Long Term Trying To Conceive Vent Thread

Oh ladies, you all make me feel better, i actually read posts and smile as you all GET it and understand so completely! You understand the rants and the stupidity of people when it comes to fertility issues - and although it is horrible that we are all in this situation and it is completely crappy and none of us should have to be experiencing this, there is some reassurance in that we are not going through this alone, there are others who get it completely!
Hey all! :hi:

My name is Rachael. I became pregnant July 26, 2011. I had a miscarriage 1 week later. I've been TTC ever since with no such luck :nope: This is our 20th month TTC and praying for miracles. I hope to meet some great people through this thread! I need someone i can relate to! :)
Ok, rant time...not done this before so they've been storing up, bear with me:

1. "I'm so fed up, we've been ttc for 6 months now, it's so unfair, why is it taking soooo long?...blah, blah, blah".......try 7 years lady!.

2. "I can't believe we are having another boy, I really wanted a girl, I'm so upset"......wtf!, be grateful for what you are blessed with!.

3. "I totally understand your pain of ttc your first child as we are desperately ttc our second/third/fourth, etc child, it's just not happening, it's so unfair"......erm, no you have NO idea!, you already have a child/children.

4. "TTC our 5th child".....don't be so damn greedy!.

5. "Your poor mum, she is going to have no grandchildren at this rate, unless Gemma gets a move on".....Gemma being me. A quote from my Gran, after hearing my brother will not be having children through choice. She is well aware that we are ttc.

6. "I'm so sick of feeling like rubbish, I want this baby out"......this has been said by friends who struggled to get pregnant!....quit moaning about something you longed for!.

7. "Oh I have to tell you "Blah Blah" is pregnant again, isn't that wonderful".....something my M-I-L feels the need to tell me everytime someone she knows is pregnant and it's the first thing she tells me after walking through the door!!!!!!......I don't want to know and I don't care!!!. She is well aware of us ttc.

8. "Just relax, it'll happen when you least expect it"......what part of "I do not ovulate" did you not get?????.

9. Something that really upsets me is that one of my close friends is expecting another child and whilst I am happy for her, she has had three children in the same space of time that we have been ttc our first.....we only want one, just one, that's all we are asking.


I couldn't have said it better! I totally understand what you're saying darlin! Although i haven't been TTC as long as you, i sure do know how you feel!
Anybody else utterly sick to death of people saying "it will happen when your both ready" this, usually coming from a friend that was with their partner a matter of weeks before they fell pregnant and split up a few months later! DON'T patronise me, I've been with my other half for 8 years and TTC for over 5 so PLEASE don't DARE tell me "we must not be ready" GRRRRRR!!!!

I hate hearing "It will happen when you both stop trying". Wow... really? That easy huh? Wish i would've thought of that! NOT!

But... i do understand what you're saying! I've heard the same crap before. How could you possibly not be ready for a child? F that!! That's when i wanna fly off the handle.
"No sorry. You can't swim at this session unless you have children"

Fuck you swimming pool
Dh has gone home early, trying to get a job before I too move home. Thanks to his azoo he freaked before he left and though I'd try to leave him because he can't give me what I want, his words. He also threatened me not to come home pregnant, as if!? It is going to be a to-month distance for us and he was just freaking out, I hope. :(

Can't TTC anyway since he won't see what is the reason for his azoo, but it still feels like we're doing nothing.
I hate the thought of having to take this vaginal progesterone. This is some bullshit. I'm sick of having to work so hard - this is bull. Every day of my life I have to worry about making sure to take all these pulls, chart my CM, make sure not to drink or eat stuff that could harm my fertility, make sure my tubes don't get blocked back up, make sure to be on certain days - this is bull! I just want my husband to be able to look at me and get knocked up like all these whiny unappreciative hussies do.

I'm pouting!!! I don't want to do this crap!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!
Now it's even worse!!! A girl I have worked with for 6 years, just got pregnant. She has said a million times over she doesn't want kids - and now all of a sudden I see her pictures all over instagram about how she's so excited to show everyone her baby bump and pictures of their daughter. I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS CRAP.

Ugh. I swear. I'm going to lose my mind before this is all said and done.
I hate hate hate my consultant. Horrid woman dragged us in for an apt three month after lap and dye only to tell us to go away and come back at the end of the year! It lasted probably less than 5 minutes and half of that was her reading my notes again. grrrrrr.

At the end of the year when I'll be 37 she'll put us on the waiting list for IVF. She doesn't think age matters even though I'll probably be nearly 40 by the time we even consider having a second baby (assuming IVF for 1st works).

