Lindsay I totally get what your saying, I just find it hard to trust in him when he has taken so many lives before they got to breathe for themselves. Two friends have both lost babies, one 4days before her due date and the other at 7months. I find it difficult to understand his reasoning for this. I can't even begin to imagine what these ladies and their families are going through daily. My friend who lost full term visits her boys grave every night, she puts her little boy to bed. I have to stop typing now as it upsets me too much to think about it, selfish but I can't cope with it
Because we weren't trying but weren't the world is obviously coming to an end and we won't have enough money to live off of. (He exaggerates)
I'm counting it as a blessing and will cherish every moment from today on
MsB, your husband needs to settle down! The two of you created life! My fiance and I are both college students. We have no money, but we wanted a baby and it looks like we just might be having a baby. Just tell him to relax and enjoy it. I hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy!
MsB... I feel like I'm in a similar boat as ur hubby, but with education... For some reason, I don't have fear as far as having a baby, but that may be cuz it hasn't happened yet.
Continue to pray for your husband. He needs it now.
Helloooo for goodness sake im having reverse tiresness now.... I cant sleep! Also someone said about nips being sore just to add to the nip convo mine were itchy hahahaha watch out for them nips theyll get ya
My weekend would be better if i'd have gotten a BFP!!
Took Oscar to a local house farm today with my mum, niece and 7yo cousin then had KFC! Then Simon paid for me to do an online course to become a CBT!!!!!!! exciting muchly!! cant wait to get started on it
Today we're stopping in, its pee'ing it down outside so simon's nipping out to pick up some bits of shopping, bit of cleaning, washing etc and some baking i think
Check out how rubbish my chart is!! haha certainly not that of a pregnant woman!!!!!!!!!!!! Onto the next cycle it is for us! Come on AF lets get it over and done with so we can start afresh!
Eeekkks one of my bnb ladies got her bfp at CD23!!!!! She had an ectopic a few years back then it took her about 3yrs to conceive her alex who is now 5months and it looks like number 2 is on the way!!! So flippin happy for her
Laura I'm studying psychology right now! I graduate in December with my bachelors! I'm still trying to decide exactly what I wanna do but I may do therapy! I'm trying to find an online masters program because it was a pain in the butt traveling almost hour for classes every day. I'm slowly making my way in the field but I think you would totally enjoy it! It's so refreshing helping people =)
I did a year at uni studying psychology when i was 18 but something happened at the start of my second year, dunno what lol but depression hit and i had to leave. I feel now is the right time to start doing something for myself again.
I started out in accounting and I hated it so I fell back on my second plan to psychology and I love it! So happy I did it. I'm working for an adoption/foster care agency right now to get some experience.
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