Hi all! :wave: I hope everyone and their LOs are doing well
I haven't been on this thread in ages but I wanted to update everyone quickly. As some of you know, Bun had a problem with dairy since birth - it caused frequent (8-10/day) poos with lots of blood/mucous, eczema, pain, weight loss, lack of weaning, etc.
Anyway, I wanted to give some hope to those who have been told their LO could outgrow it! I quit all dairy in my diet (I was BF) at 7 months when Bun would not wean and was losing weight and his other issues were just getting worse. He was a different baby in 2 weeks, started eating, and gained a pound in the first month! Since then I would test him with dairy every few months to see where we were at. At around 14 months I stopped watching the dairy in my diet and all seemed well, but he still couldn't deal with straight dairy on his own. A few months later, I quit watching the milk additives in foods like baked goods, etc and all was well again!! He self weaned at just before 19 months and we gave him almond milk and other sources of calcium.
Anyway, yesterday he had a regular yoghurt and all seems well!

Our dietician recommended trying yoghurt first (since it is fermented and easier on the system) so that's what we've been testing him with since he was 9 months old. And today everything seems great!!! He does have a little eczema, but that started right around the time the weather changed and got much colder so I think that's what it is. We have been using dream cream on it , but it has never been as bad as it was those first 6 months.
Anyway, I don't know if he can do straight milk yet or anything - but the yoghurt makes me believe that in the future he will hopefully be able to have whatever he likes!! Maybe even a pizza with cheese!
Just wanted to share. At 6 months the dietician wasn't too sure he would get over the problem since it was pretty nasty, but only 18 months later he is eating yoghurt! YAY!