So my husband and I are vacationing at a resort in Key West, which is incredible. We picked a place not really geared towards families with kids on purpose. This is our last getaway, as I have an appt on Wednesday with the fertility doctor to start with the ultrasounds, blood work and Gonal-F injections, and all that other "fun" stuff for my upcoming IUI.
Anyway my rant is this--- of all the freaking places on the beach, did the big ole pregnant lady with the 2 bratty kids that were running around and being obnoxious REALLY have to sit in the beach chairs right next to us???
So my husband and I are vacationing at a resort in Key West, which is incredible. We picked a place not really geared towards families with kids on purpose. This is our last getaway, as I have an appt on Wednesday with the fertility doctor to start with the ultrasounds, blood work and Gonal-F injections, and all that other "fun" stuff for my upcoming IUI.
Anyway my rant is this--- of all the freaking places on the beach, did the big ole pregnant lady with the 2 bratty kids that were running around and being obnoxious REALLY have to sit in the beach chairs right next to us???

DH and I are planning a trip to California this summer to visit his family. We are going to the San Diego Zoo and the Del Mar fair. As I get excited to go I keep thinking about how hard it's going to be to enjoy myself when surrounded by kids and pregnant women and, and, and....it shouldn't be this hard!!! :nope:
I'm day 4 of clomid and i know i'm being way more emotional and frustrated then normal but today i want to kick and scream and yell and get it all out!! i want to say i'm sick of waiting and watching everyone else get babies so easy, i'm sick of the stupid comments when they know were having problems, i'm sick of the pitty that people give me! I JUST WANT TO BE NORMAL!! yes in the grand scheme of things infertility isn't the worst that could happen but it's still sucky!!
I hear ya jcr1988. DH and I canceled our California vacation. We learned that DH might need a biopsy in Seattle. As it stands we are going to a urologist next Wednesday to see if he has a varicocele. We still may have to go to Seattle. We are using vacation money to save for IVF (just in case).

I broke down and cried today....I want to be pregnant....I am tired of hearing complaints about being pregnant and having kids...I am sick of seeing parents who let their kids run wild in the store and not even look behind to make sure they are still there. Come on...why do ALL the careless, rude, inconsiderate, selfish people get to have babies and WE don't. It makes me so mad!! :cry:
Agree :( i had to be preached at the other day by someone telling me that their getting children was "far from easy" and yes, I really appreciate that a miscarriage must be awful and hard to deal with (my sister had two) but at the end of the day you still have two children, conceived naturally so I am afraid that as much as you think you do, you DO NOT have any idea what I'm going through, at all
I'm day 4 of clomid and i know i'm being way more emotional and frustrated then normal but today i want to kick and scream and yell and get it all out!! i want to say i'm sick of waiting and watching everyone else get babies so easy, i'm sick of the stupid comments when they know were having problems, i'm sick of the pitty that people give me! I JUST WANT TO BE NORMAL!! yes in the grand scheme of things infertility isn't the worst that could happen but it's still sucky!!

Infertility is the worst thing that has ever happened to me. It's a death sentence for some of us .... a slow, painful, depression educing, life sentence without the possibility of parole.

I really don't think it could get any worse than this ... at least not for me :cry:
So great news is my BFF isn't miscarrying as they thought, just the dates were messed up. However, even if I am happy for her, I am sad that things are so far not looking all that great for me, plus I would be watching her glow for many months to come (she also works with me)... Not trying to be a horrible person, or jealous, but we all have strange feelings right???? My DH is great, but he surely does not understand!
I hear ya jcr1988. DH and I canceled our California vacation. We learned that DH might need a biopsy in Seattle. As it stands we are going to a urologist next Wednesday to see if he has a varicocele. We still may have to go to Seattle. We are using vacation money to save for IVF (just in case).

I broke down and cried today....I want to be pregnant....I am tired of hearing complaints about being pregnant and having kids...I am sick of seeing parents who let their kids run wild in the store and not even look behind to make sure they are still there. Come on...why do ALL the careless, rude, inconsiderate, selfish people get to have babies and WE don't. It makes me so mad!! :cry:

that sucks that you had to cancel a vacation because of all this!! We've not planned any vacations because i'm afraid of that happening to us too. and treatments are adding up so theres not usually $$ left over for a trip.
I'm usually pretty good at holding in my tears but once they start the flood gates open and i can't stop! my poor DH will let me cry for a bit and then come and lay down next to me and rub my back and tell me that it's going to be okay, it's going to happen and were going to be great parents when it does. (he's come a LONG way from the beginning of all this!)
just take everything with a grain of salt and keep your chin up! i try and be as positive about everything as i can, it's not always easy but it helps.
Fourth clomid cycle bfn this morning. Family gathering with five children under four tomorrow. Baptism sunday. Ain't life grand?!
I'm sick of vaginal progesterone. I don't appreciate having a glue paste party in my underwear!!
Vent: people getting pregnant when they don't want to be and talking to me (even though they know i've been ltttc) about maybe termination....deciding to keep it, then whinging daily about pregnancy and telling me i really don't ever want to get pregnant, really?

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