: 321
Number of babies: 1
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process: I wish I would have started ivf sooner but I'm also glad that I took my time with this process. Good luck ladies. Its only by God's grace that I was able to stay sane throughout this process
I'm right in the middle of my second IVF cycle and reading this thread has been amazing. I have no idea if I'll ever be posting her myself or not, but thank you so much to all of you who have shared your story, they really have put a smile on my face and eased some of the terrible anxiety I put myself through.
I'm right in the middle of my second IVF cycle and reading this thread has been amazing. I have no idea if I'll ever be posting her myself or not, but thank you so much to all of you who have shared your story, they really have put a smile on my face and eased some of the terrible anxiety I put myself through.

Good Luck to you! :dust:
Boorman a best if luck!

And congrats to those recently posting success!
Everyone seems to have 5 day transfers on here... I had 2 X 2 day transferred today... One at 4 cells and one at 5 cells. I hope it being 2dt isn't a bad thing... It was because only 2 were looking good, so they decided to pop them in now rather than leaving them out of me overnight and risking losing them.
I'm right in the middle of my second IVF cycle and reading this thread has been amazing. I have no idea if I'll ever be posting her myself or not, but thank you so much to all of you who have shared your story, they really have put a smile on my face and eased some of the terrible anxiety I put myself through.

Good luck. I am currently cuddling my 8 day old little girl after having her at 37 + 5 thinking this day would never come. Four years of struggles and our dream finally came true x
Name: Rq120 (Rachael)
Age: 34
How long TTC: 15 months
Diagnosis or any known issues: Endometriosis. Early stage but with severe pain
Treatments you tried before IVF: Time intercourse w/ Femara, IUI w/ Femara and Follistim
How many IVF did you do before success: BFP on first cycle
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: No
Protocol (meds taken): Antagonist Cycle. Follistim 150 iu daily and Menopur 2 vials daily for total of 12 days
How many follicles at ER: 10
How many eggs retrieved: 3!! We were devastated! I MIGHT have O'ed before ER?
How many eggs fertilized: 3!!
How many days between ER and ET: 5
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: All 3 made it to day 5 blasts!! Amazing! We transferred 2 blasts (4AB, 2BB) and froze a 3BA
How many days bed rest: Zero
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: Pressure in my abdomen. Only way I can describe it is like when you have a full bladder but it was more constant.
What day you got your BFP: 5dp5dt, May
HPT before blood test: Yes, 5dp5dt
Number of first beta: 3398 on 16dpo, 971 on 18dpo
Number of babies: 2!
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process:
The love the podcast Beat Infertility! It has some great info and will help you prepare for your journey.
elliecain, I have heard of several women that have had successful day 2 transfers. My doctor couldn't tell which embryos were going to be the "stand outs" so he waited until day 5, but if your embryos are strong and healthy, they'll thrive no matter which day they are transferred!
Good luck and keep us posted!

Rachael, congrats! I'm so happy for you and your amazing news!!!

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