living with kids with allergies group

:hi: Bubbles
lad you finally got a referral to get some tests, i hope you get some answers from them
Hi Bubbles!

We have an appointment with the paed on Tuesday, see if there is anything we can do until she has the endoscopies in May. She still has some diarrhea from the fish she had on Tuesday!! Its been 4 days :nope: And she's been waking up a lot at night in pain! I'm not liking this. Really looking forward to the appointment on Tuesday!
Hi bubbles, your LO is gorgeous in those pics! Sounds very similar to what we've had recently with LOs cheeks. He's currently on fucidin h and a course of antibiotics. I don't hold out much hope that we are ever going to be able to completely shift his ezcema from his cheeks but would be great to have it manageable IYKWIM?
Can I say hello please? :wave:
We suspect DS has a milk allergy. We gave him a taste of yoghurt (mixed with banana) for the first time on Tuesday and within about a minute his face developed hives around his chin and up his cheek and around his eye. We took him in to A+E and they gave him piriton (sp?) which he reacted well to and it cleared up. He's been breastfed since birth, so we've not seen this before now.

We're supposed to be having tests done in a few weeks (although I think we need to chase that up because we haven't heard anything) to find out what exactly he's allergic to. We've been told not to give him any dairy or bananas until they're done. I wasn't told to eliminate it from my diet (I probably consume quite a lot - milk with cereal, cheese at lunch and ice cream in the evening is quite an ordinary day...).

The last day or so he's had a red pimply rash behind his ears, under his chin and around his mouth. It looks more like baby acne than eczema, but he's always trying to scratch it which doesn't help. I've been applying E45/vaseline to it but I'm not sure if it helps.

Can I ask if he is allergic to dairy/milk, how do we make sure he gets the calcium he needs? Will he have to take supplements or are there other foods I can't think of with lots of calcium in? I'm new to allergies and don't know much about them.

Many thanks. Hope all your LOs are doing well. :flower:
:hi: Ayh78

I hope the tests come round quickly, definatley chase up the appointment for them.
Provided your LO is okay with Soya products, you can get soya yoghurts with added vitamins and calcium, soya milk to make things like mash potato etc with
My lo has a milk allergy and a soya allergy so he has calcuim supplements but as AG said you can get soya products with added calcuim. Id chase the hospital up about the tests
Banana gives my LO a horrible rash around his mouth, it's apparently related to a latex allergy. I have to keep bananas well away from him as he really wants to eat them :(

Milk isn't all that important for calcium and there's a lot of calcium in Vegetables. I think broccoli, high fibre cereals can also contain a lot. I'd have links and researrch but
I'm totally dead tired and useless tonight.
ayh78 hi!

Ok! What do I do now? Katerina is finally recovered from the fish. Do I try other food or what? I'm now giving her gluten free oats in the morning just in case. She had one of the best nights yesterday. Slept from 8 till 615am. Unless I convince the doctor to test her for allergies on Tuesday and wait for the results before I try smt new. I really don't care if the tests are not reliable. I rather have them done and not get something out of it than not try at all. Who knows, maybe we will get smt out of it and it will spare her the pain of trying things she can't tolerate!
Happyface, we were told to keep challenging Alex with different things, tbh its been so long since hes been better that we just havent.
Hes still getting the odd flare but nowhere near as bad no and everybodys happier for it.
Hows everyone today? Whats everyone got planned for today?
Im trying to think whether im brave enough to go to town to get Alex some sandals :lol: Its raining so might be quieter, but Harry Potter is also released today so maybe not...

I saw these posted on the Green People's facebook statuses, thought they might be useful to someone on what to avoid in skin products, and what they do...

TOXIN CHECKLIST 1: Sodium lauryl/laureth sulphate (SLS) - Used as a water softener and foaming agent, SLS is a very common ingredient in personal care products including; shampoos, body-washes and toothpastes. SLS strips the skin’s natural oils, alters its structure and allows chemicals to penetrate deep into the skin, reaching the bloodstream.

TOXIN CHECKLIST 2: Parabens (Methyl, Propyl, Butyl and Ethyl) - The second most common ingredient in skin care products, after water, Parabens are used for their preservative qualities. However, there is an unproven potential link to human breast cancer tumours as they possess mild oestrogen-like qualities.
Well I had too take little man too the dr's this morning, he hasn't been himself for days now and kept scratching at his ears, I figured it was eczema in his ears but can't too get them checked just in case it was in infection, but no, poor baby has eczema in his ears which is clearly not easy to lotion! I asked the Dr about the piriton, he said it is silly that the dermatologist said too only use on bath nights because he can be bathed every night! so he said ignore the 'just on bath nights' bit and give it as he needs it (he can have 2.5 ml a day)
So we've been to the doctor! I am satisfied I think! He said that what told him about the fish last week only confirms that we are dealing with food allergies. Problem is allergy testing doesn't show allergies that affect the gut. They only show when it affects the skin or there is swelling of the face etc. So that's the reason he didn't want to test. I am happy with the explanation.

He is booking us in to do the endoscopies for May and until then we will try giving her some anti-histamines to see if this can help her. If this does the trick then no more testing for her. If it doesn't help they'll need to do the biopsies.

Secretly I am hoping she won't have to go through with the endoscopies as I am super scared lol but on the other hand I hate that she is constantly on medication.

So fingers crossed!
And thats why all Alexs blood tests were negative, hes not affected internally, just his skin
Happyface i know what you mean about the medication, i hate connor being on so much medication but i know its for the best. I really hope the anti histamines work for you and that you dont have to go through the endoscopys. Now connors out of hospital im around more so if you want to chat feel free to pm me. I know its not nice the thought of an endoscopy, connor had his the day after the consultant said he wanted him to have one so i didnt even really get the chance to get my head around it.

Connors doing so well now hes off wheat hes like another child so im so glad we know what it is now.

Ag can i ask if your diatician gave you percentages of a child growing out of an allergy? Mine hasnt but she said some do
Hi Jemma!

Thanks so much for your support!!! :thumbup: Last night was really difficult but we started the antihistamines this morning so hopefully they will work. I can't even think of the endoscopies. The thought of her being hungry from the day before until everything is over is just too much. But then the past doesn't help!! When she was a week old she was admitted because of high jaundice and she caught a virus in the hospital so they kept her for a week and because it was her gut that was affected she wasn't allowed to eat for 3 days, she was constantly crying, and they wouldn't even let us hold her.. We were allowed to "see" her twice a day for 30 min. (It was in Greece!) So I'm really not looking forward to this although this time we will be in London so I will be with her all the time!!
PS: the paed told us yesterday that most kids grow out of allergies but its difficult to say when. He didn't give any statistics though!
Thats what got me the most, him not being able to eat or drink. He was allowed small bits of juice upto 6 hours before but because hes not a juice fan he didnt end up having anything. I was allowed to hold and try and comfort connor but i was just on the verge on breaking down by that night and the nurses ended up sending me for a walk and then they took him off me and kept him with them because i couldnt handle it. It makes me sound awful but i just couldnt cope with seeing him cry so much and be so distressed. It got to the point where when he needed the second dose of the bowel preperation stuff they had to put a tube down his nose into his stomach to get it down him because he was in that much of a state.

When they said they wanted to do another on connor i point blank refused, if they had said it was necassary i would have had to but with it not i wasnt putting him through that again. What anti-histamines have they put you on?

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