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Well I took a few days to my self I think the stress made my cycle a bit longer. It was due on the Tues the 10th but didn't show up till friday the 13th. So I had the length was 28 days this cycle. Was a bit rough cause I got really hopefully then bam it came.

I hope everyone else is doing well!!
Just wanted to see how everyone is doing? How the start of the Month of Love is going. lol DH keeps asking me what I want for V.day and I have no idea! I'm not one for big fancy things anymore. I don't really like getting all dressed up and eating out I did that almost my whole life growing up. Last year we had Chinese which was pretty awesome maybe i'll see if we can't make it a tradition....

Anyways. Been super relaxed this month about ttc. We joked about names, discussed how things would go when that time happens, talked about how our family would react.

So over all this cycle has been the most laid back and super easy cycle. Hopefully af doesn't take all that long to show up like it did last month.

Weird how before it was praying it wont show up now im just kind of like, okay af is going to show up and OKAY with it.

Hope everyone is doing well!!!
Aww I know sometimes you just think well if AF is going to come I at least wanna be regular or it to show up so it can mean something and help you to track! Theres nothing worse when it doesnt and you think what if and get your hopes up!
Hope ur all well!
Not sure if we are doing anyhting for Valentines day!
Imstruggling to cope keep trying I get upset over the slightest thing and I dont think men quite understand how hard it is!
Everywhere I look everyone seems pregnant!
Lots of baby dust take care hows all of your cycles going?
I just feel like theres something wrong and its never going to happen!
Some men try to understand, its just not as hard for them some it is. They feel its their fault that something is wrong with them. And others dont. My DH is on and off about it. He tries to understand but at the same time He's looking at it as I'm only 23 and have some time. But sometimes he gets upset too and says he think it might be his fault from his rocky past he might of done something who knows we both have had some tough times in our lives.

And yes! Everyone seems pregnant I hate this time of year from now till like spring more pregnant women keep popping up. Which I'm happy for them its just rough to see it sometimes when you want that to be you.

This cycle is pretty okay. Nothing new nothing changed.

And I feel the same way too but I think that just might be my issue. That I don't feel like its going to happen and thats whats really keeping me from reaching my goal. But then again I don't know. I've come to find out there might be a few things I'd like to try before I get pregnant and have a kid that I wont be able to do once that happens.

Also!! We talked about names for like the first time serious together normally we joke about it but he kind of wants a name with background too it. Something out of history so far his choices is William Wallace and Leonidas along with some Celtic Gods names.

I want something more classic and timeless. Like if I had a girl I'd probably lean towards Elizabeth Marie Grace.
Yeah I think ur right sometimes men just don't get it n its harder for women being their bodies I think that has to deal with the whole pregnancy!
Aww nice names!
I suppose I'm just worried incase something is wrong and its not going to happen?!
Baby dust!
I think the worrying gets worse the longer you're TTC. Mine has edge off some, im not as worried as I was before, because we talked about what we wanted to do in a couple of years and how things will play out so for now its relaxing but I'm sure once summer arrives and if im still in the ttc phase I will probably be a bit more worried about it.
Hi ladies! Sorry I've been so MIA but sometimes its easier to forget....you know what I mean. Things have been going really well here, except for dealing DH's ongoing health concerns. He's had a sonogram (never thought he'd have one before me!), a CT scan, and most recently an endoscopy. Basically they'll looking at a cyst that's on his pancreas, and we're currently waiting for the latest results. I've held off on scheduling the FS meeting bc of everything and now bc they have him on antibiotics (standard after endoscopy) which can affect sperm count. Mostly I hope that the results doesn't show anything horrible (ie: the 'C' word!!)

Today is my birthday! I'm also ovulating, which is a wonderful coincidence. I told DH, and he said it made him feel pressured, but we've BD'ed more in the past week than we have in a long time! How great would it be to get a BFP from birthday sex?! My optimism says, "Yay! This might finally be your time!" but my realism says, "Start planning on a summer IUI..." At least I'm pretty confident that my MIL will help pay off FS fees.

I wish I could be more supportive, but it's hard right now. Just know that I hope you ladies are doing well, and I'm still hopeful that it'll happen for one of us soon! Good luck and baby dust!!!
It's alright, this sight does tend to make things a bit more stressful, I normally just come on here to update this and only this, I can't take it when I start to read others.

I pray it isn't the c word that is such a rough thing for anyone to go through. Hopefully everything turns out alright!!!!

Happy Birthday!!!!

I get what you're saying about OV on your birthday that happened to me in December I was like, What an awesome gift!! But part of me knew not to get my hopes up.

So take all the time you need and relax and just focus on your DH and finding out everything you can!!!

