Woah I missed a lot of posts!!!
Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday!!!!
Can't wait to compare photos! Lol
Ill like both your pages in the morning
not gonna lie, I can't be bothered right now haha!
Pregnancy symptom ...?!? LOL
Can't believe tomorrow is day 28! Eek!! Witch stay away please!!!
Going out all day to my best friends with Douglas (we gave birth on the same day even though our due dates were 8 days apart) Douglas is 2 hours older! she had a little girl called Evelyn. They will get married one day, they simply must haha!
Will it be tempting fate if I don't take any tampons or pads??
I don't feel like I'm going to come on!! Haha! We shall see........
Mel hope you get some answers soon, must be so frustrating!
Anyways, i could blabber all night but need to catch some Z's as its getting late here! night ladies!! Here's to kicking aunt flows butt over the next week! And hopefully next 9 months