Hi ladies glad to hear everyone is starting to get back to some form of normal.
Lesonde, love the 'that's not helpful right now' comment you use with your husband. Great way of letting them no its not the time without getting too personal or angry, might try that one myself. I hope you are feeling OK with the arrival of a new cycle, are you going to try this cycle? Did the genetic results come in yet? (If you don't mind me asking)
MrsFruitie, hope the bleeding has stopped for you now. Blah seems to go on forever! I think I bled for around two weeks after passing everything, may have spotted on and off a bit longer but I already don't remember exactly. It sucks though, definitely a constant reminder! Good luck with your return to work xx
Ladystardust, glad to hear you are getting there despite the ups and downs. Yes the nostril comment is quite finny in hindsight, not so much at the time haha we have had a few laughs about it since. Hope ovulation happens for you soon.
AFM, not a lot going on, been busy with friends, family and work. We had friends over Saturday night and when I saw she wasn't drinking I felt so anxious that they were pregnant, the relief I felt when she finally cracked a beer was crazy, made me realize I really do want another baby soon... Still waiting on AF, its only been 5 weeks since we found out our babe had passed and s little over 4 since all the tissue passed but only 2.5 since I stopped bleeding so anyone's guess where that would put me. How has it only been that long?
Sorry if I missed anything. Hope you are all doing OK. Xx