Long Term Trying To Conceive Vent Thread

Baby season has started friends in Germany have just announced the birth of their second baby girl. Really happy for them. Another friends wife is due next month. But worst of all royal baby is due in July. Giving up hope exp us.

Nothing works for us. Taxi to take us to the train station this morning didn't show missed our train. Just had to fork out 100 quid on new tickets. Why does nothing work out for us.
Typical! I've got a herpes outbreak just as I'm due to ovulate. And this isn't the first time. I've gone years where I only have them once in a blue moon. Now that we're actively trying they're coming up more frequently around ovulation.

I've got enough going against me, I don't need my body to find new ways to sabotage my TTC as well! ](*,)
I really don't want to hear one more f'n person say, "I know so many people pregnant this month! I bet May will be your lucky month!!" -_-
Having such a rollercoaster day, I'm not sure whether to laugh/cry, be happy/sad!
Got my dissertation results back which I passed with a good mark. I sobbed with joy when I heard the news.

However, I've just recieved news that it's unlikely that I'll be able to get an appointment for co-ordination for IVF this cycle. Which means we might not get a chance at all, unless the trial we're on is willing to wait?!
To top it off, DH completely blew off my happy news about my results for the fact that he needs me to apply for a job for him because he forgot and now he's at work, despite not having any description of the job at all. How the fuck am I meant to do that?!

We're meant to be going to a show tonight and having a nice time. And I just feel angry and upset.
This is a super stupid one, why is everyone starting IVF when I have TTC longer.

I'm doing a great thing, giving half my eggs away to someone that needs them? So why haven't I been matched with a recipient yet? I've had so much rubbish luck, please can I have some good luck?! Please!!
Ahanabenson that is awful! They didn't tell the kids they were moving away with their "new family?" That is terrible. Those poor kids. They will never understand that. Why is it, that some people can have kids and others can't?? It reminds of my last co-worker who's sister had two kids with her husband and then flew away to have an affair and not even care about her daughters. WTF is wrong with people these days??

4magpies I have seen a lot of people starting IVF lately. Most of the people I have seen have been trying for quite awhile and have saved up for it. I am now finally in the realization that I will have to do IVF, but we don't have the money for it. We now have to find a clinic who will provide the IVF and bill our insurance for their 90% portion. We can maybe pay the 10%. I have a question about your egg share. Are you waiting for a surrogate?? I have heard of egg shares, but don't really know what it is.

I wish we all got our BFP's NOW!! :hugs:
No, I basically do a normal IVF cycle but give half my eggs away to someone that needs them and in return they pay for my IVF. I have tubal factor and PCOS.

I've been trying for like 5 years now, on off, 1 MC, 2 ectopics the last was in march/April.

I just want to start my IVF now. Sick of waiting. I will never ever get pregnant and stay pregnant naturally.

Hugs to you sweetheart.

I just found out that my insurance doesn't cover ANY ART procedures or meds. They will cover bloodwork and SA's and things to determine the cause but none of the actual procedures.

It will take us ages to save up enough to do IVF solely out of pocket. My heart is broken. I can't take any more bad news. :cry:
Just need to vent! BFF just announced to me today that she's most likely pregnant! Little background: they have been dating for like 6 months, she was on BC (although had a couple of delayed days), and she has 2 kids from previous marriage (10 and 9). I wish them all the best, but can't wonder... I'm waiting for the results of my first IUI!

Venting part: I have been with my DH for 12 years, no little issues can separate us, we have been through a lot together! Uhm, they have not... Wish they had a stable relationship when this happened! They fight a lot! Little things. Emotional immaturity sometimes. Not exactly financially ready either... I have been saving and saving... They are 28 and 29. Ugh.
Ok, rant time...not done this before so they've been storing up, bear with me:

1. "I'm so fed up, we've been ttc for 6 months now, it's so unfair, why is it taking soooo long?...blah, blah, blah".......try 7 years lady!.

2. "I can't believe we are having another boy, I really wanted a girl, I'm so upset"......wtf!, be grateful for what you are blessed with!.

3. "I totally understand your pain of ttc your first child as we are desperately ttc our second/third/fourth, etc child, it's just not happening, it's so unfair"......erm, no you have NO idea!, you already have a child/children.

4. "TTC our 5th child".....don't be so damn greedy!.

5. "Your poor mum, she is going to have no grandchildren at this rate, unless Gemma gets a move on".....Gemma being me. A quote from my Gran, after hearing my brother will not be having children through choice. She is well aware that we are ttc.

6. "I'm so sick of feeling like rubbish, I want this baby out"......this has been said by friends who struggled to get pregnant!....quit moaning about something you longed for!.

7. "Oh I have to tell you "Blah Blah" is pregnant again, isn't that wonderful".....something my M-I-L feels the need to tell me everytime someone she knows is pregnant and it's the first thing she tells me after walking through the door!!!!!!......I don't want to know and I don't care!!!. She is well aware of us ttc.

8. "Just relax, it'll happen when you least expect it"......what part of "I do not ovulate" did you not get?????.

9. Something that really upsets me is that one of my close friends is expecting another child and whilst I am happy for her, she has had three children in the same space of time that we have been ttc our first.....we only want one, just one, that's all we are asking.

Ok, rant time...not done this before so they've been storing up, bear with me:

1. "I'm so fed up, we've been ttc for 6 months now, it's so unfair, why is it taking soooo long?...blah, blah, blah".......try 7 years lady!.

