Hi ladies, I have just finished reading the whole thread!
Let me introduce myself, my name is Shiv and I am mummy to Sophia (2 ys 5 months) and Cora (nearly 4 months)
I think Cora has CMPI, I have been dairy and soya free since Cora was 6 weeks old. Up to this point she had terrible smelly poo that wa pure mucous although never had blood and was nomal colour). I gave up dairy and her milk spots cleared up within 24 hours. He poo gradually got less mucousy over the next couple of weeks and she became easy to settle, infact she self settles now. I have trialled dairy a couple of weeks ago and she got very windy and stinky although her poo was no as bad.
Anyway I approached her doctor at her 6 week check with regards to the mucousy poo and she said it was normal (well Sophia never had it) and wouldn't even consider that it could be an issue with CMP. SO since then I have gone it alone.
I am now concerned that another allergy might be rearing its head. Cora has still got cradle cap but only on one side of hear head. She has had raised lymph nodes since she was 2 weeks old (well that is when I first noticed them) but when I checked today she only has a raised one on the side she has cradle cap on - coincidence?
Do any of your little ones have raised lymph nodes.
Anyway she has started being sick a bit after feeds (she is breastfed) not loads but she hasn't been sick for weeks and weeks. It is quite watery and mucousy. Her poo curently seems fine but I noticed a small patch of exzema on her face today. I really hope she isn't sensitive to something else. What do you think?
Sophia as far as I am aware has no allergies, although she does have exzema. It pretty much disappears in the summer and then gets worse in the winter (due to heating I would imagine). I got some dream cream the other day (I read about it on here!) so I am hoping that will help. It has never been that bad that we have needed steriod cream. Reading this thread has made me question whether Sophia may have issues though. For teh past 2 months her poo has been less regular and very mucousy with undigested food and very smelly - certainly not normal. But up until that point she has had nomal poo. I know allergies can appear at any point but nothing has changed in her diet so could it be realted or again just a coincidence?
Anyway I am going to make an appointment with the doctor tomorrow to discuss Cora's lymph node and potentil allergy (which I know the doctor will completely overlook) and also about Sophia's bad tummy.
Well sorry for the rambling. It has been interesting and heartbreaking in equal measures reading about your struggles with your LO's. It is good to know there have been a few stories of LO's outgrowing their issues and others of getting them figured out and under control.
i hope you have all had lovely weekends and that i can join you