Looking for a buddy due 2nd jan 2012

I'm 5 weeks today too :happydance: My cramps are getting worse, but not like AF cramps so I'm not worried. More like I did a load of sit ups.

I got the cutest Pregnancy Journal yesterday - it's got loads of lists of what you need, how you feel, space for scan pics etc. I love it.

Phoning the GP tomorrow for the results of my second test and hopefully I can book in an appointment with the midwife!
I'm pretty tired too, and nauseous. Not throwing up, just can't stomach eating much at all. So, that means I'm also HUNGRY!! I'm grumpy when I'm hungry. :(
Some cramping..... Cuuuuh-rayzzzy dreams too! Everything from nightmares to sex dreams to weird dreams that are so bizarre I'll never tell anyone about them.
Bad news girls-- jogged for 30 mins today.... Still feel gross and nauseous. There goes my Pollyanna-just-get-exercise-and-all-your-troubles-will-melt-away theory!

And Ginger-ale...??? Who the H made up that lie?? Smelling the Ginger in it makes me feel worse!
Cheers to our 5-week appleseeds!
Ginger..ughhhh. Tried that last time, and hated it. Doubt it will help me this time. Tho ginger snaps sound good lol
Mmmmm... they do!
I couldn't touch food hardly at all at lunch time today, but then after the gym I SNARFED Subway for dinner and it all tasted soooooo good!! Funny how it's different at different times of the day.

Diet coke is tasting less and less good... probably a good thing. The stuff is poison in a bottle. Why do I even drink it??:wacko:
Rang my fertility clinic this morn as after bd'ing last night the pains started again, couldnt of been more helpful! They rang epu for me and made me a appointment for next wk when il be 6 weeks (apparantly they wont do it before) to have a look and see what it may be, she thinks because I got caught so soon after the ovarian drilling my ovaries might just be working overtime and still recovering but said it would give me peace of mind although not to panic if they dont see what they want to see.

Told me to pop in after the scan to let them know and go from there, anything I need to just ring.

How lovely! Feel really lucky to have support from there at the mo x
that's so great, Torilou! It's wonderful when you have a support system like that. Seems unheard of these days, sadly. Hope all is well..as I'm sure it is :) :hugs:

I've called my OB today..they're supposed to call me back with an appointment date..only after checking my blood results to see how far I am. I could just tell them..I hate how they assume I know nothing about pregnancy.
Torilou- my RE is really good too. so glad yours is too. I go in for a 6 week scan as well (they usually do a 5+2ish scan but I asked to wait bc I don't want to go in and not find anything and not know if it is OK or not). you go on Monday then right? me too. so excited and nervous. i know i will be a lot more relaxed once we know it is not ectopic (I Oed on my left side which is the same side my ectopic was in Jan). only have 3.5 more work days until the scan (weekends go fast but work days go SLOW!)

i don't feel pregnant now. all my ms left on saturday.:nope: just have sore boobs and cramps on and off but either of those things i could get from the progesterone (although my boobs are more sore than normal with just progesterone)

how is everyone else doing
My ms seems gone today too.... I'm trying not to overanalyze. Yeah right...
Bbs are more sore though.... That's good right?

I think I may beg for a scan earlier than 8 weeks... I can't stand waiting.... I just need something to reassure me.

Going cuh-razzzyyyy, girls!!
Hi all, well have bot long woke from a 2 hour nap! Todays the first day ive struggled with, could of screamed when the alarm went off this morn, barely got a wink of sleep as boobs kept waking me up lol, felt queasy all day on and off which seems to give me that permanant funny tasting mouth, blugghh

All a small price to pay so will grin and bear it, or rather hubby will hehe x
It's been my first day back at work since properly knowing I'm pregnant and having any symptoms. Its been hard work due to the tiredness but not so bad as I thought it would be. My work days are always really busy so they go very quckly. Could have easily had a nap when I got home but trying to sit it out for a bit longer and have an early night instead.

My boobs have been getting gradually more painful, everytime I turned over last night they were agony and woke me up. They seem to be better in the day when supported by a bra. They also already seem to be bigger i.e. starting to spill out of my bra!! Surely at 5 weeks they can't have grown that much?!?!