2. "I can't believe we are having another boy, I really wanted a girl, I'm so upset"......wtf!, be grateful for what you are blessed with!.

3. "I totally understand your pain of ttc your first child as we are desperately ttc our second/third/fourth, etc child, it's just not happening, it's so unfair"......erm, no you have NO idea!, you already have a child/children.

4. "TTC our 5th child".....don't be so damn greedy!.

5. "Your poor mum, she is going to have no grandchildren at this rate, unless Gemma gets a move on".....Gemma being me. A quote from my Gran, after hearing my brother will not be having children through choice. She is well aware that we are ttc.

6. "I'm so sick of feeling like rubbish, I want this baby out"......this has been said by friends who struggled to get pregnant!....quit moaning about something you longed for!.

7. "Oh I have to tell you "Blah Blah" is pregnant again, isn't that wonderful".....something my M-I-L feels the need to tell me everytime someone she knows is pregnant and it's the first thing she tells me after walking through the door!!!!!!......I don't want to know and I don't care!!!. She is well aware of us ttc.

8. "Just relax, it'll happen when you least expect it"......what part of "I do not ovulate" did you not get?????.

9. Something that really upsets me is that one of my close friends is expecting another child and whilst I am happy for her, she has had three children in the same space of time that we have been ttc our first.....we only want one, just one, that's all we are asking.


Sending you some hugs on mobile so no little pictures.

Can relate to most.

Gran keeps asking when.. Keep saying might not happen. Just turned 38. She did point out that was getting old. But she has just turned 90 so hot to let away with some things
Anybody else utterly sick to death of people saying "it will happen when your both ready" this, usually coming from a friend that was with their partner a matter of weeks before they fell pregnant and split up a few months later! DON'T patronise me, I've been with my other half for 8 years and TTC for over 5 so PLEASE don't DARE tell me "we must not be ready" GRRRRRR!!!!
Ok, rant time...not done this before so they've been storing up, bear with me:

1. "I'm so fed up, we've been ttc for 6 months now, it's so unfair, why is it taking soooo long?...blah, blah, blah".......try 7 years lady!.

2. "I can't believe we are having another boy, I really wanted a girl, I'm so upset"......wtf!, be grateful for what you are blessed with!.

3. "I totally understand your pain of ttc your first child as we are desperately ttc our second/third/fourth, etc child, it's just not happening, it's so unfair"......erm, no you have NO idea!, you already have a child/children.

4. "TTC our 5th child".....don't be so damn greedy!.

5. "Your poor mum, she is going to have no grandchildren at this rate, unless Gemma gets a move on".....Gemma being me. A quote from my Gran, after hearing my brother will not be having children through choice. She is well aware that we are ttc.

6. "I'm so sick of feeling like rubbish, I want this baby out"......this has been said by friends who struggled to get pregnant!....quit moaning about something you longed for!.

7. "Oh I have to tell you "Blah Blah" is pregnant again, isn't that wonderful".....something my M-I-L feels the need to tell me everytime someone she knows is pregnant and it's the first thing she tells me after walking through the door!!!!!!......I don't want to know and I don't care!!!. She is well aware of us ttc.

8. "Just relax, it'll happen when you least expect it"......what part of "I do not ovulate" did you not get?????.

9. Something that really upsets me is that one of my close friends is expecting another child and whilst I am happy for her, she has had three children in the same space of time that we have been ttc our first.....we only want one, just one, that's all we are asking.


Thank you for this! I can relate to all of this and you have literally said exactly what I feel like screaming everyday!!!! Although its awful we are all in this situation its a comfort to know we're not alone in this because (as I'm sure you know) LTTC can be 1 hell of a lonely place xx
I seem to be having a lot of people telling me we are pursuing tests / IVF too soon and if we just RELAXED about it it would happen! Or that dont I know that everyone who tries IVF goes on to have natural conception after anyway?! Kind of missing the point that as far as we know DH cannot ever have kids and prob not even through IVF so think they should wind their necks in as no, its not me over reacting!!!
ugh I HATE being told to "relax" how the F is that going to improve DH' sperm count???? or make me ovulate......:shrug:
I seem to be having a lot of people telling me we are pursuing tests / IVF too soon and if we just RELAXED about it it would happen! Or that dont I know that everyone who tries IVF goes on to have natural conception after anyway?! Kind of missing the point that as far as we know DH cannot ever have kids and prob not even through IVF so think they should wind their necks in as no, its not me over reacting!!!

I HATE this too, I can never understand why people who have had children with no fertility problems think they can give you advice on how to concieve! It makes me want to scream! Do they not understand that they are NOT doctors, have NO experience with fertility problems and if the 'advice' they gave was that easy we wouldn't be in our current situation! They need to realise having a child with no problems does NOT make them experts in infertility!!! Xx
Agree with all of you, ladies! That relax thing gets me so bad. Like yeah, I have been off BC for five years, two actively trying, DH has a low desire, me blocked tube, on and off weak late ovulation, hypothyroid, funny shaped/tilted uterus etc. low progesterone. list keeps going... I am always like: yes, for normal people, we are way beyond that due to MANY issues and are in the hands of a doctor now! lol. Or - If it's not meant to be, it's not meant to be (by God or whatever)... And why the heck am I paying for all the preggies while my expensive insurance won't chip in for me?? I have defects, and it surely isn't cosmetic and medically unnecessary, my cycles are wacky and that's not normal. WTH.

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