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If thats all you can find then Id go with that for now.

I posted this in the reflux section, the girls there thought it would be useful to post here....
also posted in the weaning an nutrition section. Not sure where to post this..i just need help with it!!!...
Sorry if this is lengthy....
My daughter is 11 months old, and has been weaned onto Whole cows milk for various reasons. (no debate please) She has been on Whole Cows Milk for around a month.
She once did have a CMPI.. she was on soy formula for the longest time because she could not tolerate regular formulas. I asked my dr if it was ok to wean over to Cows Milk even though she had that allergy and he said transition slowly. So we did .. for a period of 2 weeks, she had cows milk mixed with formula until eventually only on cows milk.
To our surprise she had no reaction at all, no symptoms of a CMPI were present, so we figured she grew out of it. Ava continued to have cows milk the next 2 weeks...
Once we had been on the cows milk for 1 month (could be cooincidental) she started a cough at night, it was just a mild cought .. thought maybe she was coming onto a cold or something... but the cough got worst.. she now vomits because she coughs so hard.
She only has these 'fits' at night. or at nap time, so directly to do with when she is sleeping. She also only has a bottle before she goes to sleep.
We seen the pedi and he said that it sounded like it was acid reflux from teething and to wait it out. I think different. I can agree that it may be acid reflux but for some reason I feel like it comes from the Cows Milk... I did google it, but didn't get very far as there are a lot of mixed up statements, it hasn't been proven Cows milk causes reflux completely yet... so I donno
Im lost I don't know what to do about this coughing at night, ranitidine, gaviscon, nothing has worked for us. Ava is completely weaned over to whole cows milk, she will be 1 yrs old next month, I don't want to go back to formula as I highly doubt she will drink it, not to mention all the problems we encountered with formula...
Does anyone know if cows milk causes reflux? Or what I can supplement cows milk with? I mean she is going to need some type oif "milk"
Things I was researching are ... Coconut milk (but I worry about the small fat content compared to cows milk.
Also Almond milk (I heard it is not to be given if there are allergies in the family to almonds, and I the mother have allergies to almonds... so I don't know about trying that.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!!!!
Ok this is a weird one. Katerina seems fine on oats. She's been having them on breakfast for over a year now. I've recently tried to give her oatmilk but every time she's been up literally all night with tummy pain and gas. Am I missing something here?
Ok this is a weird one. Katerina seems fine on oats. She's been having them on breakfast for over a year now. I've recently tried to give her oatmilk but every time she's been up literally all night with tummy pain and gas. Am I missing something here?