You guys are so lucky being able to have an early scan. I found out the other day that my local hospital is not doing first scans until 16 weeks at the moment!!!!!! All you get before is an appointment with a midwife at 9 weeks!! National health is so rubbish! There's no way I can wait until 16 weeks to know my baby's all ok so we're going to have to invest in a private one. We haven't decided exactly when we want it yet, perhaps 10 or 11 weeks.
16 weeks??? That's insane! They should be doing scans by 12 or 13 weeks to measure the nuchal fold n stuff :( So annoying. I hope you get a private one.

I'm so lucky, I get a scan every month at my doc! That is, until I move back home.
Ooooh bummer. 16 weeks s crazy.
Suddenly, tonight, I take off my bra and immediately realize my boobs are lumpy!! I know that's 'normal', but it's not usually a symptom I get until I'm nursing! Weird.
Doc ordered another hcg draw tomorrow and progesterone check. Fx'd!
Fx'd hun..I'm sure all is fine! :D

I hate having to wait till June 1st to see my doc!
Having to wait such a long time is brutal. I forget how lucky I am.
I had my blood re-drawn today, 3565 hcg... it has slowed but is still doubling every 2 days according to the calculator... at first it was doubling every 1.5 days... do you think that's ok? Is it normal for it to slow down?
They don't have my progesterone results yet.

HOLY COW I AM SO TIRED!!!:sleep: This is the first day this has hit me... and it's a day that I KNOW I got enough sleep -- I usually wake up at 5-5:30 to go to the gym, and today I let myself sleep until 7:30... I got 8.5-9 hrs... but I cannot function!! Uggggghhhh....
Well I had my first Drs appointment today to advise him I am pregnant. He gave me some advice on what I can and cannot eat/take ect and recalcualted my due date. (back by 2 days!!) Nothing else though. No blood tests, didn't even check my blood pressure.

Have to wait until I am 8-9 weeks before I'll get my first midwife appointment at which time they'll take my medical history. Don't even know if blood is taken then! No idea what my hcg's doing! I did take another digi test this morning and it now said 2- 3 weeks so it is increasing but no idea if doubling like it should be!!

Oh well, I guess you get what you get over here. Just need to stay calm and try and enjoy being pregnant and not worry about the unknown!
Hi guys

Hope everyone is well, Lauraemily, I dont know anyone personally that has ever had their hcg done so try not to worry to much as ive never ever had that test in any of my pregnancys, I think it can cause more worry myself xxx


I know what you mean about tiredness!! I cant believe how drained I feel at the moment and I know its such early days yet and will get much worse lol

Dilema I have now is I have a bump! Yes its more likely bloating but being a uk size 6 (so quite small) its totally visible!! Hubby has just informed me im not going to be able to keep that hidden much longer, everywhere I go im sticking my hands in my pockets trying to pull my top away from me as so paranoid someone is going to notice and its far too early to announce yet, Im liking the cooler weather just so I can cover up more, do you think if we reach the 20's that anyone will notice if Im wearing a hoody! lol

Ah well I guess il look forward to the back ache from walking trying to arch my stomach in lol

Hope everyone else is well xxx
lauraemily- that is totally common in the US too. they don't normally do early scans or hCGs UNLESS you are a infertility patient or have multiple miscarriages. hCG's can cause a lot of stress, just like torillou says. it is great you will get a scan at 8/9 weeks, normally here i think the first one is around 12 weeks unless there is an indication something is wrong.

torilou- omg a bump already! WOW! i wouldn't want people to know either (espically at work).......

man, i am totally tired too but can't fall asleep. anyone have that problem? i think it helped last night that i wore a sports bra to bed (i think my boobs are so sore it is hard to fall asleep). and i am so anxious about the upcoming scan. i can't wait until monday so i can just relax (as much as possible, lol).

how is everyone?
Hi Hopeful

Yep a bump, although I am aware its bloat! lol, what time is your scan on monday hun? Looking forward to mine but scared at the same time xx
K-- progesterone is 23 ... that's good. Granted, that's *while* taking prometrium, but still that's good.

True, it's not standard to take hcg numbers, etc... in most pregnancies in the U.S. unless they suspect (or you have a history of) problems.

Lucky getting a 6 week scan! Doc doesn't want to do mine until 8 weeks so as not to freak me out. I may resort to begging :blush:

Anyone barfing? :sick: No barfing here, just queasy and weaker than usual. I felt like jelly working out today. I need to find a new 'fuel' before workouts that will be sufficient... maybe my blood-sugar is changing or something? I dunno...:shrug: I usually eat a luna-bar beforehand... maybe I need to add a banana?

Anyone else feeling weak or lightheaded?

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