Keep us updated once in awhile!!!

Gl and Baby Dust!!
Happy Birthday!
Hope you had a good one!
Hope your OH is okay! That must be hard and worrying!
Keep us posted when you can!
I know sometimes it can stress you out but its nice being able to have people to chat to now and again for support as sometimes people you know dont realy understand?!
Baby Dust!
So, YAY! Good news! They decided the cyst is benign and nothing to worry about right now! They're planning on regular check-ups to watch it in case anything changes, but life can resume normality.

That being said, we are in the 2ww, 5dpo....but I expect nothing. Because of everything else going on I hadn't set up the appt with the FS, but I hope to next week. The frustrating thing is DH's attempt to bring humor to the situation. I mean, I appreciate a little levity when things are hard, but constant jokes that 'we'll never have kids bc my balls don't work!' just aren't that funny for me. I told him so the other day, and he apologized because we haven't done a count yet, but it's like he's giving up, or wants to introduce the idea of giving up so it won't seem so hard later on. I know he's frustrated and just doesn't talk about it, or he's afraid of disappointing me somehow, but mocking the situation just doesn't help.

Seems we've all been a little MIA lately. How are you guys doing? Trying anything new?
Glad to hear about your DH!!!

DH use to make jokes about him being the reason we aren't pregnant yet either and it doesn't help anything. I can understand trying to make light of a rough time going on and such but sometimes it just goes a bit too far.

I got a cold again but then again so does everyone else around so blah.

Not trying anything new still just BD when we want too nice and relaxed to start the year off.

DH already got me some perfumes for Valentines day along with a few other things. He still has one gift thats hiding at work.

I'm in the end of the TWW AF was due Weds. And hasn't shown up yet most likely see it tomorrow or Sunday.

Been focusing on getting rid of this cold I've had since Weds lol

GL and Babydust
Hope ur both okay? Yeah the things people can say can really get to you! I think men just don't understand or see it the same way as we do! My oh says it might be him but I think its me as I'm so irregular but then he's like it takes time but I think if it comes to testing he won't be so keen!
Sending lots of baby dust!
Gonna see if mine shows up this week!
Then maybe try dr again but another one this time!
I just feel so useless!
Take care!
Sorry to hear about your cold! Thankfully I hardly ever get sick bc I'm getting so sick of dr's visits! We didn't have health insurance for a while, so now that we do we need to catch up on everything (dentist, vaccinations, new glasses, etc.).

It's so hard to just take it the casual way. I mean, once I know my body's schedule it's hard to pretend I don't know when is best to bd. At least we've been bd'ing more lately though! That's a good thing regardless of ttc!

I think I might be getting flowers for valentines, but only bc I've been complaining lately about never getting any! Generally speaking DH isn't into valentines and romance too much, which is fine bc I'm not either. We're more romantic on a random day when the mood strikes. Sometimes when I try to say what I want as a gift he just tells me to buy it, but it's really just not the same. At least he's a good gift giver when he bothers!

I hope everyone's having a good weekend!
I don't have a doctor nor do I have insurance. I use to have one back where I use to live but haven't found a new one yet. I'm very picky and just overall paranoid of doctors I guess from spending a lot of my time in them growing up. I'm allergic to A LOT of stuff lol.

We're not romantic either, but DH does do a few things here and there that are just the sweetest. He couldn't wait till Valentines to give me the main gift. Which I knew it wouldn't be a whole lot, he had to pay his car payment and stuff, we just got a jeep a few months ago, But he got me a box of one of my favorite chocolates! He was so cute about, he felt bad it wasn't much nor did it top last year but I loved it just as much!

I'm writing him a Haiku Poem. Kind of cute kind of funny with some nicknames we toss back at each other.

Sunshine of my days;
Titty-baby I adore;
Forever my world.

Yeah its hard to be casual about it, but I just needed to be It was getting to me emotionally so bad that I just wanted to stop trying all together.
Last month AF was about 2 days late so it made my cycle 28 instead of the avg 26 but I think it had to do with so much stress and my uncle and just everything over all.

So LMP was Jan 13, I OV at the end of Jan so says my calendar, AF was due Feb 8th but instead of my period I woke up with a cold and AF is still a now show but I keep telling myself its going to show up.
Well ive been back to Drs but saw my old Dr this time and I got blood tests to check my hormones so just waiting on the results now!
Thank you I'm trying not to altho I just wanna know? Just my hormones getting tested I think so at least ill know eitherways its a start! Hope ur all well!
So I'm now 7 days late I took a test sunday I think was a bfn gonna pick up more today. Wondering if I should do a fmu

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